If those 3 corpses were still able to speak it could be fascinating to sit down with Nietzsche, Kant, and Chuang Tzu.
Have you ever dug through Geisel's war cartoons from WWII? It's interesting stuff, shows the politics of the times, not much different then things are now.
The three people I would like to had dinner with are: 1) Albert Einstein 2) Alexander the Great 3) Leonardo da Vinci In my opinion, they would all make fantastic dinner guests. if a subsititute had to be made, it would have to be Nikola Tesla
I'm just jealous, since I wouldn't have thought of Tesla. I actually think the guy was a genius. He knew electromagnetism was the driving force of the planet's and stars before... well, I guess the idiots at our space agencies still haven't figured it out. Tesla is teh smart.
1. Fritz Haarman - on the menu - Pork Bellies http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fritz_Haarmann Why? The guy was a world class psychopath. I love pyschopaths. I find them interesting. 2. John the Baptist - on the menu- Honey and Locust http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew 3:4&version=31 Why? The dude grew uo with Jesus. His cousin in fact. I want to ask him what Jesus was like as a kid. 3. John "Big Daddy" Bishop - on the menu - his special BBQ Ribs, just one more time. http://www.dreamlandbbq.com/main/history.asp Why? The original Dreamland in Tuscaloosa was a icon of the Old South. Big Daddy died, and his kids franchised the resturant. The original was amazing. The franchises suck. Just one more time I would like to eat his cooking and see if he would tell me the secret. Barry