Is the Great Tribulation coming?

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by smurfslappa, Aug 23, 2005.

  1. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    there is an amazing grab going on world wide ... i call it "THE LAST GRAB" ... like the entire world has gone nuts and everyone is grabbing for their piece of the pie ... and there are not many pieces left if you look at the world in the traditional sense ... oil, burning coal and nuclear fuel for energy, gas guzzling big SUVs and a house in the burbs ... there are not enough resources to give the american way of life to 6 billion people on earth ... the earth can easily support 6 billion people ... but not with the lavish life style of the good ole' USA ... in fact the USA needs 90 % of the world to live in stark poverty to support its habit ... do you think there will be many tears shed when the USA consumes itself as is happening now ... being consumed by the greed from within ... jim mccanney[/i]
  2. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    The sun is fucking us over right now. Acting as crazy as it is right now, it's causing all our crazy climate change and pretty soon there won't be enough food and resources for everyone. This isn't the end of the world. just a severe crippling of it. To prevent the masses from going on some mass exodus to some better place and completely finish it off by eating up every last damn thing, they're taking the necessary steps to stop us before we become a problem. The impending flu pandemic all the world's leading organizations are blabbing on and on about, some big war coming and such and such. Oh sure things like this have happened to humanity before, and we'll get through it. Humanity will, but chances are me and you won't. In a world where the only thing that's really worth a damn is food, and a good piece of land to grow it on, you'd better expect a motherfucker to guard that with all he's got. Check out that James Mccanney's site. He's got some good stuff about how the sun's been behaving badly and shaking our planet to its knees.
    If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be."- Thomas Jefferson

    But don't just look at the global events. The mass exodus I've talked about started a long time ago with our leaders.
    Colin Powell: Here is a man who could not stomach the evil of so many of the neo-conservatives and tried to assist the people of Sudan. He left or was pushed out because he thought that if we want to win this war in Iraq, we need more troops. He and his 'heretical' ideas were anathema to the the religion of Bush. He had to go and with him went the last voice of sanity.
    John Ashcroft: The whipping boy of the political-left, as it turns out, actually did have a soul. Word has it that he was actually trying to roll back some of the more odious provisions the Patriot Act and he was forced out for not making fundamental changes in the Justice Department's legal definition of 'search and seizure' . John said 'no' and Bush said 'go'.
    Greenspan: Was offered a post at Treasury. Why? Bush has plans for the Fed and needs cash for his war. Greenspan is probably reluctant to print irresponsibly 200-400 billion dollars a year, thus destroy the US dollar to fight a war that we cannot win, while the bulk of the cash that was authorized to fight it has literally disappeared. Billions have been missing since the war began and they are still missing. Rest assured they will be missing for as long as the Democrats and the Republicans run our government. Bush would almost certainly put Ben 'drop money from the helicopters' Bernanke in as Fed chairman.
    Renquist: The judge was poisoned (radiation). Yes you heard me, there is a high probability that he was poisoned because there are some that think he is too liberal. Liberal you ask, is he not one of the most conservative jurists in the nations history? Yes he is. However, because he believes that having a Constitutional Republic is a good idea there are some who think he has to go. The elements that tried to do him in want a new Chief Justice, one that will allow the Necons to remain in power forever and herd all who are not neo-conservatives as well as those who find their policies reprehensible, into re-education camps or worse. Am I overstating the case? Perhaps a little, but only a little. Very little. The neo-conservatives want a different form of government, one that resembles Saddam's Iraq, or Hitlers Germany. No rights, no Justice and certainly no dissent.
    HHS Chairman Tommy Thompson left after stating publicly that Food Terrorism was a reality because it was so easy to do. Bush isn't about to do anything that will prevent another terrorist attack... he's counting on it. A military draft, suspension of the Congress and the Constitution, no more elections. Laugh now, mock what I say now if it comforts you. Soon you will weep with uncontrollable tears at what America has chosen for itself and go to your grave wishing you had listened when it would have done you some good.
  3. Ministersf

    Ministersf New Member

    It also says that no one will know that the last day is coming until it arrives.

    So please keep expecting it so I can continue to eat pork rhinds and watch Love Boat reruns in peace.

    Here, you might need some of these.
  4. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Chick is a dicksucker, and I am glad he is dead..
  5. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    If the world is coming to and end, there isn't a damn thing we can do to stop it, so why fucking dwell on it?

    I just bought a house. As long as I get to live in it a few years and I don't have any major crisis situations, bring it the fuck on! I'm going to commit suicide in a few years anyway.

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