I've been saying this all along

Discussion in 'Medical Advice' started by Nauseous, Oct 12, 2007.

  1. DarkShadow-X

    DarkShadow-X New Member

    Paranoid: Low
    Schizoid: Moderate
    Schizotypal: Moderate
    Antisocial: Low
    Borderline: Low
    Histrionic: Moderate
    Narcissistic: Low
    Avoidant: High
    Dependent: High
    Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate
  2. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    How can you be avoidant and dependant? That seems like an oxymoron to me.
  3. Fernando

    Fernando Member

    Paranoid: Low
    Schizoid: Moderate
    Schizotypal: High
    Antisocial: Low
    Borderline: Low
    Histrionic: Low
    Narcissistic: Low
    Avoidant: Low
    Dependent: Low
    Obsessive-Compulsive: Low

    That's me in a nut shell.
  4. JustB

    JustB New Member

    Bless you Fernando.

    Schizotypals are good people.
  5. Fernando

    Fernando Member

    What? I'm not an asshole or anything.
  6. DarkShadow-X

    DarkShadow-X New Member

    good question, I might have answered some things that were contradictory.
  7. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I did that too.
  8. Bluelola

    Bluelola New Member

    Paranoid: Low
    Schizoid: Low
    Schizotypal: Moderate
    Antisocial: Low
    Borderline: Moderate
    Histrionic: Low
    Narcissistic: Moderate
    Avoidant: Moderate
    Dependent: Moderate
    Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate
  9. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I guess my theory was wrong. Maybe only a few of us are "crazy".
  10. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    And then this one crazy asshole calling up at all hours of the night yelling at the staff asking them if they'd been drinking... Yeah, I remember that night... kinda...
  11. Bluelola

    Bluelola New Member

    I'm totally sane.

    I wouldn't take that "test" very seriously, though, because I am extremely OCD, and not in an internet-diagnosis way. If it's that far off with that, who knows how accurate it is with anything else!
  12. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Ditto on the OCD. Not like washing my hands a hundred times a day, but when we put the tile down in the kitchen it had to be perfect, and symetrical(SP?) or I would go crazy trying to fix it. I think I get that from my grandfather, he had a room in his house that had paneling, and if it wasnt for the trim around the doors you would think you were in a wooden box. It was that perfect. Not to mention the 'hidden' closet he had in the dining room. It matched perfect. If you didnt see anyone open it, you would never know it was there. Of course that may have been some of my grandmothers doing too, growing up in Nazi Germany you had to be pretty creative when hiding your goods from the third reich. When she got a little alzheimers we had to go through her closet cause she was hiding money and jewelry in the cuffs of her clothes.
  13. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Disorder | Rating
    Paranoid: Low
    Schizoid: Low
    Schizotypal: Low
    Antisocial: Low
    Borderline: Low
    Histrionic: Low
    Narcissistic: Moderate
    Avoidant: Low
    Dependent: Low
    Obsessive-Compulsive: Low

    If you think I'm boring, it's your fault.
  14. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I noticed the resident dr. hasnt done this yet. Of course he would probably lie to make himself look normal.....

  15. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    That's why I put crazy in "".

    I have been OCD since I was a kid. I had to do rituals every night for fear that "something bad would happen" if I didn't. Everything had to be done in a certain order and it took about an hour each night. I did stuff like flipping the lights on and off a certain number of times playing certain songs and flipping through a photo album in a particular order. And throughout the day I had to do stuff to keep everyone "safe".

    In school, I wouldn't throw my trash away. I would keep it until I got home because I didn't want my trash mixing with the kids at school's trash. So on a fieldtrip, when we had to brownbag it, I would smash my trash as small as I could get it and stick it in the waistband of my pants until I got home. It's cracking me up now, but I'm not making this up. I would sit on paper so I didn't have to sit in someone else's butt germs. I got made fun of for it even by the teacher and I didn't fucking care. I'm still like that. I have to change my clothes when I get home because I feel "contaminated". I can't imagine going somewhere and then coming home and sitting on my bed without showering and changing my clothes first. It makes me cringe to think about it.

    I won't even go into the paranoia. That would take up a page and Jefe would get pissed and tell me to quit being nuts.
  16. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    I suppose a post coital cuddle is out of the question.
  17. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Not certian what that means but I have my ideas.

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