It would be interesting to see. If the insurgency was as adept at polemics and spin control as the current administration the U.S. would have pulled out already.
Who gives a shit diogenes, goddam really. As long as there is war and people hate each other there will always be torture. Why the fuck is our administration trying to get laws passed to allow it? That's just showing off to the goddam world, trying to piss off the Muslims. Everyone else tortures but keeps a lid on that shit, and that's the way it ought to be. Those guys are lucky they were only getting beatings and sleep deprivation. People die, it's fucking war. More people starve every fucking day or get their tits lobbed off in Africa just for being in a different tribe. You're just crying about this shit because it's all over the news and it's a hot fucking topic. And the sad shit is you can't even realize it. Instead you feel like you're doing your part to speak out about it, but chances are outside these forums you don't say shit.
You're right, outside the forums I masturbate to pics of Barry. Just because I don't rant like I got my balls stuck in a mousetrap the way you do doesn't mean I don't speak out.
Doesn't change the fact that your discussing what's all over the news, like your opinion really matters to these guys. In the end, it's same ol' pattern. Some hot new item pops up, the masses mill over it, and in the end it hardly even matters. Torture will go on no matter how many people post about it on the internet, or gripe about it over their coffee with their neighbors. But thanks for letting us know you're Anti-torture.
The world notices revolution, but the actual change happens through evolution. Were it not for conversations like this nothing would ever change. Would you rather we sweep the issue under the rug and worrie about scars on mars caused by ancient gods and their intergalactic beef?
Hell yeah, if that shit were the hot topic like it'll never be, people might actually realize our true history and what we must do. This apocalypse could have been avoided, and I wouldn't have to worry about my nieces and nephews and cousins and babies of cousins or my dad or all the people of the world or what the hell will happen to our planet. We could enter a golden age instead, and everything would be a million times better than it is now, if only we knew our true history. That's why these old guys work so hard to make sure we forget, and don't ever remember.
the level playing field came from joes, and now dio's, incessant bitching about how america should be able to torture and arbitrarily detain people because the insurgents are kidnapping and executing people.... that argument would be a valid one if we were talking about world war two or the american civil war but this is now a guerilla war where one side has every advantage possible and complains that the other isn't playing by the rules
Hi Smiley There is no level playing field in war. You are supposed to turn everything to your advantage and win. If it looks cool ( propagandawise ), and does not hurt your logistics you can be nice to prisoners. Like Saladin during the crusades, or the germans and british on the westfront. And unlike Richard the Lionhearted and the germans and russians on the eastfront. I think it should be understood that the geneva-convention was shaped by the equilibrium of the western-european states, and their common code of conduct. Its not because they kidnap and execute. Its because they are strong and ingenious and strain the US military. It still seems they are a minority of the population in most muslim countries :wink: But if ten % of european pop had supported Baader-Meinhof and RoteArmeFraktion the west would not have won the cold war.
as true as that may be xerx you keep getting away from the heart of dios and joes arguments....... which is: Terrorism is bad, terrorists are bad, terrorists do bad things, why should terrorists be allowed to worse things than us? my response to that was: Don't worry the things you do are just as bad. your methods are just as inhumane. the end
Then it just comes down to a field of cost / gain. ( Do they/us have backing in their/our population ? )
Smiles wrote... When have I supported U.S. actions in Iraq. I think both sides are wrong, and I seem to be the only person saying that. Don't fuck with me over Joes bullshit, comparing apples with oranges.
Tell me how Iraq was in the wrong? It complied with the U.N. even though the goal posts kept being moved repeatedly becuz they hedda find those gaddamn weapons. Until, when it was obvious to many they were never going to find any weapons they did what they had intended all along and destroyed the country anyway. You don't get any more sordid, really.
President Bush of the United States (on the eve of war) - "Today, no nation can possibly claim that Iraq has disarmed." (Lie). Saddam Hussein, President of Iraq (Feb. 2003) - "This is an opportunity to reach the British people and the forces of peace in the world. There is only one truth and therefore I tell you as I have said on many occasions before that Iraq has no weapons of mass destruction whatsoever." (Truth) Iraq = right America = wrong
Saddam Hussein = no longer fighting+ Insurgency = not saddam hussein+ Weapons of Mass Destruction = lie+ George W. Bush = idiot You're saying that Saddam Hussein has anything to do with the Al Sadr brigades. How about Zawahiri. The "War on Terror" has a broader scope than Iraq Nursey. You of all people should be acknowledging that. Quit being such a dumb shit. I've never supported the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Criticism of the insurgency is not support of the U.S. led invasion and occupation, and vice versa. Unless you can find posts where I've said, I think the U.S. was right to invade Iraq then quit trying to bust my balls. I agree that the U.S. was wrong. Where we disagree is that you seem to think that it's fine for Iraqi's to use any means possible to get their point across. There are ethical limits to protest, and the insurgency is not honoring those limits.
After Saddam was assfucked into submission by trying to fuck Khomeini, just to wank off America, then got the go-signal to hump Kuwait by US special envoy whatshername ( Nursey ? ), after wich the US military got to use their stuff and check it against the soviet stuff and get paid doing so. During that war Saddam made the mistake of sending his remaining mig29s. ( At that time the best fighterplane in the world ), to Iran. The reason this was a mistake is its a clear signal that now suddenly Iran and Iraq are fuckbuddies and they want some american ass. They should have scrapped the planes. Pretended animosity and slowly built the combo of energy-power, and strategic weapons capability that they needed to challenge US-Israeli superiority in the region. ( Probably would not have worked anyway. Hard to slip under the radar nowadays ).
Like I said Nursey, when did I ever support the invasion of Iraq? You post things that George W. Bush said, to refute my arguments? Does that make sense to you?