
Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by smiles, Jan 30, 2006.

  1. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    The same way you prevent earthquakes using sheeps bladders and test to see if someones a witch. You have to watch Monty Python's quest for the holy grail. Then all will be revealed.
  2. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Yes, ok. There was no need to take it so seriously, which is why there was a ":p" at the end of it. And no need to thank me, if i'm able to help point anyone closer in the direction of reality, that's reward enough for me.

    Well i have read the occasional article from there over the years, but i really don't know much more about them than the fact they were the ones to discover that the person responsible for the Popular Mechanics article - which was receiving a lot of mainstream exposure - was none other than Michael Chertoff''s cousin. Whether they are usually reliable or not is irrelevant. The point is, on that occasion - they were.

    Yes, i debunked your debunk of the debunk. But what seems to 'overlap'? You posted a link to the Popular Mechanics '911 - debunking the myths' article and asked (rhetorically) 'or is popular mechanics a non-acceptable mainstream source?', to which i responded that actually no, it wasn't an acceptable source, and gave my reason. You posted a discredited piece of information, and i posted a fact has been accurately confirmed. No 'over-lapping' or grey areas, it's perfectly straightforward.

    So, out of interest, what do you believe happened?
  3. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator


    And what about the level of planning, precision and that unfathomable degree of luck that was necessary in order for the official 'arab terrorists' version to work? You have less trouble swallowing that?

  4. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    The 'civilised world' as you call it (though i don't think we have any claim to that description these days) takes it's origin from ancient Babylon...i.e. Iraq, you pompous bigot.
  5. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    We stopped burning our children in the fires of Baal and Magog. Civilisation IS, not WAS. You pompous clueless bigot.

    There are discrepancies where the powers that be, just relocate public focus, and trust in the ever-shortening attentionspan of the average consumer.
    We have to fight the arabs, because our masters have ordained it. Or , we have to fight the arabs because they want to rip out our multicultrural throat.
    Both things being true ofcourse. I do not think the voice of moderation is winning the discussion.
    The unpleasentries of secret manouverings at the turn of the millenium.
    ( Appeasing religious, industrial, political( fringe/mainstream)allies ).
    This is a world were serious players must hide their cards. The nuclear umbrellas makes the silent threat the only viable one.

    In addition , Islam makes a good enemy due to its scientific and humanitarian shortcomings. Their womens rights-record is not improved by nurseys cry of civilisation in Mesopotamia. Yes nurse. You know a bitty piece of history.

    As for paternalistc vs egalitarian culture and civilisation; check M.Gimbutas
  6. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    now you just burn other peoples children
  7. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Nursey said...

    You realise that every single one of those questions can be answered truthfully with either incompetence (spelling?), negligence, or stupidity. You assume far to much of the U.S. government. It's full of idiots. Go to any government run facility, and tell me those people are capable of pulling off a large scale conspiracy. They have a hard time getting a letter from my house to my fathers place 20 miles away. At least at private facilities, they're full of idiots, but they constantly cycle them out so you get new ones every time you go in.
  8. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    I'll come back to this one when i'm not so tired. In the meantime though, i'll just say...

    One thing's for sure, that you know nothing about Iraq's most recent history if you are pulling the 'women's rights' (propagandists) trump card out so jubillantly. But like all brainwashed bigots, you lump all those damned Arabiacans together. And it's 'Nursey', if you don't mind (i don't wash old people's bottoms for a living.)

    Wow! That's more a picture of total retardation you're painting there, than incompetence and stupidity! :| I think there may be a Hollywood blockbuster in there, starring perhaps Steve Martin in a 911 black comedy. And again, i'll have to come back to this post if i find the time, but in the meantime, do phrases like 'military precision' and 'tightly co-ordinated operation' really conjure up our hardy partying Jihadis and their 'teach yourself to fly' manuals and 'boxcutters', or something a little more sophisticated? This next link is very interesting:
  9. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    Alas, I think I speak for the vast majority of the Western World's population when I say:

    Gee, that really is very interesting! Perhaps I should actually sit up and get organi ... ooh look, a Simpsons re-run.
  10. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Nursey wrote

    One thing's for sure, that you know nothing about Iraq's most recent history if you are pulling the 'women's rights' (propagandists) trump card out so jubillantly. But like all brainwashed bigots, you lump all those damned Arabiacans together. And it's 'Nursey', if you don't mind (i don't wash old people's bottoms for a living.)

    You take the fast lane and pin me as something i am certainly not. Was that an attempt at the Saddam-regimes secular ideology. Well look behind it at the raped and murdered.

    Yak yak! Here we go "brainwashed" me who treat all "arabicans" (?) as same. Hm ! Real american discourse ! You have that at least. Lets try to stay away from the Bark bark voff, shall we.

    So I am a brainwashed bigot this time ! Is that worse than the previous pompous bigot ? A clarification maybe ?

    So let me respond in kind and in a lingo you might get. Ok ! Ready !


    ( Now you can give me the historylesson, please :lol: )

    I had great friends and a good teacher from Iraq, and if i am brainwashed
    you should think seriously about what that word originaly implies.
  11. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    I think Nursey lives in England. She doesn't argue in the traditional american style of slinging insults. She slings sophistry and pompousness. I think that's how the English do it. Just makes me wonder why Bush and Blair get along so well together.

    So an idiot Texan and an idiot Englishman walk into a bar...
  12. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Nursey said...

  13. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    I was watching the pregame show, it was alright. Near the end of it they had that one australian singer bitch, a bunch of weird dudes dancing with canes, Stevie wonder and some black chick, all singing and dancing. Stevie Wonder blurted out near the end, "Come together people before we are all anihilated." So you see people, even Stevie Wonder sees it coming.

    Oh and, most of those ancient documents weren't full of shit, diogenes. You're a dumbass, and I hope you don't own any guns.
  14. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Besides, I can think of a few ancient documents that lots and lots of people put their faith into.
  15. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    And I can think of lots and lots of people who are fools. Many of those ancient documents are relics of their time. And functionally useless, in modern times.
  16. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Well, i'll be more than happy to alter my opinion of you as a brainwashed bigot if you can prove differently. Let's see...

    Yes, it was a direct reference to !SATTAN! Hussein's Ba'athist ideology, which meant that, amongst other things, women could wear western clothes if they wished, go to work, achieve the highest positions of any profession (including those considered masculine such as engineering), earned equal pay (something that we haven't quite managed yet here in the U.K.)...all of which is now becoming a distant memory due to Western meddling, which ironically is responsible for turning Iraq into a religiously extremist country, where women for the first time are being forced and coerced into wearing veils (which is absolutely fine for those who choose to as a form of expression, but when it is forced it becomes a form of repression).

    Blah blah blah 'RAPE ROOMS' blah blha 'MASS GRAVES' blah blah 'WEAPONS OF MASS DDDDDDDnevermind!'...twitter parp...'POL POTESQUE!'..shriek! whimper!...BABIES THROWN FROM INCUBATORS!' that was the last Iraqi-lynching P.R. campaign...but who cares!...THANK GAAHD FOR THE UNITED SAVIOURS OF A!! Those gibbering Iraqanians can now, for the first time, experience what it MEANS to be CIVILISED. A-FUCKING-MEN!

    Ok, but you have to stay away from the Parp parp twitter, you silly billy!

    I do apologise for the confusion. I should just have called you a 'pompous, brainwashed bigot' on both occasions.

    You really have taken exceptance to my remarks, haven't you!:eek: Perhaps then, you should take a closer look at what instigated it in the first place if you aren't comfortable with the response it elicits.

    I really don't have the time to give a step-by-step breakdown on one of the oldest civilisations on the planet, and am by no means able to do it justice even if i did. But if there is anything you'd like to ask me, i'll do my best to give you the answers regarding Iraq's remarkable history and its' rich legacy to humanity - the benefits of which we experience up to the present day.

    I see you speak in the past tense. Did they become scarce once they heard your superior diatribes on the primitive nature that impedes arabs in their position within the human race, you arrogant, propaganda-parroting windbag? Looks like my opinion of you by this point remains pretty much unchanged.
  17. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    That's quite a damning opinion you have there of your own countrymen, though i can't entirely blame you to be fair. However, what about the other factor in this equation...namely Israel?
  18. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    You're right diogenes, those people are stupid. But a lot of these ancient stories kind of paint a picture of how the world was ran before Man took it over for himself. There are those on Earth who are pissed at those up above. So what are we doing about it, bitch? Look around you, they can't kick our ass back to the stone age with a great deluge anymore, everybody knows too much...
  19. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Speaking of 'depression', i've been in a bit of a despondent haze as of late. It can all start to get to you when you know it only gets worse ahead. But then you have to remember that whatever happens is intrinsically linked to each and every one of us' own personal fate, and that what we are currently witnessing is nothing short of one of the most defining 'moments' in the history of all humanity, as profound as the last most defining 'moment' which as 'chance' would have it, took place in the exact same region that is occupying a central role in the events that are occurring today.
  20. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    I know, right? It's a big, fat, chance...

    I read something interesting about the space shuttle columbia, and how it was photographing awesome new never-before-seen atmospheric phenomenon. Apparently they'd seen awesome arcs of light running parallel to the curvature of the earth, and other shit like that. But this light parallel to the earth was centered over Iraq. Now I'm not saying Saddam had anything to do with it, but what's funny is that it is the location of Old Babylon, which at one time was known as The City of Light. I think Anchorage calls itself the city of light now...

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