trust me pukey, you will LOVE it... expicially the guagcamole, and salsa verde... made fresh everey few hours
trust me once K. its WORTH the drive,,, the salsa verde has no Jalipinos so it is not hot... if you want HOT you have to asj for it
trust me once K. its WORTH the drive,,, the salsa verde has no Jalipinos so it is not hot... if you want HOT you have to asj for it[/quote] I like the spicy stuff. I guess one it opening up in Pittsburgh and I may be going there soon, so I will have to check it out.
Closest Moe's here is Collegepark. Moe's anything like California Tortilla? They use black beans as a filler - but otherwise it's still pretty good.
Now that sounds like a helluva book to read..will have to look it up and either get my library to order it for me to read, or even break down and buy it..will let ya know what I think when I've read it.