I have a new game...

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Fugly, Sep 10, 2007.

  1. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    As soon as I finish my redundant homework assignment for Business data communications, I will post
  2. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    It's too bad Rat isn't here... I'm sure she'd quote herself "IMC has be biggest cock I've ever seen..."

    As for my addition, I'll just say... Um... well...

    IMC has the biggest cock I've ever seen. ;)
  3. Checkmate

    Checkmate New Member

    Please remove my quote from your signature.

    The rest of you.... Had the pleasure to speak to majority of you over the phone don't have any bad words to say about anybody.

    I guess this is what I get for spending weeks on end in developing countries without a connection to the internet.


  4. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Sorry Checkers.

    Checkmate - his relationship advice is second to none. Plus he drops stock hints for all.
  5. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Busy Busy. But I'll play since you asked so nicely.

    Major - Smartest guy I know, with the exception of myself.

    Dwaine - Great source for non traceable weapons.

    Phatboy - Really impressed by the way he can kiss his own butt.

    ImP - Damn you all for running her off. I nearly had her talking into leaving the country with me.

    Jefe - Doesn't suck near as much as he used to. I think winning the battle with porn has given him new strength.

    Pukey - Makes me glad that I don't have any "junk" down there.

    Grim - Nice guy. Shares pics of his wife.

    Pimp and Nursey - Their children will pay someone well for therapy for years to come.

    Bear - I'm not going to out Bear yet. She works with me though. All that really matters to her is Football.

    The rest of you - I told you I was busy.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2007
  6. Checkmate

    Checkmate New Member

    Your memory is quite short.
  7. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Checkmate taught me how to spell chow.
  8. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    With the exception of GAS, Psychobo and Cheezedawg, who i didn't want to leave out of my 'say nice things about' list, these are most of the people i have had 'cross words' with. Though some, (eg. Schmed, Dwaine and Maj's cases) were very minor.

    Assholes - Where would we be without them? They produce the turd logs which keep the fugly furnaces ablazing, spreading warmth and cheer throughout the forum all throughout the year. And for that, we give thanks.
    Barry - Fairly unconventional as big, bald, bigoted, ex-prison guard, cracked, right-wing, repressed, homopsychotic, bi-polar Christian, taser loving perverts go. Occasionally pretty bluddeh witty. Not quite as bad(ass) as he sounds.
    Bear Bryant - Has a peculiar limp, i noticed. Perhaps he has a colostomy bag or something. It can't be easy to walk normally while the new arsehole in your waist is dribbling diorrhea. So, be nice. Afterall, he pretty much stays confined to that mind numbing piece of shit thread that he started to rally all the guys around in one place with.
    CanineSTD - Quite witty, not so much when the doggy syphillis went to his head and triggered the rabies he was harbouring. Towards me, that is.
    Checkmate - Sometimes can be quite witty. Lucky little mascot of Schmed's who he appears to hitch a lift off in and out of the forum off. Secured firmly to the Schmed's strong, muscular and rather dashing buttock, he gets whisked off on all Schmeddies extra-forummular adventures.
    Cheezedawg - He plummed the depths of insanity and channelled what lurks down there back up to the surface in the most disturbingly friendly manner.
    Chester Grape - Very witty when he's not being a sensible Aussie asswipe..
    DangerousDan - Quite dryly witty on occasion. Was completely gentlemanly in his letchy PM request of a nude picture.
    Diogenes - Could be very amusing when he wasn't being a total flaming homo-haemmorroidal-puckering dildo-snuggling faggot.
    Disorder - We had a big, twattish blowup years ago when we were more twatty. But he is a damn good guy and I'm glad we've managed to pick up our friendship again, it's unfortunate it had to come out of such tragic circumstances. But he is going to have to learn how to better negotiate my unwieldy, great 'Nurse schlong' on the odd occasions when it breaks loose from its' harnass and goes charging wildly around the forum. I suppose it's not something you can really prepare yourself for, i almost passed out the first time it happened!
    Dimples- Kind of..erm...creepy? In a...a nice way. Obviously.
    Dr. Bungle - He probably has a heaving, horish harem by now. Smart, witty, dicky.
    Dubya - Great wit when his brain juice isn't being redirected to his big, engorged, Liverpuddlian, truncheon. His own, i hasten to add.
    Dwaine Scum - The anchor of fugly forums that keeps it securely buckled down. Formidable. Charming and devilishly witty. Deep sense of honour and integrity. Very well behaved for Nursey when it's time for his annual prostate milking.
    Emetic - Sharp, witty, entertaining...reminds you of your favourite middle aged, ruddy faced pervert. Actually, he is.
    Ferine - Pleasant natured. Too pleasant natured, even. Did she really exist? She came, looked pretty, showed off her wedding dress - then vanished? Fine! Be like that you fuckle ficking hore. She's probably by now been transformed into the perfect Stepford wife, having any unruly, loose ends in her personality tied up then hygienically cauterised.
    Fred Vegas - Another witty devil until he found a 'smokin hot chick' to channel his 'jing' (life force/seed) into. After that his inetrractions here became a bit of a big, flacid, wet flop. Or 'limpy', as it's sometimes known. I suppose some are better at multitasking than others.
    GreenAppleSplatters - Very endearing dude who uses the word dude in a completely unannoying manner. Great wit when he's not off having his soul ravished and slowly devoured by the insatiable beast known as 'World of Warcraft'.
    Grim Jesus - Keeps me entertained by fetching sticks, chasing his tail and 'speaking' to me in his funny doggy language if i'm otherwise having a deadly boring time in the forum. Like on friday night when you were all probably away out having hot, sexy fun at the disco. Every time he 'attacks' me, he (ironically) makes me look even greater with his glaring ironies and obvious projections. And everytime i praise him...i look even greater still! It's a win-win situation. For me, anyway. But incredibly, he is too dumb or stubbornly dishonest to see it, which means there's no forseeable end to his inadvertant showering of rich compliments! It's odd, but i really wouldn't want to see him get runover. Though i have have considered having him humanely put down if he continues defacating in the forum.;
    Headee - A pretty hard core bitch. I mean, not even UT, myself or Nauseous could take a couple of cocks in the ass and smile coyly for the cameras! Very loyal. Will attempt to hunt down and murder anyone who says anything mean about her silly, gap-toothed friend.
    Ianbo - Remember him? Has one of the most memorably crap names ever. And was an even bigger moron than GJ.
    I Hate Niggers - A total, fucking all out Cunt. One of the biggest. Along with IMC struck fear into the hearts of all mortal men, women, children and the occasional llama. An all-time great Fugly Hero.
    I Murder Children - The biggest, most meanass nick on the net (i'm sure someone else said that before me). And the gravitas to deliver it without the least effort!? Kind of worrying, but what the heck.
    Jefe - Pays the bills. Nothing special.
    Joeslogic - Not Satan incarnate. Likes the animals.
    Judgefloro - Probably the most highly educated, professional person to ever have set foot in this place. Said 'Nursey is a VERY GOOD LAWYER!' *curls lip*
    Kaptain Skitzo - Isn't here, is about the best i can think of to say about him.
    Limpy/Lumpy (originally 'improtected') - because of the magical groper hand talismans tattooed up and to the right of her mons pubis). No words. No words could do justice to this Goddess of shining urinal leakage. She left a magical trail of golden wonder wherever her little legs could hop from.
    Lomo - Laid back and wry witted now, Lomotil used to be a high energetic, crazy-demented Japanese boy. I suppose you can't live off the fumes from keyboard cleaner forever.
    Maj Havoc - Witty, eloquent, an ahtist and a poet. Even manages to make tales of his masturbatory achievements sound endearing. A real smartyfuckingpants.
    MEDICVET - Brought us the great U.S. army locust invasion of 05 which enabled us to appreciate the indigenous (i.e. 'homegrown' - if GJ is reading this) species of pestilence.
    Nauseous - Just as big a fucking bitch as i am. No wonder it took 6 years and a live human/amphibion sacrifice (limpy) to thaw the great iceberg between us.
    Ophelia - The only person here who IMC (I Murder Children) / Dwaine has had nightmares about. He probably still gets the odd flashback. think that's worthy of praise, of sorts.
    Phatboy - Despite being an all American, cloned, white, mind controlled baboon, can often be surprisingly witty in his phat, spongy, white, mall-loafers kind of way. Has a cute, button cock if his nose is anything to go by.
    Pimp - Completely unconcerned about such superficialities as what anybody else thinks of him or his 2 favoured modes of hair-fashion - 1 - escaped convict/mental patient/concentration camp victim OR 2 - (the longer haired) mongoloid/monkeyboy ballhead look. Please, i'm begging you all. Tell him.
    Psychobob - One of the very first people i ever met at fugly, who i then went on to meet in real life twice. We hit it off straightaway in the chatroom with me as a perverted old Mother Theresa and him as my 'sweet little Roberto' who could do no wrong - no matter how much of a little bastard he was being to everyone. It was such a twisted yet delightfully endearing start to our friendship. A straightforward good guy who was fiercely loyal and protective towards his friends. I'm so sad i'll never have any more laughs with him.
    Queen Bitch Nursey - That's me! According to me 5 years ago. And also according the Antinurse - who is Barreh. Well, gosh, what can i say? Thanks for recognising my regal stature. I promise only to abuse the rumps of the iniquitous and unfaithful who shall either succumb to my guidance or forever banish themselves from the glorious Kingdom by their own embittered resentment and petty denial.
    Ratilla the Hun - Very entertaining, especially as Martha Stewart. Has a special thing for cadavers. I blame the corpse tissue gum graft she had. She was never quite the same after she received the tissue of a 96 year old ex-nazi dentist from Aushwitz.
    Reizvolles - Has the softest tongue i ever felt lapping up and down against my asshole. Not really a racist...if nobody else is. Would constantly display her 'wet spot' when in need of attention. Would make a good traffic warden. She'd really enjoy it.
    Ross Perot - I really did love my little lamby, you know? I always remember when he was very small, he would suddenly come gamboling out from behind my skirts and bleat shrilly and loudly at the top of his little lungs! Or gnash his teeth and rock from side to side in an extremely menacing fashion at anyone who so much as smiled or waved at me the wrong way. Simply adorable.
    Schmed - Responsible for the cutest PMs in my inbox. Another first class, witty titty. His strong buttock got a mention earlier.
    Smiles - Smart, sharp, witty. Spandex never looked so sassy. Sexy, flared Serbian nostrils.
    Smurfslappa - Very well clued up for a 15 year old, chronically masturbating, prematurely balding Burger King employee.
    Samanthasez - Or 'Sham' for short. Liable to deep, primordial, bloodthirsty, psychotic vendettas against those who have inadvertantly threatened her, by perhaps wearing a spotty Flamenco skirt and receiving compliments. From Barry of all people.
    Tommy710 - Tommy's a down to fucking earth good fucking lad. His posts may be fucking shite, but they're also totally fucking honest. And funny as fucking fuck when you are able to understand them...well some of them.
    Ulfur Engil - Manages the Young Fugly Fascist Fabio-Ziosies. I'm not sure what they do in that church hall, but there seems to a lot of chanting and stomping, occasionally interspersed with blood-curdling, psychotic shrieking followed by deafening renditions of Wagner. Then a group of bare chested, young, shaved-headed louts in bovver boots and braces run rampage in the park frightening young children. It seems quite exciting or something.
    Unlimited Time - Can really do some damage...with her tits. Great photomanips. Does a first class job of cleaning my toilet.
    Vajina/Vijana - Some stupid, cock eyed 'vampire' whore called 'Dijana' who was embroiled in a psychic war with us. She lost. And attempted to have the forum closed down or something equally dark and demonic.
    Wank - Real classy bord wot woz like "ere! You fucking wot? Avin a laaaarf, incha! Me fuckin naan'll AVE YA!' Smelled of chip fat.
    Whipone - Demented, diabolical maniac. Made me practically giddy with mirth a few times. Those goddamned dirty kikes and their chutzpah!
    XerxesX - The most unpronouncable name in the forum. Quite possibly the strangest poster ever. I'd like to see a discussion between him and judgefloro.
    Yummy - (aka 'Goddess Yummy') The ugliest thing to ever crawl into this place. Worse than the MEDICVET.
    ZING - Zing is my friend. It's just so zingy and fresh! Even when Barry comes predictably trudging along and awards it to yet another insipid, weak washout of a post (that falls flat on it's stupid face) in order to suck up to whichever silly, birdbrained wench he is setting out to impress during whichever given juncture we happen to be at throughout our forum's rich and colourful journey.

    Now Fugly will come along and delete this.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2007
  9. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    Nursey is actually a genuinely caring and hospitable person.

    I really dont know any more of you, you wont let me get close enough :rolleyes:
  10. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    You do realise i'm going to have to be a bit of a cunt for a while after writing all that stuff. Just until i feel i have a skin covering again.
  11. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    Can you take me out of the list then?
  12. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Nursey types real good. She said I am eloquent. I plan to look that up. I suppose it is nice being on this thread and all.

    Do some research. I've kissed her backside quite enough on this forum. And for what? A small mention that, by the way, was neither bold nor underlined. A typo? An oversight? Perhaps a little smack on the cheek? Nursey, hast thou forsaken me?

    OK, niceness: Nursey has, for the most part, not been a complete ass to me. She has batted me around like a cat playing with its eventual kill but has yet to slice my throat. Of course, being the good little gimp, I've made an effort not to cross her. She has mad graphic skills and a fascinating wielding of our language with which she also uses to create her art. I don't agree with all of her posts but I respect, nay, admire her passion for them.

    I'm sticky and in need of a shower now.
  13. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

  14. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

  15. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

  16. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

  17. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

  18. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    HEY! I dont wear loafers! And yes it is cute.
  19. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    They say the camera adds 110 pounds.
  20. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Everyone around here is great. I really have no one I prefer over the other. Everyone brings their own thing to the boards and I enjoy reading everything no matter how crazy it might be.

    Also Jefe I think someone took you up on the spam thing in Jokes.

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