If you are dumb enough to leave yourself logged in....

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Ulfur Engil, Feb 18, 2005.

  1. DrBungle

    DrBungle New Member

  2. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    That's Chilling!


    MEDICVET New Member

    sounds like a member of the Norman Bates fan club there. ;)
  4. Robman97

    Robman97 Member

    Are you from the Metro area Medicvet. I am actually in the OKC area myself. Hence the location that no one has ever seemed to notice. :roll:

    MEDICVET New Member

    Naw, I live in a small town about an hour se of haggerd town. ;)

    MEDICVET New Member

    oh and I noticed. figured either ya used to work there or knew someone who did, and did that as a tribute. Was going to mention it in a bit if you didn't, but wasn't sure how.

    My Aunt did some volunteer work for the red cross, and we didn't know where she was for days and couldn't reach her and didn't realize she was okay but volunteering until she called us ( fzmily and I lived in cali at the time) to let us know she was okay....she found her name on a 'missing' list. She was on her way to the social security office, but got delayed at a friends house some distance away, but her other neice knew she was supposed to be there. So we were worried sick, and there she was helping other relatives get in touch with each other, and then found her own name there and called us.

    Now that I go to the VA in OKC when Muskogee doesn't have the facilities/care/whatnot that I need, I know some folks there who were part of it in one form or another, and when I go to the site, have talked with some people who were there and come to the memorial just to talk to people..some of them the park rangers (is that the right word to use for them? ) know about and will point out to people, and then people come up and ask questions..hesitantly at first, but then with a little more comfort, once they are reassured by the individuals in question that that is why they come there to talk to other people about it to let them know what it was like. A few others will just see someone, like this guy saw me, and we just struck up a convo the last time I was there in July. Turned out he had known my aunt (she died two years ago.)

    Anyway, where you there?
  7. Robman97

    Robman97 Member

    No, actually I was in Texas at the time and I thought they were talking about 50 Penn place, since the OKC FBI Branch use to be located there. Anyways, my Mom voluntered there, she is a LPN and I have been by there a few times. In fact I worked on the reconstruction efforts in a Church next door. Hate to say it, but that place is a pussy magnet during the summer months. :twisted:

    MEDICVET New Member

    rofl! :lol: :roll: :lol: I would imagine it would be. Do you ever bring flowers and put it on one of the chairs and look all somber, all the while scoping out the hottest chicks who might be watching? I'll be it does better than borrowing a bud's baby or getting a puppy. ;)

    Hell, it mighta worked on ME! :wink: 8)
  9. Robman97

    Robman97 Member

    No, I have thought about it though. I don't know how my wife would react to that, so I haven't tried. If you are going to go though let me know and I will and we will see if it works or not. :twisted: 8)

    MEDICVET New Member

    wow you mean i get to have a chance to be a homewrecker and break up a loving home? cool. :twisted: 8)

    seriously, when next i go to OKC will let ya know and maybe we can hit a spot in bricktown that serves different kind of yummy beer and I will graciously let you be the designated driver and take me to my hotel room. ;) :lol: :twisted: 8) If yer wife is into the kinky scene she can come along too.

    JK! :wink:
  11. DangerousDan

    DangerousDan New Member

    You idiot. That's a dude.
  12. HORUS

    HORUS New Member

    yeah, or if i walk down the street, you should blow me :p
  13. DrBungle

    DrBungle New Member

    Let them love freely and uninhibitted!
  14. Robman97

    Robman97 Member

    Actually, you are the idiot. If you read other threads or maybe other sections of this Forum, you might have noticed that SHE in fact is a WOMAN. Wow, that was fucking difficult wasn't it. This coming from a Crossdresser of all people.
  15. DangerousDan

    DangerousDan New Member

    The only people that use the words yer and naw and ya and write poems like this:

    Valentine's Day

    Hearts, roses, kisses galore.
    What the hell is all this shit for?
    People get mushy and start acting queer.
    It is definetly the most annoying day of the year.
    The day needs to get the hell over with and pass.
    Before I shove a dozen roses up cupids ass.
    I'll spend the day so drunk I can not speak.
    And I'll wear only black the rest of the week.
    Guys act all sweet but it soon will fade.
    For all they are trying to do is get laid.
    The arros cupid shot me must not have hit.
    Because I think love is a big crock of shit.
    So here is my story, what else can I say?
    Love bites ass....fuck Valentine's Day!

    are rednecks and redneck chicks with dicks. Now you better get to bed if your going to catch the little yellow short bus tomorrow.
  16. Robman97

    Robman97 Member

    :roll: whatever, don't push your Chicks with dicks Fantasy on me ok. We don't like that shit down here in the South.
  17. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    Yea, they like them there FEmale sheeps!! :wink:
  18. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Corrrection for Schmed - there are very few sheep in the South. Cows, however, are everywhere. "Gettin' down on the farm" here in Dixie is a moo not a bleet.

  19. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    Thats why them sheep is such a rare delicacy!
  20. Dr.Roboto

    Dr.Roboto New Member

    i can attest to that, the cow part not the gettin down part. we used to have a small cow farm down where i live at, that was till every thing started getting developed

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