
Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by smiles, Jan 30, 2006.

  1. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Page 6 cont.: "Why wasn't the hole as wide as a 757's 124-ft.-10-in. wingspan? A crashing jet doesn't punch a cartoon-like outline of itself into a reinforced concrete building, says ASCE team member Mete Sozen, a professor of structural engineering at Purdue University. In this case, one wing hit the ground; the other was sheared off by the force of the impact with the Pentagon's load-bearing columns, explains Sozen, who specializes in the behavior of concrete buildings."

    FUCKIn FUch DFYuVCj Fuck! I Hate This guy and want to see him dead forever!!!11!!1 One wing touched the ground? Did this guy even look at the pictures of the damage shortly after the impact? He would have seen the lawn was nice and untouched, covered in a little dust was all.

    And once again I must reiterate that those simulations are biggest load of crap I've ever seen. They show the wings of the plane conveniently folding up inside themselves (not one touching the ground I might add) and then show a bunch of garbled ass mess that happens to make perfectly round holes through the reinforced concrete all the way to the last hole. The only thing these simulations confirm is that someone, somewhere, knows how to use 3D wire-modeling software.

    "If you expected the entire wing to cut into the building," Sozen tells PM, "it didn't happen." and "The tidy hole in Ring C was 12 ft. wide--not 16 ft. ASCE concludes it was made by the jet's landing gear, not by the fuselage."

    No bitch, we expected to see some sort of mess on the lawn, or for the smell of cordite to be explained. Or maybe the fire damage from the 5,300 gallons of fuel. Or for some wreckage to be found. Or maybe to see pictures of the plane from security cameras Where the hell was the landing gear? Looking at pictures I don't see it anywhere, I'm sure the firefighters didn't either.

    God I hate the stupid people of the world and how easily they're manipulated.

    I will no longer continue reading this Popular Mechanics piece of shit as I don't won't to burst anymore veins before this apocalypse. Watch this 9/11: Debunked debunking flash. Everybody should have seen it by now, and thus known better than to ever put some piece of shit ass Popular Mechanics article in front of our faces that has so much information about 9/11 missing. On top of that they say shit like "Computer simulations confirmed these findings." I hate that shit and I want to kill the author of that article.
  2. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Settle down there missy!:eek: I didn't write it and didn't expect you to take it all personally. If i'd known, i'd have tailored the quote accordingly by removing the last sentence which you (and i) found didn't apply to you. I'm well aware you're not a gormless moron, which leads me to conclude that in light of a statement such as:

    "But fuck all the conspiracy theories. They only do any good if you can do anything to stop it. Otherwise it's just fodder for discussion. Smurfspeak if you will."

    ...that the following applies to you:

    I don't believe that someone of your intelligence is at ease with the official version of events, and yet you aren't confident enough to follow arguements against them through to their logical conclusion with all the far reaching implications that brings?

    That's fine! If you are satisfied with the neocon peddled b-movie style version of events and the countless glaring holes, anomalies and question marks that subsequently arise, who am i to decide the degree of fishiness you should tolerate inside the very personal sphere of your mind?

    Oh, why thankyou. And you're not nearly as bad as Joeslogic, who is brainwashed to a pathological degree. And you are aware, aren't you, that there is more than just me and Smurfslappa who have trouble with the official version? :|

    Well someone was well enough organised to pull it off! And whether you choose to believe it was a covert part of the most powerful country on the planet's government / secret sevices in league with another nation's secret services, i.e. Israel whose MOSSAD is the most active SS in the world today...OR...a 'ragtag' group of terrorists with laughable resources, armed with little blades and trained to fly on arcade type simulators, light cessna aircraft and the 'Teach Yourself to Fly' manuels - which (along with their Koran) were solemnly parted with in the airport carpark (after, no doubt, a quick spot of last minute reading )...enabled by the most spectacular series of flukes and failures it is farcical...masterminded from a cave in Afghanistan to such awesome precision and degree as to bring the world's number one superpower to it's entirely up to you. But personally, if i was to believe the latter was true, i'd say those guys had pulled off something SO miraculous in the face of such magnificent odds, that America better just give up now- because if those guys pulled that off, they MUST have Allah on their side! :p

    As for the motivation...what do you see happening around you? Who does it benefit? I think you're being a little naive.
  3. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

  4. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    It's possible, even plausible, that the theory is right that the neo-cons seized power illegally, and are using the United States military to wage war on islam. I just don't see the 9/11 attacks as something perpetrated by the U.S. government. It requires too much complicity on too many levels for non-involved personel. The fact that they found a passport of one of the terrorists is extremely suspect. Believe me, I don't trust the government, I just don't see the world the way smurf does, Nursey has at least plausible theories. Smurf is just nuts.
  5. Ferine

    Ferine New Member

    Not at all. In fact, I thanked you for pointing the article out to me. I wasn't discrediting Christopher Bollyn, he's written some very telling articles to be sure.
    Some people use the American Free Press site as a beacon of truth, when, in my opinion, just like alot of sites out there, conspiratorial or not, they are deceptive pieces of shit.
    There is a whole lot of debunking going on, and it all seems to overlap. I'm pretty certain whatever really happened on 9/11 will never be accurately debunked, investigated...whatever, by anyone. We can only pick and chose what to believe, and I chose to believe the American government was not directly involved with what happened, but sure as hell took advantage of the situation after it did.
  6. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Should I also assume that Pearl Harbor was a set-up for getting the U.S. involved in WWII. It's rediculous, but it's not the first time the government has used a "crisis" to overstep it's constitutional bounds. Doesn't mean they set up the crisis. If I make money selling cars would you assume I invented the wheel?
  7. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    And I spelled ridiculous wrong, fuck it, time for bed.
  8. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    The U.S. government was not involved, just a bunch of old white men, maybe some middle easteners and some israelis. The chances of these old white guys being involved increases dramatically when ol' daddy Bush is having breakfast with members of the Saudi royal family down the street.

    Something had to have blown that other boeing straight to bits, and scattered it over 8 square miles, just like something more than likely launched a missile at the pentagon.

    The world is CraaaaaaZyyyyy, and there's a lot more going on behind the scenes than you guys know. There's some real deep shit going on, deeper than your average conspiracy nut theorizes about.
  9. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Democracy died some time ago. Might get born later. A premature birth might lead to complications. Of course something happened behind the scenes. I experienced meetings with agencies that clearly meant people had been lying and fabricating stories on a large scale.

    Does not change the demographical facts of occident¡/orient, or the arab inability to understand the international dipolmatic code of conduct. That they insist on reverting to their patriarchal menfolk-gathering, with the ritual shouting and screaming is not the fault of the civilized world.

    The big difference between Muhammed
    ( Allahs blessing upon him, and peace )
    Is that he was a bandit and soldier and
    a womenizer. Unlike Jesus, Sidharta , etc.

    Most religions like to have a difference
    between the religious hero and the rabble.
    Isnt much of that in Islam. He was just your
    run of the mill Alpha male. His "philosophy was
    formed during the post-roman migrations.
    Not the best environment for progress.
  10. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Ferine said :

    Thanks Ferine that gives me hope that in the end common sense prevails. Ideology of a Liberal Libertarian does not stand in the way of common sense. Sometimes I get so despondent about the way the world is turning. Then I get reminded that not such a large percent of the population is taking the bait on all this propaganda hook line and sinker.
  11. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member


    I advise everyone to quit being stupid and watch this. Whatever happened was not a bunch of silly terrorists doing their thing. They had inside help and sure, at this point in time we might not find out what really happened unless we start a-torturin'. But goddam don't you all feel used? This is the same stupid attitude that gets nothing done, and it's the same reason why I won't feel bad about raping and pillaging those who were so stupid and complacent they let things get this far.

    Watch it, there's no doubt about it. OK?!??!!?? Can stupid people get that through their heads? It was an inside job, hmmm? I want to hear an "alright smurf" on this one, please, even if you still won't admit the world's ending this one is staring you right in your stupid, fat faces.
  12. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    One day Smurf in the end some will learn the truth of all the mysteries. When that day happens I'll know what I had figured right and what I was wrong about. I hope you find out in the end also. Who knows what people do then? Maybe have a few drinks and laugh about it all. Thing is I believe you believe what you believe.

    Back in the second half of the eighties the media was full of talk shows and Oprah was one of the popular ones. These type shows would bring to discussion topics of great concern. And people would sit around and discuss what was going on right or wrong. Bring to light strange disgusting atrocities. Ridicule them then the next day talk about warm wonderful stories of human compassion or great stories about overcoming struggles. These shows were quite addictive to those who enjoyed the intellectual stimulation of group discussion regarding important matters of humanity. Not to mention the emotional roller coaster ride of warm fuzzy stories and serious discussion about disgusting matters of human morality lows. Eventually the topics that gripped the nations attention consistently were of the secrete lives of pedophiles. And satanic cults abusing children. Now don't get me wrong sometimes bringing the most awful things in humanity to public light is a good thing. But human nature is not a perfect thing. People have a defense mechanism its there as a reactionary thing. Suddenly there were people who had never been abused but were attracted like a month to a flame to the idea of all the incredible attention and sympathy of being a victim. Add to that there were equally many people out actively looking to hunt down these perpetrators and suddenly everyone was suspect and any one under suspicion was guilty until proven otherwise. It has been proven that many people were falsely accused and lives ruined. Why because the more atrocious the accusation the more important to the observer that the perpetrator not be allowed to get away with the crime.
    To be sure, true pedophiles and people who would abuse children in occult activities in my opinion should be locked up in a cell like the Brits did the IRA to live in there own shit and maggots for the rest of their time. I'm not defending them. And I'm fairly certain Mike Jackson is a fag (not absolutely sure) but fairly certain. I think Google is the next big evil to come along self righteously turning the American justice system down to the idea of assisting them with the surfing habits of pedophiles citing respect for privacy, while at the same time selling out to communist China and freely offering to censor surfing habits. Times are not the same now people are over the initial shock the witch hunt is over as a matter of fact it seems the tide has reversed. My point is that you seem to fall into the category of group that would rather sacrifice the possibility of innocence just in case there may be a possibility of guilt. This tendency is directly proportional to the degree of heinous of the crime. I'm not trying to make light of your position, I believe your intentions are righteous. I also believe you just need to take a step back take a deep breath and think it over maybe take a break from all the researching looking for the truth. Cause Smurf it can really drive you batty if you let it.
  13. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Google isn't selling out, the government is overstepping it's bounds. I think the courts will decide in favor of google. As for them selling out to communist china, the U.S. government did that years ago when we granted them "normal" trade status in spite of there history of human rights abuses and crackdowns on dissent. Google is saying that censored information is better than no information at all, which is the same logic the government of the U.S. used in granting them "normal" trade status. I think the right is over-reacting to the whole google thing. As far as an occult group that abuses children, no evidence of one was ever found. To put a human face on the toll such false beliefs take, do a google search on the West Memphis 3. It's fucking rediculous what people do in the name of "God".
  14. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    No argument there worth making except that. Google is two faced and trying to claim both highroads I think there motive with the pedophile issue is to keep the money coming in from pedophiles comfortable surfing with impunity. And China yeah I herd the righteous claims and reasoning, not ready yet to trust there motive given the pedophile example.
    Besides look at Microsoft and how there hated for holding such a monopoly on the software market. I bet Google gets a pass on all that hatred. If there pro-socialist.
  15. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Not according to there shareholders, the stock is sinking like a lead weight. Last time I checked it was anyway.
  16. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Yeah that is true, let's hope your right that will also help repair my belief in humanity.
  17. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    the only people who give a shit what the public thinks is the public. If you don't own google stock, I honestly think they're not going to care that much. How much image protection do they need, they're a search engine. But stock always drops anytime they hear "government" in relationship to company. Govenment scares shareholders.
  18. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Yes Joe, I do believe what I believe. I'm glad you believe I believe what I believe, as well. But you see Joe, I don't think we'll get a grand display of the truths when the end comes. Who gives a damn about google, anyways? There are more pressing issues that must be contemplated, and yet you waste your brain space on these hot topics.

    Not true Joe, it's just that I firmly believe there are liars out there telling you one thing when something else very obviously happened. These are the men who probably know the truth, wouldn't you say? This is the supreme ignorance that has rooted itself into the minds of so many in our country and allows the massive corruption and conspiracy. These men are not delicate flowers to be protected, they are our leaders, and as such must always be scrutinized more so than any lowly pedophile so that we don't allow anything bad to happen to the greater good.

    But aside from this silly, mini 9/11 shit, there are so many other major things a-brewing... I already went through the batty stage long ago. I'm past that, and I won't stop searching for all those little pieces to this puzzle. You think our world and it's history matches that which you learned in school? God damnit Joe, there are so so so many more "myths" that were once touted as fact that point to the contrary. Inscriptions, old documents and maps, heiroglyphs and temples...

    In this late of an hour, you have what so many others before us didn't and so they couldn't know; a glimpse at the end times. You can observe our sun and weather, our geological disturbances, our new technologies, what is being covered up and what is being shoved down our throats, and if you do, you'll see what I see, too.
  19. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Your using ancient writings to justify your bullshit now. Dude, half those writings are about how to cure the plague with mouse shit.
  20. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    At last, something that's actually interesting!

    So ... how do you cure the plague with mouse shit?

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