2nd day.. yesterday made a big meal.. today created something.. freesh green spinach pasta.. with roasted tomatoes, garlic, bellpepper, onions, and lil touch of tomato sauce and lil touch of monterey jack cheese... was very good, and pretty. I feel like I should have a cooking show. thanks to a new kitchen and bridges still out (takes soo long to get in town) I am like a cooking genius. also I got food from the farmers market... it rocks.
when it starts cooling down we cook a lot more at my house. Sunday me and the wife made; meatloaf, potato salad, turkey spaghetti, and deer chili. Next week we are gona make some stews and Terri will make her Italian white beans and sausage recipe. Her potato salad is da-bomb she puts a little vinegar in it ever hear of that? Anyway it makes for an easy week of leftovers every day and there is still some left in the freezer for later.
Geez... I don't know how to cook. I hate preparing food. It's boring. I enjoy baking though for some reason... like pies and cookies and stuff, but I hate to cook. Only "dishes" I ever made were eggplant parmesan and pesto pasta salad. Now I don't eat either. Yogurt, soup, carrots, potatoes, mac and cheese, fake chicken nuggets, chips, fries, fake turkey sandwiches and pumpkin pie... that about covers my diet.
I have NEVER been into cooking... in my young days (no kids) I used the pantry and cabinets as shoe storage.. something about this kitchen... makes me want to cook. And I think it mostly has to with the quality of food... the fruits and veggies and other crap from the farmers market... just seem better than the Kroger/Walmart stuff.
It is. In the summer, I never buy tomatoes from those places. You forget how good a tomato is until until you eat one from a real garden. I also don't buy eggs from stores but from a local farmer. But for some reason since I saw the pic of the thousand year old egg, eggs totally make me want to vomit.
I buy tomatoes from my Mom & Pop's gas station... very good from the garden . I buy the cage free Amish farm eggs.