I am in no way shape or form a racist! I have a whole lot of white friends. I just call folks ignorant when I see it. I just have a problem with people still living back in the slavery days when they knw it ain't like that anymore! Honestly... didn't Dr. King stand for anything?
Whoa, whoa, lets be civil here. FIrst of all, Franchise, we need you to adjust the image size a little there G unit. Secondly, we all have to all understand that hip-hop music is very popular today. And it is a scientifically proven fact that listening to hip-hop makes you a fucking retard, so let's have a little restraint here. Yeeesh.
If you are not a racist as you claim don't use racist terms to describe what you consider ignorant (such as "cracker"), it makes you just as bad as the person you think you are better than.
didn't you say lets be civil? How in the fuck what you just said is civil? I see you on the same boat with Checkmate!
Hey, hey, hey, Let's not lump me and Checkmate together here, All I said was that you need to adjust your image size a little and stop listening to hip-hop. That's all!
I have a simple and serious request. I enjoy checking in to the forum while I am at work. When people use huge naked sig pictures, I cannot access the forum without flashing the picture all over the place. If you want to put gross stuff in the "pictures" forum - go for it. But forcing everyone to look at a big fat naked butt every time they read the forum is not cool. I know it may come as a huge shock - but there are a few people on earth who do not want to see naked people all the time. Be a little considerate. Barry
Yes you and your sig are a mistake, and causing barry serious distress at work, while he is supposed to be working. In all honesty I have seen J-ello that jiggles less.
Barry, I appreciate you honest request here. And, whilst its reasonably sound, I feel that making such a request is more or less daring people to exactly what you're asking them not to--especially 'round here. This is, after all, Fugly. Trying to make it a civil, considerate place--even in the limited respect of sigs, is probably an exercise of futility.
I am aware that asking for anything in here is the same as trying to put out a fire with gasoline. I just asked nicely so that I won't have to feel guilty when I permanently disable Franchises computer by activating the java bomb I planted there when he/she clicked on the log in link. Or I might send a GPS guided laser beam (from Alaska) to zap the modem. I can do that you know. Barry
whip one you might not like hip hop which is fine... but dont talk shit about it.... also the man never said he liked rap, you just assumed it because he's black thus making u........... DUN DA DA DUN a CRACKER
It's a general public service announcement. Plus, hip-hop is repsonsible for the language he was using... so one might infer causation. Word?