New season starts in July. If you're really hard up on demand usually has 3 or 4 epdisodes floating around. If not that then hit up your preferred torrent sight.
I would have made a really big scene. With a lot of loud talking and a lot of 'get your fucking manager out here'. Then look at the rent a cops and tell them to get their fucking bosses down here too. Then I would pray that one of them would touch me. I would unleash the largest can of whoop ass that they have ever seen. Then I would sue them.
I'm not going to do that. I just want to know. I always have to know where my enemies are. Besides, they do not have my name unless they followed me to my car and had eagle vision and got my plate... even then they can't get my name through a plate. They have no idea who I am and I love it. Yeah, when someone is pissed, don't play devil's advocate. It just makes you look like a disrespectful asshole.
That's what everyone says but until you are in that situation, you really don't know. I was stunned and felt outnumbered and just wanted to leave. I was in a town in which I have had to deal with the police in the past and it wasn't a good scene and although it has been years ago and my name has changed, I just figured creating a disturbance would have been worse. Had I been in my own town, I would have called the police myself. If I was single, I would go out and fuck a cop and have them make those people's life a living hell. I hope she dies so I can go to her funeral (but I doubt her scummy family could afford one) and dump the entire contents of the pad and tampon boxes in every public restroom in a 15 mile radius in her casket.
The thought of fiscal gain over one's suffering, anguish, and public humility comes to mind... And who's to put a price tag on that?!? Maybe this is just me having more faith in human reasoning than should be allotted, but it would seem to reason that the more often corporate has to dig into their wallets to pay off some seemingly 'minor' inconvenience with a customer, the more thought and planning they might put into their hiring/staffing procedures. You might cite the business term "Customer attrition" - a fancy term for simply losing customers, and mention the proven fact that the cost of retaining an existing customer is far less than acquiring a new one. Don't put that in the comment box - trust me on this one. All your other efforts will have been in vain.
Heh... yeah I surely won't do that. I wrote a 4 page letter and am sending it to the pres. vice pres. and the operations director. If they offer me a coupon, I am going to flip the fuck out.
Sorry for my late reply here. I didn't want to say anything without first reading the whole story through and some of the other comments said here. Here's how I would approach this... First and foremost, get some advice from a local lawyer. I hope you have already done this? I would then write a bitter but professional letter to the company's head office (I assume it's franchise-based?) expressing your humiliation and deprivation of liberty that you received at the hands of employees acting as agents and representatives of their company. Drop hints that you will be seeking legal advice despite the outcome of the said letter. Use the names of the employees, the time and date it happened, what you were wearing, what shoes you tried on, and what you intended to buy. The reason for this is to help prove that your only motive to be there was to purchase their wares, and you can back this up with an accurate account of what happened, who said what, and their "reactions". Tell them you have intentions on taking things further, and they will need to provide preponderance of the evidence of the allegations brought against you. Failure to do so will result in a lawsuit for deprivation of liberty, causing undue stress. If you have dark skin, dark eyes, or hair or anything that could be used, I would even play the discrimination card.
Yes, correct, and in civil law, is called "deprivation of liberty" or, in lay-terms, depriving you of your freedom.
Play up your fear of public. That you have had anxiety attacks because of this episode and that you have been seeking therapuetic advice as well as legal advice.
I sent my 4 page letter today, certified mail. I gave them two weeks to respond before I contacted the local newspaper, tv station and got a lawyer.
Just my opinion, but the longer you wait to get a lawyer,the more chance they have to lose the in store security video.
It was already gone by the time my husband went to the store. That's one of the points in my letter. Where is the video that would prove 100% that I was detained without merit?
Thanks. I hope they don't insult me with a coupon. It's a cheap ass store anyway. I just the main bitch fired and her side kick who accused me of shoving her last year and who followed my husband out after he had went down there fired too. And I will be happy.