My paycheck has my name on it. Therefore, it is mine. I don't think that he should have to pay my credit card bills and vice versa. I don't pay his child support. I prefer to separate the money and he gives me half for the house payment (though the house is in my name) and utilities and I pay the bills. This way I know it gets done and we don't have to fight over what he spends his money on anymore than we do. Really the only time I get pissed is if he doesn't have his half. When I had a car payment, I paid it. I wouldn't expect him to pay for a car that he wasn't driving. He pays for my health insurance and I feel guilty about that and have offered to pay my half because sometimes that gets thrown in my face.
ewww I hate it when someone throws shit up like that. The Arab still pays my insurance - and it went up again this year... I think it is close to 430$ a month now- not sure when he brings it up ...I just say something along the lines of- whooooopidy doo- you pay my insurance - wow - the insurance that paid for the surgery I required to get YOUR baby out of me. he always starts laughing--- because I get all dramatic - showing my scar- complaining of my bikini modeling career being over. My arguments are entertaining
He acts like the insurance is supposed to "fix" me to fuck. The shrink was talking about Viagra and I was like "no effing way lady"
yeah I went through a few years of having NO sex drive what so ever... and people always said "why dont you try this- or that" whatever. I said "I dont like football, should I take a pill to change THAT as well" People... well I guess should say WOMEN go through different hormonal changes in their life. As a teen I could less about sex... while all my friends were fucking everything. Then as I got older... I would have like a horny 5-6 months... then boom Nadda for for a few months... then after my first kid... I did not want ANY sex for like 4-5 years. And now the urge is growing like a mofo. I remember hearing something about women hit their sexual peek around 35... I will be 32 this year... so I guess that is about right. I am early. also all of your drugs may be the cause of your lost ... what the hell is the word... mojo... no - shit I forgot the word... you know what I mean.
I will probably one of those broke guys walking to work. Living in my parents house.... I think the medication can lead to low libido. Some of the stuff my woman takes has that as a side effect.
libido... that is the word... shit, I could not think of it to save my life. Why in the hell did I say mojo.. haha ... what is "mojo" anyway? Is it the same thing?
Yeah, I think mojo is slang for libido. I always think of The Doors LA Woman when I hear the word, mojo.
Mojo is a type of Voodoo spell I do not think it has to specifically be regarding libido The song that comes to mind for me was by Muddy Waters. Obviously by the song you can tell its nothing but libido the writer was talking about. But I think a Voodoo witch can make all sorts of Mojo spells could be wrong.
I only read the first post, so forgive me if this is redundant... Legally, no action can be taken against you for medical bills. They may try to hire collection agents with cocky attitudes to harass you over the phone, but you can either ignore them, or literally tell them that they have no legal jurisdiction, and threaten actual legal action if you're bothered again by them - this will end most calls. Happened to me once. Hospital didn't code my billing correctly with regards to an emergency room visit, and my insurance didn't pay, accordingly. They came to me for the balance and I laughed, told them to learn how to adjudicate insurance claims, and never call me again. A few months later, I get a nasty bitch calling me, demanding money, and I flat out told her (verbatim) "Look, woman - you're calling me and asking for money? You'd better ask a bit nicer in the future..." - I swear, I never heard from any of those people ever since.
From what I have read, they can sue for medical bills. I think 450 is kinda small potatoes. They aren't out that much, so I am not going to let myself worry about it.
First thing that came to me when I read mojo is Austin Powers.
I was sued for medical bills. They started off garnishing 25% of my paycheck. I tried to hang with that for a couple of months to get it paid off more quickly, but I was sinking badly. Ended up taking them back to court and got it cut down to $25.00 out of every paycheck for the next 16 years. YAY ME!
That's about what my last hospital stay cost, insurance picked up all but around 3k and I am making payments on it for the next year. That 450 kinda pales in comparison to what you owed. I'm hoping that they just forget about me.
I thought the same thing, then I landed this bad ass job and they were on me in a matter of 3 weeks after I started. I keep hoping I will win the lottery, but as my luck goes that will be a cold day in hell.