
Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by smiles, Jan 30, 2006.

  1. smiles

    smiles New Member


  2. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Maybe the experts and scholars are stupid? :? Maybe Smurf will weigh in on this and solve the riddle?
  3. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

  4. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Smurf you crack me up.

    I guess I'm sort of new to this forum thing but is that a first?

    I mean quoting someone’s subconscious thoughts?

    I'm going to steal that technique.
  5. smiles

    smiles New Member

    i think the fourth point on its own should raise enough eyebrows
  6. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Man who gives a ratt's ass, We pissed some people off they flew some jets into us. End of story.
  7. smiles

    smiles New Member


    have you actualy read the article?
  8. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    [tony montana voice] Yeah Grim, why you talkin' like that, mane? [/tony montana voice]

    The facts kinda show that the people who flew those planes into us weren't pissed, but were in fact old, white guys.
  9. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    The fourth point is indeed interesting, but what your forgetting is that the "melting point" is the point at which steel becomes fluid. The point at which steel becomes easily maleable, meaning it can be easily bent, but is still solid, is about 1,500*F. Blacksmiths didn't have to melt steel to form it to there will, and in addition to the temperature the building was under tremendous force from it's own weight. It's plausible, and definitely possible, that the building was brought down by fires. As for the point that no steel structured building has ever been brought down by aircraft before, how often do aircraft hit steel framed buildings?
  10. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    The third building was not hit at all. It was simply on fire.
  11. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I understand that the backup generators were typical very large diesel type the fuel supply would be massive it the intention would be to supply power for a day or so in an emergency. This fuel was pooled under the third building and burned for...I dunno a day? Before the third building collapsed finally when the steel supports started warping from the heat. The really older buildings were engineered to use asbestos fire proofing on the steel girders and that this has been since outlawed due to health concerns. Does anyone know if the steel supports were fireproofed at the towers?
  12. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    "A beautiful mind" Gaming theory, not "best natural codecracker".
    Gave the white suits an edge for a long time that one. Same progress as "general-staff-planning" was for warfare.

    The convolutions of the "game" makes it seem more doble than it really is. ( When it does not do the opposite of course ) Hehehe. I am a wreak , but it was sort of fun at times. Cloak and daggers and that. It really is not some kenandbarbeishootoutcarchase.
  13. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Even if they were "fireproofed" enough heat would still soften the steel after long enough exposure. I don't think they were coated with ceramic composite heat shielding or anything.
  14. Ferine

    Ferine New Member

    A good "counter" article which covers pretty much the same shit: 9/11: Debunking The Myths

    Or is Popular Mechanics a non-acceptable mainstream source?
  15. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Who gives a damn if the crap was pooled and burned for a day? Still going back to the "Never has a tall steel building been burned down" argument, it's amazing that this other not-hit-by-a-plane building did exactly that. They're using your stupid Popular Mechanics against you.

    And even if they weren't demolished, you still have to remember who wanted it done: these old white guys. Making some Cha-ching while being able to rally America in a war they wouldn't. have otherwise wanted to start against an entire religion, not just the damn Afghanis and Iraqis.

    Watch things start sucking here real soon, it won't be hard to blame it on the rest of the world, with everyone over here knowing they hate us. And we'll hate them because our style of living will be gone.
  16. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Did you have to take a pysch-eval for your current job, or do they just give those out to crazy people now days?
  17. smiles

    smiles New Member

    you guys act like he's not faking it
  18. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Smiles is right, I do fake the whole crazy thing. However, I seriously believe the WTC shebang was a conspiracy, we're going to enter this depression some time this year and probably sooner than later but I hope not, JoesLogic will no longer have a retirement because of this and will remember my warning that he should haved cashed it in and saw the world while he could, and then all that world ending climate change stuff.
  19. Johnny_Deg

    Johnny_Deg New Member

    ..And all that proofs the idea of installing giant guns in the atmoshpehe to take these planes down before they hit the ground, and giant guns on ground to take them down a second time, and giant gun building to take down any remaining parts is an extremely good idea!

    ...and about the whole loss of radar thingy from kentucy to the pentagon...ever think that a jamming signal coulda been someone clever enough to jack a plane, and then fligh it miles into a large building?

    Dont think terrorist are idiots...if you can use a gun, youre no idiot.
    If you can shoot yourself in the foot, your an idiot.
  20. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    No you don't. You are just cycling out of the manic phase of your illness right now. Give it a few weeks, and youi will be wanting to kill yourself. Then, about summertime, we get to play EOTWAWKI again.

    Lithium = GOOD


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