Anyone ever use some of the incense they are selling at headshops to "relax"? I ... understand that this s.werve incense is really relaxing. As a matter of fact I know it is. Anyone know what the hell is in it? Seems kind of crazy to indulge without knowing what the hell you are dealing with. Anyway its a way cool experience. There are all sorts of others like "K2" and "Pine apple express" but s.werve was recommended to me as the best. And the only one I can relate to is swerve. Not spamming but if your wondering what I'm talking about here is a link.
Anything that produces smoke is stinky and bad for you. Get some essentials oils and a diffuser/nebulizer.
Speaking of smokes, I just had a fat cigar and chocolate covered almonds with my Husband and best friend last night. Then relaxed some more in our pool and had a three sum .. I have to say I had a great night.