That's don't anyone go thinking it had anything to do with the month long string of pitiful, failed attempts Sham made to 'get one over' that immediately preceded baby-Baznads braindamaged forum debut...
it's why i like to 'hang' here online but even at my sickest never made it an online 'home'. I like this place, but it's sick and twisted (hmm..yeah, i like this place), and it's why although i have no life and live online, i won't be livin all of my online life here. barry had to step back and sign off for good when because he realized that this isn't a site to make 'home', but even with all MY MAJOR FUCKING ISSUES i knew THAT about here from the getgo. only reason i was pissed when the cyberstalkers posted that shit about my personal info here was because i may be blonde and a basket case but have one or two marbles still roling around in my head, and would never do that here myself, and only reason they did that was cus this is the one place i go to that they followed me to where it wasn't deleted and they didn't get banned for it. but that's okay, because that is what this site is. fuck a fiver who packs horse manure and shovels through his rucksack everytime upon makin bivuouc trying to find his viagra and only getting his fingers dirty, and craves being able to shove said fingers up some goatse. i will pop in and out here because that sad sack of shit with his little 'freedom of speech site' has not a fucking clue as to what true freedom of speech is. it's here. nice place to visit, and i sure in the hell will a lot, but will both not stay nor will i 'check out' for good..I can check out anytime I like, but I can never leave. (couldn't help myself there) seriously tho, we are all some warped and twisted fucks, some more than others, and if Barry looked in the mirror and didn't like the games he was playing online here because they were more real than he wanted them to be, fuck him. I like him a lot, but the games here are for a reason, and we don't need a shrink or a cop or a mod to check our own asses. but you bet your sweet motherfuckin bippy tho that when the shit pours from online to off that I will take every fuckin step it takes to deal with it, because anyone can call me delusional, and maybe they were right, and it was all a bad dream, nothing more, but when it comes to me and mine without my consent i will take steps are necessary. but about this site itself? i brought my own ass here in there end, and will take my own out when i damn well feell like it, and it ain't today, tyvm. I plan on bippin in and out for quite a while to come yet.
Is Fugly my home? :shock: I'm sorry, maybe I'm just in a dickhead mood, but I don't fucking miss Barry. This place was coming between him and god? That's enough to crack a smile at... I can't say that I liked the whole "I'm your friend and I care" persona. It creeped me out.
nachos? no nachos here man ... but i have a feeling someone's been raiding my sundried foreskin-chips