George Berkeley said that 400 years ago, and no one has been able to prove him wrong. It has a 300 pound reward for anyone who can prove him wrong. No one has done it in 400 years, don't think it'll change anytime soon.
Code: XerxesX wrote: I used "barbaric" as opposite of civilised according to the 2. of your definitions. Still ! I believe wholeheartedly that truth arrive in the paradox created by the two definitions. Then your statement is wrong seeing as most Arabs live in circumstances that are categorised as 'civilised' in the definitions i used. [quote="XerxesX]All of human society is civilised-you Ther is only one civilisation-me[/quote] That's what we were arguing!? I find you quite confusing.[quote] Said Nursey Hm you are right. In YOUR definition. If civilisation is a purely static thing you are allso right in fact. Its not, and you are wrong. One of our discourses whent along the line of defining civilisation. I went along with this, seeing that your main argument was a huge cultural debt to the arab nations. Another line was wether I was a bigot for calling the arab masses a bunch of fanatical stupid something or other. I do not intend to come over as neither confusing nor hirsplitting, but the truth [i]is[/i] complez at times and both right and left have a tendency to get stuck in arguments that have only narrow validity. Your argument about the "debt" owed, made the whole debate of cultural definition important, seeing that your argument puts a civilisatory debt as the frame for wich to deal with people. I do not find you confusing, but you come across as unclear. [/quote]
Ok, so what you are saying is that your use of 'barbaric' was not just the opposite of the definitions i used, so please define 'barbaric'. I was just pointing out that the people that are currently being portrayed exclusively as backwards, irrational and stupid (and no doubt many are, just as many in the WEST are too) in western propaganda are far greater than they are given credit for, unless in academic circles. I was just attempting to reddress the imbalance. As you are well aware, 'Arabs' describes a very wide and varied group of people...some of whom are not even Arabs strictly speaking! Arabs can be Muslims, Christians (the original Christians that is) or Jews (again, indigenous). It doesn't help anyone to make such a sweeping generalisation. And it was just 'Arabs' you said in the original post. So, you meant the Arab masses then? Are you meaning the masses that make up the Arab middle classes or those that are less educated and poor? The masses who are moderate Muslims or the Shi'ias? The masses from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Syria, Iraq or what? But anyway, i don't see why we are still discussing this seeing as you accepted your statement was unfair, which was the purpose of my arguement. To point out that there is far, far more to the Arabs than the carefully managed images of them we are shown in the news. (We tend not to get shown the peaceful demonstrations which then get broken up by U.S. soldiers firing into the crowds). And considering how many Americans are extremists/stupid with an inability to abide by international dipolmatic code of conduct, it's a bit rich really. Exactly what made me argue with the simplistic sweeping generalisation of yours which started this off in the first place! Firstly, you just cannot argue the fact that the region known today as Iraq is the centre of what is known as The Cradle of Civilisation...for good reason. Second, i wasn't 'putting a civilisatory debt as the frame for which to deal with people'. I was just pointing out that the people you portrayed as mentally stunted, neanderthals are the ones - or at least the descendants of those - whose well structured thought processes were instrumental in elevating us from a primitive, irrational state. And though we have taken the lead due to our ever-so-saintly and civilised aggressive conquering and pillaging of other countries, you can't just completely dismiss the Arabs with your western arrogance because of stuff which pales into insignificance in terms of the big picture as to their role in humanity's developement.. Well this post probably is as i'm not long out my bed. But on the whole, one of the few things i would say about myself is that i'm clear...and i think that most people would probably agree. You on the other hand have most of us confounded, you often seem all over the place and at times a little ungrounded. Some of the confusion might be down to the language gap (what's your first language if you don't mind me asking?) or maybe you really are as batty as you come across. Both probably. But eccentrics are fine by me when they aren't tossing crap around which can fuel ignorance, intolerance and hatred.
"Barbaric" is that wich do not understand the code of civilisation. Wich uses another programme. In this context the arab nations are civilised, but the insurgent muslem fundamentalists are not. They are not negotiating within the contexts. In a few weeks a government will gain seat in Palestine. This government has in its program, the annihilation of its neighbour, ( with some hundred nukes ) In modern civilisation, such a total disregard of the realities of strength and ballance is not considered civilised. In this context-Barbaric.
Then you could be describing (most notabley) the U.S. or Israel who behave as if they are above the rule of international law, and in fact have plunged the world into the 'law of the jungle'. In a few weeks or so, the U.S. in conjunction with Israel is very possibley (in the first wave of attacks alone) going to annhilate a few hundred thousand human beings - military and citizens, in yet another act of wanton aggression using conventional and tactical nuclear weapons against a sovereign nation. Hallelujah for civilisation!
Nursey wrote... Don't blame me, I'm all for abortion. Nursey also wrote... Peoplel have been predicting the invasion of Iran for 2 1/2 years now, it hasn't happened yet, and I don't think it's going to happen. The Neo-cons don't have the political capital to launch another war. And don't give me that false flag crap either, that won't happen. In addition, Nursey told XerxesX... She's right, xerx, you need to learn to speak English, or something. Have someone else type for you. Do what you must, but it's almost impossible to decode what you're saying. I think the only person in these forums (cold sober, I've set some things in Mayhem that I would never actually say with a straight face) arguing that the U.S. are righteous crusaders is Joe. Poor guy, doesn't even know what's going on with the world. Read "Federalist Paper #4" and you'll be able to argue any point about how the President had a right to invade Iraq from a constitutional basis, not just a moral and rational one. Nobody really cares about that shit anyhow.
My englisj sux ? Ok I will try to improve that. Your last posts have been interesting and enlightening Nursey. The individual americans inability to grasp diplomacy is only a problem if they act out their vigilante policies. Condie Rice seems responsible and smart and all that. ( It is something alluring with a powerfull woman Nice legs as well. The iranians are lucky. She could spank me anytime. Her bio does not contain husband or children either. I wish I was a naughty Mullah in a nightgown ) It is true that Iraq is in the centre of the fertile crencent . That is of archaeological and historical interest. It does not concern realpolitik. As for Joe,being the only one that believes in the caped crusaders of america. Fighting it out against the evil of moustached men worldwide: Most people believe that we need a new world order. The quarrel starts when discussing what final form it should have, or what actions we should take. And there has been a lot of facial hair stickin it too the cleanshaven lot. Of course ! In more ways than one, the cleanshaven crewcuts have a lot of dirty undies to change. ( Some change shirts 2,3 times a day ) Remember Carter ? He tried to launder a lot of dirty CIA socks and the result was a privatisation of what was considered neccesary stench. Does not go down well with little sweet wifey, but the cat seems to like it ( Smelly feet ). Personally i can sympathise with fullgrown beards and noseticklers and believe we should have freedom to choose different paths to democracy, be it twoparty-corruption, multiparty-inefficiency. Oneparty-dullness or any other combo. As long as the will, and striving towards that elusive goal exists. The goal of educated participation of as many as possible in the process of government. Governing ones life, and government of society. Of course this falls apart in reality. It is still nice to know that the core of the human dream is something we have in common. The problem with USA is a linguistical one. Amerigo Vespucci discovered the coast of Brazil. ( Not USA ). America is [/i]not inhabited by indians. They live in India. Hernando Cortez reports seing lions and tigers in the zoo in Tenochtitlan. The lion was an honest mistake but tigers dont have spots they have stripes. Cortez must have had a remarkable stench when he made these observations. A stench no little wifey would abide. A stench the dirtiest of covert undies would have envied. Christ man ! He conquered an empire.
That was good for awhile, but then I completely lost you. Seriously XerxesX, what is your first language?
Even though i was not analy probed ( I think ). I met the aliens. ( Witch of course are the men in black. The blackops etc( Alternatively I am an alien. THEY STILL HAVE THE UFOs. Please bear with me ). There are so many things mixed up in this story that its hard to tell, and impossible to believe. So, i will not tell you my origins or language. I can not combine that with the traces of experience that drifs through the babble. I do not wich of these experiences are there just to make the history ( mine ) more confusing either. I met a nice young lean predatory american at a hangout in my town. He asks me ( in my native tongue ) what I know about black magic. Are they really conserned with this, or is that an example of placing me in a situation were the story i can tell is riddled with "facts" that will draw any listener to the conclusion that i am mad. ( And yes ! I have a few diagnosis. None witch match the other; I mean, one can not be manic-depressive and paranoid schizofrenic and borderliner dysfunctionality personality, all at the same time. I do not take medication, exept getting drunk once a week ) There is a story about the sister of Victorio. Lozen was said to be able to tell when and how many soldier were coming. ( A hypothesis would be that the USarmy has had a file on metaphysical research, at least since the 1880s, on the other hand. I can not guarantee that these stories are not planted on the net, the better to camouflage the mindmanipulative tecknology of bodychemistry & subliminal messaging. ( audial primarily, but i believe i have seen some examples of visual as well. Luckily i am certifiably mad ) Anyway ! Whatever it was that really happened. I can not give you the wereabouts AND describe the whats ( subjectively ). at the same time. Scenario 1 I went magic and used the powers in the magic of blood and books and training, to make my subconscious attack the western hegemony. Scenario 2 I was wached closely for most of my life due to the familyhistory and certain ww2 & coldwar-convolutions. ( I know I was watched as early as at 18 years old. This seems like a classic case of paranoia, i know. And the logical question is: Why on earth spy on a 18year old. Easily answered but hard to believe. What the guy that ended up htreating me hypnochemically said when i entered the wrong bar at the wrong time; was that i was royalty. A scene that springs to mind is from X-files, The sigarette-man approaches Fox ( Or a novice-agent ) with the line "I am your father", I hope you see the psychological reference ). The binding so to speak. This says: I am here to protect you. You can trust me etc.The reason I know i was under watch from 18 is that after a demonstration against those vicious powersuite-politicians of the 80s, a man in a brown suite, with dark glasses posed himself right opposite of me and took pictures. Not of everybody in the demonstration, but just me. Later the phone replayed conversations and i raged and screamed that they "knew not what they were up against , and that I would damn them to hell and back and brimstone etc hellfire blabla language, I was mighty pleased about my use of counterpsychological warfare and did not react with anything other than pride, when my picture was all over the news and ended centrally in a national "what happened" yearbook ).
Ok ! So 911 is many years later. But shit happened wether by coincidence or no. Some friends were planning to go to Syria. They ask me, and the day before we wake up with the news that the shit hit the fan, i go over to our lokal syrian and say, "Lets go I am with ". We scrapped the plan. A dude took me up in his chesna and i held the stick for a while. ( Flying up , but not learning how to land maybe ( In case it was all planned from the states and I waqs a scapegoat ) ). After that a few americans with nice accents appear and we mingle. First out is the one approaching me asking about black magic ( Remember )?. Later there are two more that are central, and a dude from california ( He had been there long time, i was at a party at his german girlfriends place ), showed his colours as well. Suddenly my iraqi teacher reappears and she has a new boyfriend. So we have a hothouse going and what not. I go to spain to get away and there are "nightmare"people there as well. The US buildup against Iraq starst and suddenly a lot of americans are interrested in my humble self. Just waching. Like they are saying; Here we are. Be careful now ! The day that spaceshutle goes down was terrible and they are worse after that. I was dancing on the beach. I was reading"the emperor of dreams" by Clark Ashton Smith. ( Its the book were the necronomican is mentioned for the first time. ( Exept the necronomicon that was a list of monks and priests died during the year )). I did not like that combination of events. I met the Israelis as well. ( This is rather funny ). I used to act, and when I went to brussel to meet an Israeli i had talked to on the phone. ( Me calling the Is embassy and yelling " You know what times we live in" after asking for Menasche, only guy i remembered from a party at the israeli embassys apartment. ( Heheh ) I was invited there by a friend. She had thisboyfriend there and me and her end up making out on the dancefloor. The funny part is that it was just a punk-thing but these other folks did not get that. Luckily mr boyfriend restrains himself. ( He was professional, and later she told me that he had talked about murder ) Hm So I end up in Brussel and swoosh back again, only this time i sit in a four seat setting ( On the plane ) And the three others are from my country and they are soldires that served in Brussel ! The fucking ticket says IHVH 1A. ( 1a being the seat and the name of G-d in hebrew the flightcode ) Its too much. All of it. I have more "visits" to the loonybin. Dont work much anymore either. Now I have been away from "home" more than half a year. I still meet people that are "potentially" one of them on a regular basis. Oneof them was an old bearded guy tha called me "warhero" and went on to make ripostes against my flank. ( Its an exercise. Throat. Kidney ? Flan, heart or some such ). And when i do some silly move against his flank he laughs and says dont kill me dont kill me. They are nice you know. Its my people The only friends i have left ! I think we tried to place me in another care here the other day. Anarchists with connections to FSLN and Southamerica. It sounds like a hazzle though. Since I do not know who I am , or what i have done I am not I used to be a pacifist anyway !
Totally forgot the fun-part in Brussel. That was when the one interviewing me in the israeli embassy asked me what I told folks back home why I whent to Brussel. I said I was goimng to see an agent. ( The israeli gets real red in his face ). An agent ? Yes ! A booking-agent !
Hm I was sort of "illuminated" over some time, but its not that simple. ( Might be hairsplitting again ). There are three groups of witch i certainly belong to one( though i really dont like that separation-shit. I want everybody to be friends, and sometimes I get a warm fuzzy feeling when i see GWB. ( Have you seen Joes latest post ?) ( They promised they would do things like that, and they do ). When the audiosignal that works on the treshhold of audability had been on for some days i was faking relaxation, and they turned it up. I dont know if that was more scary or just good to know that I, after all, was not mad. During my state of feigned reduced hearing. Thus improved listening 8) I got the clear impression that there are three such categories one can be put in. I was "illuminated" that does not meen i am Illuminati. ( I dont say I am not ) We are not considered slaves by the way. We are highly revered. Have guards and attendants and no problem with border crossings ( Are guarded maybe ). I am not sure wether all get the royal bastard story; But Illuminatus Prince, sounds better than Illunimatus slave. There is something about circles as well. Reminecent of the devil-sect and its special laws in Iraq. During "initiation" into my new life they put rings of people around me. I felt a bit cramped. I have done magic for it, but i am cat in more ways than i am dog. Besides it worked. Its the danger of forcing the "gift" but the schoolars disagree on that as well. ( Maybe i am just pouting ) So now i am wondering wether i should stay in the tree and show them my teeth, or climb down and get my fur stroked. They sent a whole lot of pretty people ( Mostly longlegged girls of excuisite ... Y know dont look a gift horse in the mouth and that but these fillies must have been from the royal stables in Rhiyad ( Or wherever Fhad keep the sanddancers ) We had a good social time but i refused to face myself and the implications ( Still not quite awake ). It hurts less now, but the one i really fell for of these girls. I am just getting over her. Hehehe and the "attendant" says like check her man. I am so dead :cry: dANCE WITH ME SHE SAID AND i WOULD REFUSE. I guess it was all of that time under a combination of self-controll and ( possibly ) another controll. What is inside, must stay inside, and such shit. WOW was she beautiful. ( They made their main attack of happiness at these tropical island, but to my great distress, my defences have proven discustingly strong ) They are sort of on automatic. And I have to get them down.
anyone seen loose change part 2? More shit about the WTC explosion, and how there was shit like a 50 ton hydraulic press that was disintegrated, and windows blown out, or security doors crinkled up like aluminum foil, attributed to what? Jet fuel barreling down the elevator shaft. Goddam, they say it was the damn plane? Of course, it was an inside job.
Pat Dawson, NBC: I spoke with the Chief of Safety for the FDNY. He recieved word of a secondary device, that is another bomb going off....he said that there was another explosion which took place. And then an hour after the first hit... there was another explosion. He thinks that there were actually devices that were planted in the building. We are continuing to hear explosions here downtown....