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Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Dwaine Scum, Nov 26, 2004.

  1. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    No...and i'm very sorry to hear that. It's a tricky issue to discuss with someone who has it as i realised when a close relative developed it. I made my opinion known, but after that wouldn't offer any more on my opinion unless it was specifically requested, and was supportive of their choice to take the orthodox approach.
    Personally, i have a lot more faith in a holistic approach - mainly Traditional Chinese Medicine (acupuncture and herbs) - to conditions of such complexity.
    The point i was trying to make was that, on the whole, the cancer industry is a bit of a big corrupt farce. Any scientific discoveries that threaten what has become a phenominally lucrative industry is subsequently buried.
    This article: Science And The Coming Dark Age, illustrates the same principle very well.

    Donating money to a charity that funds a corrupt industry doesn't help anyone apart from the 'Cheneys' of the world.
  2. ratatouille

    ratatouille New Member

    I have a birds eye view of the monster of medicine at work. some patients i take care of are on 20 or more meds. the more they take, the worse they feel, therefore they need more to counteract the side effects. Chris Rock was right on during his 'comedic' bit when he said there will never be a cure for AIDS/HIV, they will just enble one to live with it. The money is in the treatment, not the cure. Medicine can prolong life but it does not always provide a good quality of life. I see many, many, patients that need to STOP toturing their bodies!! That being said, I would like the opportunity to be treated for my ailments with herbs but since there are no regulations as to the strength or quality of OTC herbs I wouldnt know where to begin. There are several Chinese Medicine clinics in my area I would also like to go to, however modern insurance coverage doesn't cover those types of treatments. A medical doctor I once knew gave me free acupunture, then referred me to his daughters practice where I could pay for it. Since I am poor, I did not go.
    To stay with the topic, as much of a bitch that i am, i do take pity on people who are sick and suffering. I have raised funds to feed the poor, provide clothing and gifts to children for the holidays etc...I am involved with my student nurses association and coordinate and organize community programs. I also adopt stray cats and give small amts of $$ to the local sheriff's assoc. and also Planned Parenthood. This spring I am coordinating and AIDS/HIV, STD education outreach and also providing blood pressure screening. I also coordinate an osteoporosis prevention program for 2nd and 3rd grade children.
  3. smiles

    smiles New Member

    wow when i was in grade 2 and 3 the only thing my teachers were trying to prevent was me eating the gluesticks... it's a sick world we live in
  4. ratatouille

    ratatouille New Member

    we teach them that drinking milk and exercise is good basically. its fun, they like it and get to play with a skeleton and sing songs etc... i would recommend the minty semi-sweet paste over the glue sticks though. it tastes better and wont kill you.
  5. DangerousDan

    DangerousDan New Member

    Hopefully you are trying to get them to drink skim milk as milk can be one of the worst foods for artery clogging saturated fat. As a former researcher and medical student I completely disagree with your holistic medicine statements. If you want to understand the way medical research really works I will try to lay it out for you. The government funded NIH research and so forth is provided on the basis of scientific merit and what is judged to be the most potentially beneficial research and is given out to University Departments such as Biochemistry/genetics, Physiology, Pathology, ect. Often times that research involves things that don't directly translate into immediate therapies for disease but provide the foundation for understanding how the body works. For example discovering a biochemical pathway. Private research groups often utilize this research to come up with research they think might translate into a treatment option that will make money. However, government funded University Research also looks for potential treatments. Everyone is standing on the backs of the people that came before them. Past publications using scientifically accepted methods and statistics provide the basis for determing the direction of future research. Holistic medicine is mainly just a bunch of mumbo jumbo put out by "humanists" who are trying to mix spirituality with cold scientific facts. Females seem to be especially prone to buying into this kind of crap. Herbal therapies are the same thing as drug therapies in that the herbs contain chemicals that effect the body. For example some can thin the blood, increase the heart rate and blood pressure. This can be good or bad. Problem is you never know what you are getting and the manufactures aren't required to standardize it. One time you get one dose of a chemical one time another dose. Just like there is "good" and "bad" pot.
  6. DangerousDan

    DangerousDan New Member

    Thats current medical student and former medical researcher.
  7. Deebo57

    Deebo57 New Member

    thats not right
  8. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    I am not going to bullshit, and beat around the bush, I have known for almost 2 months now, Fugly was one of the first people I told, I have testicular cancer, its not like its a major thing (like liver, blood, stomach, ect) and I am sorry I snapped ant nursey, I lub her to death, I just feel like shit hearing people just slamming something that have no control over. Basically I will love one of my balls, and never have any children. That is the reason why I broke up with my fiancee, and just sit in my dark room, and do nothing. Work, and nothing. I talk hard, but yes, I wanted my own child one day, unless I start fucking hard, nonstop for the next month, it ain't gonna happen. So yes I am a bit bitter... I appologize to all i have been a douchebag too recently
  9. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    Not knowing to much about testicular cancer, could they not have frozen some of your sperm for you so you could always have a choice later on with IVF?
  10. ratatouille

    ratatouille New Member

    uh, I dont see how we are disagreeing on that. I agree that herbal therapies work like drugs, and they do have real effects. I also agree that they are not "standardized". And skim milk is not appropriate for growing children unless they are overweight.
  11. DangerousDan

    DangerousDan New Member

    Skim milk has all the protein and calcium and vitamins of whole milk or 2% and none of the fat and just 1% of the the daily allowance for cholesterol. Kids too much fat from other foods already.
  12. ratatouille

    ratatouille New Member

    every child is different. you cant make a blanket statement that all kids are eating too much fat because not all of them are.
  13. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

  14. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

  15. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Go to the site and read the whole of that last article, as it is someone with first hand knowledge on the subject. Also, i've looked out a couple of alternative treatments that cost little or nothing and can at least do no harm. Though the first one might be worth keeping quiet about, if you choose to try it. And keeping a packet of extra strong mints handy might also be advisable. :|
  16. ratatouille

    ratatouille New Member

  17. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Possibley, i wasn't vouching for it in any way. I just thought it might be worth investigating.
  18. DangerousDan

    DangerousDan New Member

    I think the best thing to do is get the best doctors on the job and follow their instructions. Other than that I would just eat healthy. Lots of fruits and vegetables with antioxidants, vitamins and cofactors to help the body fight off not only cancer but other types of disease. Taking vitamins is good but probably not in megadoses. For example I heard that taking 1000% of the daily allowance of Vitamin E like they come in those capsules can interfere with other fat soluble vitamin absorbtion like Vitmain B 12. Alot of the good vitamins and cofactors and so forth found in fruits and vegetables probably haven't been identified so eating good is important even if you take vitamins. I heard recently that drinking orange juice can help for example to fighting off cancer. Some people were even claiming that it could shrink tumors. Anyway, that would seem to make sense because of vitamin C and is an antioxidant.
  19. DangerousDan

    DangerousDan New Member

    Also trying to stay unstressed and getting enough sleep is important. Being stressed lowers your immune system. You need your immune system to be strong so that it can more effectively kill the cancer cells.
  20. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Now you sound more intelligent Dan. When you aren't just mouthing off about stuff you've been told by a higher authority to dismiss and look down on. And the advice you gave there is advice that would have been considered 'alternative' and 'holistic' in the early 70's, for example. It's the same kind of osmosis of information that is responsible for so many orthodox doctors these days beginning to see for themselves and accept the benefits of some holistic approaches, mainly homeopathy and Chinese medicine.

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