Sammy called me Darling. hits mapquest for directions to the Pacific Notrthwest Just my luck - 2854 miles apart.
homelessness.. poverty... people advocating dismantling medicare/medicaid/social security... racism.. the american dream eh? sure looks that way from the outside berry :roll:
Yeah Pimp its terrible. No one would ever want to come here. Desperate people are leaving in droves. A mass exodus with the population declining pretty soon there won't be anyone left. A veritable hell hole with so many other better places to live in the world.
It looks that way from the outside because the liberal media of America, who represent a thin majority and their own special interests, feed that crap to the rest of the world. Let me clue you in Pimp. I live here. I work every day with the "impoverished" and the "less forutune." I know what America really looks like. The truth is this - there is VERY LITTLE HOMELESSNESS in America. The miniscule number of people who refuse to accept the shelter that is offered them, and choose to sleep under a bridge are not "homeless." They are sick and refusing treatment. I see the "homeless" often. I have never met one yet that was not either mentally ill, or hopelessly addicted to drugs/alcohol. They refuse treatment, and you can't make them get better. "Homlessness in America" is a myth. Some of the living conditions may not be great for everyone, but I bet the worst in America is still much better than the worst in other developed countries. Want proof? Ask any American if they know anybody - ANYBODY - that does not have clean running water available in their home. That's a real indicator of quality of life. Statistically a person is "homeless" when they run up huge credit card bills, party all the time, lose their jobs, bankrupt, and have to move in with relatives. I have a hard time crying for people who make stupid decisions. They are homeless by definition, but they are surely sleeping with a roof over their head at night. And Poverty? Yes, there are poor people in America. But the poor here still have it better than most every where else in the world. Want proof? Well tell me this Pimp, when is the last time you saw and American trying to sneak out of the Country to find a better life? And poor people here have something that is not always available in the rest of the world - they have the opportuinty to do better. Hard work still pays off here. As far as social security, medicaid, etc - you just don't know what you are talking about. Every child in Alabama has access to "Kids First" health care. Community Medical facilities see people for a few dollars. The Community Mental health centers give out free drugs like candy. It may take a day or two to get treated for non emergencies, but people get treated. And lastly, Racism. Screw you Pimp for even saying that. America has every color and ethnicity. We live together and work together and get along just fine every day. There is always going to be individual racism anywhere you go, because there are stupid people anywhere you go. As a whole, this country is far ahead of the rest of the world in it's acceptance and tolerance. You go into any American resturant on any given day, and you will see all races and colors eating together and thinking nothing of it. Racism is a losers trump card that is played to hide incompetence and laziness - Ray Nagin being a prime example. What happened in New Orleans wasn't due to racism - it was due to incompetence on a local level. Nagin screams "racism" to cover his own ass, and the ignorant world out there believes it must be true. Again, I waste my time. It is impossible to educate someone who has a vested interest in maintaining their erroneous beliefs.
actually i just read the first line and assumed you'd had a meltdown, posted your password to the whole forum, and joe was posting under your nick...
i just skimmed your longass post finally berry... and i hate to break it to you.. but there are a hell of a lot of countries that are just the same.. if not better.. actually a few are almost certainly better
A suggestion Pimp. I recommend you go there to one of those wonderful places, enjoy life and quit exerting so much of your time and energy split between exploring sick and disgusting porn and hate filled anti-America rhetoric. Life is too short to waste it away. That link was absolutely disgusting. Surfing for that shit and spreading it around is basically the same as marketing it. Think about it. Please redeem yourself and tell the forum you not into that crap and it were immature of you to even go there. We all do stupid shit including myself from time to time. Forums like this are a setup to try and get people to be more outrageous than the other. Grim falls for that all the time. If your intent was to shock well then you succeeded. :shock:
yes joe i plan on sailing to Pala one day and living out my life talking to parrots, binging on moksha and fucking my way through my newfound extended family it takes no time or energy to find sick, disgusting porn.. or anti-americanism on the internet... that being said, i grew weary of any and all porn a long time ago.. excessive availability tends to do that for me... and anti-american? don't kid yourself that i reserve my scorn for purely the good ol' USofA i reposted a link to a video i saw on another site, that i couldn't personally watch past the first few seconds, for shits and giggles... get over it or build a fucking memorial.. i don't care oh do shut up
Pimp said: A lot of really sick fucks start out like that surfing sick porn. And making excuses for it.
i surfed for sick porn long time ago... and when seeing a guy receiving the full length of a stallions cock up his ass merely evokes a 'meh' reaction you know that porn days are long gone... i took the link from the 18+ section of an art forum.. the really sick fucks are banned pretty swiftly... you wouldn't last long
Ludicrous, Joe. Completely ludicrous. You have no evidence that that idiot surfed for porn, and certainly none that it was this behaviour that made him into the so-called "monster" he is today. Add to that the fact that he's just a fame-seeking loser, and not the child killer you all had him pegged as being, and your entire post is – as I think I've already said – ludicrous.
Your right Chester so when that cute little female Chester offspring reaches the tender age of oh say 10. Then I'll get you a male nanny to watch her while you are away. Off of a pool of prospects directly from persons who specifically surf that type of porn. You can feel comfortable knowing your daughter is in good hands. Cause to think anything else would be. Well... just simply ludicrous.
No, of course I wouldn't be comfortable with that, you intellectual Leviathan, you. But you're not arguing the point I'm making, which was ... I'll put this as simply as I can for you ... you have absolutely no shred of evidence of a causal link between watching self-mutilation porn and becoming* a child molester. *... or even claiming to have become ...
This would be a good topic for a new thread.....nah, that's not the Fugly tradition. No link between porn and perversion? There is literally 100's of research projects worldwide that have valididated a link between pornography and violent sexual crime. While it is probably not accurate to say that pornography causes someone to be a child molester, it is almost certainly true to say that pornography paves the road to perversion. No question that a link exists between pornography and sexual perversion. The question to be answered is which came first, the chicken or the egg.
Hey back up a little. Ok I was just making a point that no sane person would argue against so that we can at least find some common ground. Point is even if the sick porn does not cause the sick perversion. I think maybe we can agree that it has the potential to feed the perversion like fertilizer. And thats not a good thing.
Ph and to address the point you were making. To me one is about as sick as the other. And with the same effect of feeding the sickness.
Correct. And given that millions of people watch porn without committing crimes of any description, let alone sexual ones, I think we can safely say the perversion comes first. It's a little like the "marijuana causes you to move onto harder drugs" argument, where the logic is equally flawed. You walk up to someone who's on hard drugs and ask them if they ever used marijuana, and BINGO, case closed, of course they all have. (It is, after all, the easiest illicit drug to get hold of.) No one every thinks to ask them if they used alcohol or cigarettes, because that wouldn't suit the point they are trying to make. And no one considers the countless millions of people who have a sly puff of the weed on the weekend and have never, ever moved onto anything else. Likewise, of course sexual predators have viewed pornography. And honestly, hasn't everyone? But the vast majority never move onto sexual crimes of any description. Here's a few other questions we could ask sexual predators, in the course of our "research": - Have you ever eaten at McDonalds? (Therefore, eating at McDonalds causes you to become a sexual predator.) - Have you ever licked a stamp? (Therefore, licking stamps causes you to become a sexual predator.) - Have you ever read the Bible? (etc. etc. etc.)