Israel Spies on America

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by ucicare, Dec 31, 2004.

  1. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Here's a little food for thought...

    The Coming Israeli Attack on Iran, and its Consequences: Pearl Harbor Redux

    Or, How George Bush will Institute the Military Draft, in spite of his campaign promises, and have the support of the American people for it: By provoking Iran to attack the USA first. And how this might destroy the world.

    by Harry Brunser

    "The powerful Neocons in the United States are NOT dumb. I can testify for the American public that they are ... superbly devious, and totally without ethics or morals. They have one supreme goal, the expansion of Israel, and this end justifies any and all means, including mass murder. Because of this blinding obsession, one thing besides a conscience is sorely lacking in their mental makeup: imagination.

    What in fact will happen is this: Israel will attack the Iranian nuclear sites, with the USA permitting overflight of Iraq for that purpose. Iran will retaliate – but not against Israel – it will attack the ships and armed forces of the United States in the region.

    Just like Japan did at Pearl Harbor."

    "Oil will cease to flow from Saudi Arabia, Bahrein, Kuwait, Iraq, the UAE, and Iran itself, almost half of the world’s supply. Oil will rise to $100 a barrel within three days, to $200 a barrel within a week, to $300 a barrel within two weeks. Oil at the pump will be $15 a gallon in the US, $30 a gallon in Europe. The economies of the world will begin to collapse under this burden..... the midst of the deaths in Iraq of thousands of our sons and daughters, and a severe gasoline shortage, all commerce and industry in the United States, all water and sewage pumping, all electric trains, all food shipment from California to points east, all food refrigeration, all heating, lighting or air conditioning, all offices and computers, all banking, all ATM machines, all check clearing, (both domestic and international,) all bank vaults on time clocks, all home appliances, all Internet access, all home television reception, all newspaper presses, all air traffic controls, airport luggage facilities and air travel, would grind to a halt for 2-6 weeks ... The basics - food and water, cash money, flashlight batteries and candles - would begin to run out. Imagine the habitability of American cities after two weeks without water, food, money, light or sewage services. Riots, murders and vigilantism would run rampant. The cost to the US economy would easily be $2-5 trillion.

    .... a run will start on the dollar, and the exchange value of the dollar will collapse. Americans will no longer be able to afford the goods produced in foreign countries, and will have to do without the abundance we have become used to. We have no substitutes, since corporate greed has ensured that today in the USA, we manufacture almost nothing ourselves. Factories from Beijing to Brussels, from Helsinki to Honshu, will close, and several hundreds of millions of people will be out of work. The world economy will plunge into a crippling depression. Nations will be unable to afford drugs, fuel and food, to keep their vast cities of 20-30 million souls, such as Calcutta, Cairo and Lagos, functioning. Millions will begin to die of disease, famine, and urban unrest. Local insurrections and wars will begin to break out as people struggle to survive."
  2. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I am officially on vaction this week (holiday to you in the UK). I refuse to get in a twit about anything.

    (offers Nursey an olive branch of peace for the rest of the week)

    In reference to the two posts above.

    1. I think the first one may have some truth to it. It would not surprise me if Israel used a "false flag" to carry out it's agenda. The US would probably do the same thing if it felt the means justified the end. I am not saying that it is right to do that, I am just acknowledging that this is may be based in reality, unlike some (not all) of the other things Nursey has posted recently. The fact that the article is "exclusive" to the American Free Press does not help it's credibility.

    2. As far as the second post - I think it is speculative and reeks of the "chicken little syndrome". America has always shown an ability to adjust, and I expect it would do so again, rather than collapse into anarchy, if the events occur as predicted.

    As far as the Neocons go, maybe there is truth to that part. The article states that the Neocons primary goal is the expansion of Israel at any cost. It also states that the Neocons are smart.

    Loves Israel, really smart....Heck, maybe I am a Neocon after all.

  3. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    The same thought crossed my mind after reading this comment of yours...

    Have you read anything about Leo Strauss yet?

    MEDICVET New Member

    I believe in UFO's too and what's wrong with 'new age religion'? ;)
  5. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    First, let me humbly apologize you or anyone else is offended by my reference to the New Age Movement. I am critical of it from my own experiences, but I do not want to belittle anyone elses beliefs.

    A part of my youthful ventures into occultism were via the New Age Movement. I later found it to be a huge deception at best, and a dangerous thing at worst. I just hate to see nice people being deceived by it's trappings.

    If you want to know specifically what I find deceptive, I will be glad to expound. I do not want to argue religion, however. Anything I post will clearly be my OPINION, not something that I state as dogmatic fact.

  6. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    First, let me humbly apologize you or anyone else is offended by my reference to the New Age Movement. I am critical of it from my own experiences, but I do not want to belittle anyone elses beliefs.

    A part of my youthful ventures into occultism were via the New Age Movement. I later found it to be a huge deception at best, and a dangerous thing at worst. I just hate to see nice people being deceived by it's trappings.

    If you want to know specifically what I find deceptive, I will be glad to expound. I do not want to argue religion, however. Anything I post will clearly be my OPINION, not something that I state as dogmatic fact.

  7. Schmed

    Schmed New Member


    Aww C'mon Barry, we do that so well too.... :wink:

    I think what gets some of these red necked *ahem* blooded I mean blooded Mericans is this Nursey, they don't understand that you are bashing our shit ridden evil government and not (most the time) the blue-collared citizens of this fine nation. Perhaps I am wrong, but tis what I think. PS Check your PMs you twat!!!
  8. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Israel 'sorry' over weapons sales

    Tsk. :oops:
  9. Robman97

    Robman97 Member

    Damn them, always trying to make a buck aren't they.
  10. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Now, it's understandable for us (myself included) to instantly react negatively to such a story, but i think we should get this in perspective before we all start mouthing off. Let's imagine how a certain 'voice of reason' would view such an act, if he were still alive...

    [Barry]Nobody in the US cares if Israel sells arms to their enemy for the same reason an overweight, heart-attack prone husband really doesn't care if his wife sells an electronic device to jam his pacemaker to the guy across the road who wants him dead . The husband might be annoyed, but it no big deal. After all, they are married, he supports her decision to earn a little pocket-money to splash out on some new clothes.[/Barry]

    See? It doesn't seem nearly so reprehensible, when you look at it like that, i does it? :|
  11. Robman97

    Robman97 Member

    Think you can make the whole Iran-Cntra thing make sense like that? That would put my mind at ease.

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