you come ot to hear about anal sex and call us fags? GUFFFFAW homeboy even if this girl were sexiest slutiest most easily pleasable woman on earth no normal member of the male gender would try to be nice to her via internet for the express purpose of hearing her made up sex-capeds..... that's called porn.... let me guess.... you go to strip clubs and buy the girls drinks when they sit in your lap cuz they're SOOOOOOOOOOOOO hitting on you....
First I would like to start by saying that I didnt mention killing anyone, unless you are trespassing in my yard. Second, Dan/Grim whoever you are, why dont you crawl back under the retarded ass rock you been hiding under the last few days. We all know that you are the smartest person in the world, the only problem is that you are a dickhead. Yep, a dickhead. You know that thing you like to suck on to put you to sleep.
Oh well at least I can't land in prison by caving his head in with a bat seeing as how this is all just internet bullshit.
That is funny. You want to flatter yourself by thinking a guy wants you? OK. But we all know you like em young. Cave his head in with a bat. LOL. You are fucking retarded. They really should monitor your internet useage at the 'special school' you are in.
I don't get flattered by guys "wanting me". I just start thinking about violence. I'm sure you flatter yourself at the gay bar every weekend but I think you should try to find another gay person instead of pissing off straight dudes.
Dan, so me calling you a dickhead and saying you like to suck dick at night makes me gay? Repress much?