I'm not seeing this so called abuse here.

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, Feb 15, 2006.

  1. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I have looked at all the available photos. Take the guy in the stretcher. WTF how the hell can you say that’s torture? Let’s just think about it, he was probably the guy on the video that was banging his head on the wall. These insurgents are radical. Do you actually even pretend to believe that they would not for the sake of publicity make there own wounds? Much less would they lie about abuse? Not to mention the type of people doing the abuse inspections there actually people like Smiles and Nursey. Their anti-war, anti-American and just itching for some type of propaganda to use. There probably asking prisoners that reported that they were treated well "Are you absolutely sure?" There likely leading them on to admit abuse that did not even exist. Also once again I'll say that I was in the Marine corps. Don't ask me why the hell there in but there are plenty of anti government types in every unit just itching to blow the whistle on anything they could find that would possibly stick be it legit or not. The only thing I possibly see is psychological techniques and sleep deprivation. Big deal if they deprive someone of sleep. The guy who smeared shit on himself...what am I supposed to say. Are you believing that some military guy is walking around smearing shit on detainees? Now that would indeed be the proverbial shit detail. It was the detainee that did that to himself in order to make it more difficult for the guards. Of course there was the humiliation techniques used in the first round of photos. I already know why they were used. You got an over crowded prison and guards at likely a 50 to 1 ratio you have to make things stabile. If there are a few troublemakers giving the guards shit and becoming hero’s that’s simply how you quickly make a hero a zero. Now things are smooth and stabile again.

    What Cheney wanted to do was very legitimate and that was to look at changing simply the definition of torture. If putting panties on a guys head and making him be submissive to a little female is torture then there is a problem legitimate problem that is with the way we are defining torture.
  2. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Dick Cheney just wants to be able to shoot them in the FACE.
  3. DrBungle

    DrBungle New Member


    Nice one...still chucklin.
  4. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    thank you. I love this whole Dick Cheney thing. He's the new Chuck Norris.
  5. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    I hope you dont deny that they have killed people during interrogation Joe. Do you ? ( At least in Afghanistan) Cause if you follow that. Maybe you should think about how many they have beat up ? Sleepdeprivation ? A friend from that big extended clan Reza of Iran was getting sleepdeprivation and a little stand up/lie down :evil: You dont need more than that.
    The pure inadulterated truth is that USA uses methods that most of the world ( including most of the US population ) find repulsive. Its sort of silly to continue in denial.
    Its like : "They didnt do it and besides those types deserved it" Have you heard that before ? I hope you get it! Its the same logical fault that makes you claim someone is guilty by showing the violent nature of a crime. A logical fault you presented as argument with that "Tookie" Williams case.
  6. smiles

    smiles New Member

    joe we've had this debate before and i'm not going to get into it.... you claim all they;re doing is sleep deprevation and ridicule but when i posted the article about the german guy who was beaten and detained for weeks you assured me that even though he was released he was most certainly a terrorist :roll:
  7. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    If he ( That german-arab kinapped by CIA ) goes public he will be a terrorist since that will be an "attack" on the war on terror. More rightly called, the war of terror.

    And as for Tookie Williams. You must remember what kind of people controlled your nation at that point of time. Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy shot a month apart. J.F.Kennedy shot NINE days after his speach that Nursey provided

    Sorry man, but the picture here is clear as day. The militaryindustrialist complex killed of niggras and niggra-lovaz while the head of the FBI was strutting around in gartherbelt and nylons.(Remember the gaybomb ?).

    And that is why this hyperpatriotic "we never donne it and besides they disserved" it does not cut it. Its way beyond that.
  8. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Thanks again Nursey :wink: Get it joe :wink:
  9. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    I agree with President Eisenhower. Time to send the Neo-cons back to hell. They're quickly losing ground. The dream of the Reagan conservative movement is mostly dead, hopefully well on it's way to dying, give it up Joe, compassionate conservativism is gone. Let it die.
  10. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Take a long hard look at yourselves. My point was regarding the media trying to use pictures to imply that they were depicting torture when that was not that case. Really it was an oppertunity to put pout a soapbox for the anti-war anti-American. Like the reactive little puppets you did your duty. Ant the media is not left leaning?

    Anyone who wants to read the Post regarding the German terrorist that was let go I invite them to read my post I think I soundly made my point then. :roll:
  11. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Well sorry Joe if those in the media realize the people just don't give a damn about anything anymore, and so they got to scrape together whatever they can to make a buck. News just isn't sensational anymore. Hmmm... I think there'll be plenty to report soon enough, though.
  12. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    I don't understand how your posts have proven anything Joe. All you've proven is that you can get a bunch of fuglyites to say something. Not exactly impressive, now is it?
  13. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    There are sixty pics or so out. It sure looks like torture. The fact that they have killed during interrogation indicates that pther have been messed up as well. ( As in : Not all torture leads to death ).

    Take a look at yourself Joe. They have KILLED people in jail. We know they used torture in Abu Graib , and here you are, telling us the earth is flat and that the starts are litty bitty windowe that the angels look down from.

    What will be possible toi argue though,, is that the USarmed forces use less torture than the Saddam-regime or the Iran-regime. Maybe torture is considered a neccesary evil, or like in the official news, something that happened out of controll. Gov stated that they were against such practice and they have sentenced US troopers to time because they used TORTURE

    ( On another note. What indications exist of insurgent torture ? ).
    ( Non-rethorical question ) :)
  14. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    What indications exist of insurgent torture, how about videos of them sawing someones head off?
  15. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    That is indeed torture if the hostage is alive. If the killing is fats though, its not. No matter how long it takes to get the head of.
    In that case its desecration of the dead.
  16. smiles

    smiles New Member


    i see so you want a level playing field? how about this..... give the insurgents some aircraft carriers and cruise missles and in turn they'll allow you to saw a few heads off, deal?
  17. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Just talking about whether or not the insurgents practice inhumane forms of torture, I would think sawing someones head off would constitute that. And they choose to fight a guerilla war. I don't think they're asking for planes and aircraft carriers. Those are too big to park in front of a building and blow up, duh.
  18. smiles

    smiles New Member

    come on now tho honestly joe tried to argue the same thing about how the insurgents dont wear military uniforms they;re not entitled to treatment as POW's.... history is usually what decides weather someone is a freedom fighter and a martyr or a terrorist........ you have them out manned, out gunned, out financed, out trained, and out equipped.. just because they refuse to all check off "terrorist" on their income tax return so you can conduct a cencus does not mean their cause is illegitimate
  19. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    when the fuck did I say their cause was illegitimate. We're talking about whether or not they use torture, which is never legitimate, regardless of cause. And Osama Bin Laden is a freedom fighter, Ronald Reagan said so.
  20. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    With this latest leaking of torture photos, it would be considerate of 'them' (you know...the "insurgents";)) to do another of those beheadings, just to assure us in the civilised world that THEY=BAD and US=GOOD. Maybe Mr. Negroponte could have a small word? You did not read that.

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