Is there any doubt now?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Joeslogic, Jun 30, 2009.

  1. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Look who is the conspiracy theorist here. If the local women rotary club were do get their heads and funds together they could easily arrange for the assassination of Fidel Castro. :biggrin:

    You need some sleep there Cheesy your getting as bad as Smurf. Sabatage his sugar plants! :p
  2. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  3. bigpappadiaz

    bigpappadiaz Member

    You still, but I'm one too we just have different ideas of what strings are being pulled where and what the end-game is. You think there's some conspiracy to crumble the US from the inside, probably with Obama at the center of it all? I guess you took the bait on that one. If anybody is pulling the strings you won't see them on TV. They aren't trying to take credit for what's happening but they are trying to lead the world in a certain direction. Where that is we can only wait and see.

    If you find yourself in any major group, pointing fingers then the chances are that you fell for the smoke and mirrors. Whether you are a die-hard Obama supporter or dead-set against him, you fell for it. YOU fell for it, Joe. This isn't about Democratics vs Republicans or Left vs Right or Christians vs Muslims, there's something bigger going on here and remember my words when things really begin to go south.
  4. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    Are you retarded, Joe? You really have no business posting about politics if you have no idea about the assassination attempts on Castro. They aren't theories.... they're facts! Go to wikipedia, a history book... or ask your parents you moron!

    They were 638 attempts on his life! Thats 637 more than Reagan, JFK, Robert Kennedy or Martin Luther King had! Apparently the old lady's rotary club must've blown their shot as well.
  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Fair enough Smurf

    Look I just think the media is extreme Liberal. I think most of the population is stupid and that includes the right wingers also but they are more intellectually advanced at least. If you believe their is a group trying to influence or manipulate the winds of change in the world and in doing so not using the media and or easily controlled politicians then your are the gullible one.

    Right or wrong?
  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  7. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    Yes, the media is mostly liberal. But there are conservative media outlets as well. I remember a time back around September of 2001... when it seemed like every media source went conservative. Those who took liberal views were persecuted (Hello Dixie Chicks) and everyone was behind the president. After fucking things up in his second term, the media turned on him like pitbulls. Suddenly liberal media was IN... Conservative OUT.

    I am proud to be a libertarian... although I will never register to vote as one. This does not mean I am a liberal.... because I am not. I believe in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence... and I don't take people trying to change these kindly. Conservatives trying to pass an AMENDMENT to ban gay marriage? WHO GIVES A SHIT IF SOME DUDE BLOWS HIS BUDDY! For 550 or not! While we are fighting two wars... THIS is their priority?!? California banned gay marriage... it was their votes and their right to do so. If the gays don't like it... go to MA and get married. I am against the ban.... but I am for majority rule. Gays have the right to be just as miserable as heterosexuals.

    As for influence.. Politicians are only loyal to those who finance their campaigns. I remember a dorky ass conservative (whom I trusted so much in 2001) allowing fuel prices to go over 4 dollars a gallon in 2008. The oil man? NOOOO couldn't be him. The same guy who bankrupted every company he ever ran.... and apperently every country he ran too.
  8. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    That "Dorky Ass Republican" had the cheapest gas prices in the world for a not oil producing country.

    And why is America a non oil producing country?

    The Scariest Jobs Chart Ever

    Henry Blodget|Jul. 3, 2009, 9:48 AM|comment25
    Tags: Economy, Debt

    The chart below, from Calculated Risk, shows the percentage decline in jobs from peak employment in all the recessions since World War 2.

    We still haven't quite eclipsed the 1948 drop, but we likely will in another month or two. And that will leave only the Great Depression to make us feel better about ourselves.

    The good news in the chart, such as it is, is that employment can recover quickly once it finally turns. Anyone care to place a bet as to when that will be?

    Here's a bigger version from the chart on Calculated Risk. And here's CR's take on the situation.

    Unemployment: Stress Test Scenarios, Diffusion Index, Weekly Claims

    Last edited: Jul 5, 2009
  9. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    Thats like saying "She had the least HIV of the women I banged." We are an oil producing country. They just choose not to produce it. Oil Shale would have been cheaper to refine than the 4.50 a gallon that drove me out of business on his watch.
  10. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I just bet I can find a a post by yourself Cheese where your accusing like all the liberals of Bush bing just another puppet for "Big Oil"

    Give me a break will ya?

    It was the Democrats who blocked domestic production all started by Clinton with his ban on off shore drilling.

    Bush does not make the policy he signs off on the policy. The Republicans pushed for years to save you and your job Cheese and were blocked by Democrats every time because they were hell bent on ruining the economy of the country so long as they were not in control.
  11. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  12. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    I'm not a liberal. And GWB IS a puppet of Big Oil.

    As far as Bush's stance on crime... I'm for that. The Liberal's slow move towards Socialism... I'm against.

    I'm saying things got REALLY bad on his watch. I watched C-Span back in mid may of 2008 and everyone on the floor was talking about the rough times ahead for the trucking business. Liberals and Conservatives. Why was nothing done then? If I saw things declining... I would immediatly hold a press conference and try to correct the problem. Not say "Four Dollars a Gallon? Thats unheard off!" His words when warned about escalating fuel prices.

    As a matter of fact, he didn't get a damn thing done about it until deisel fuel hit 4.50 a gallon and he finally made a deal with the saudis.

    Liberals were actually clamoring by that time to get something done. But it was too little too late. I saw this coming in January of 2007 and railed about it. Everyone thought I was crazy. A year later they were all apologizing to me.
  13. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Yeah but damned if you do damned if you don't for bush the only thing thats sure is if the Democrats screw things up more get elected.

    You are mad because Bush did not cut a deal with the enemy (Saudi's) sooner.

    If congress would have opened up domestic oil exploration and drilling then there would have been no need to cut a deal.

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