I hate when people say "I could care less" instead of "I couldn't care less" which actually makes a statement. To care less, and not mention to what degree, says very little. If you COULD NOT care less, you care ZERO. Get it? Whatever....
You did mention the period thing in a thread ...months ago. I dunno, I remembered it - and not like one of those "worried that you might not have one" guy-kind of memories, either.
how would chunky blood clots kill a thread... you guys are wussies when it comes to girl talk. You only want to hear about cooters when it is a sexual topic. You only want to hear what goes in them- not what comes out. Plus one of the guys brought up PMS first. You guys should know by now not to trigger the bitches on fugly on toilet topics- not unless you want to be grossed out. We Be all bout da TMI
I could give two rats asses about your period. Or is it I couldnt give a rats ass? I hate it when..... ....Some jack ass pulls out in front of you like they are in such a big hurry (and there are no cars behind you) then drives like they're 80. I just want to push them off in a ditch. Then bury it like Dolans Cadillac.
I hat it when parents put those garter belts on little baby girl's heads like a head band. I always want to fold a one dollar bill and stick in there. Those are for titty bar dancers, to hold their money.... dont put it on a baby's head. I also hate it when I see a big kid running around with a pacifier in their mouth. Those are far babies, and raver fags in the 90's
That's a big one that I hate too. When someone says that I answer, "Well I couldn't." and I don't think they get it.
Good one. If you pull out in front of me, I should NEVER have to hit my brakes. I also hate people who slam on their brakes and signal as they are making the turn. Don't bother with the signal, it's like pouring salt in the wound. I already know that you're an asshole.
Oh, I know. I hate those things. They are so ugly. Is it because they are afraid people will think they are boys? I always hated the "Baby on board" signs. I still see them. And that thing with garfield... a sun shade maybe? It looks tacky and bumper stickers that say, "Cheer" or just have a soccer ball or a baseball looking like it's busting through the glass and of course, "my son is an honor roll student." I rank them right along side of the "Mean people suck" stickers in terms of hate.
Speaking of kids. I hate when you are eating somewhere and someones kid is crying, or screaming, or going 'momma, momma, momma, momma, momma, momma,' and they fucking ignore the kid. I always ask the waitress to take them their check. Oh, I also hate it when my balls itch and Im in a public surrounding. I know they just want to be adjusted, but dang couldnt they just wait a minute....
I hate it when you have an under wire bra ... and the wire pokes out- stabbing you in between your boobies - or armpit.....then you have to remove it...then you have unmatching boobs and you have to get the other wire out. Happened to me today. I also hate it when fat or ugly or old chicks wear shirts that say "Spoiled" or "sassy" or "your boyfriend wants me" and other stupid shit like that ... hell it looks stupid on hot-young chicks as well... more so on the fat/old/ugly. Saw one today at Walmart... had to be 5'2-5'3" ish and 200-230lbs.. wearing tight jeans and her belly and side rolls hung over... even though the rolls were covered with a tight pink shirt -tucked into the tight jeans- and the shirt said "don't hate me because I am beautiful.... hate me because I have huge boobs" Her bra was too tight as well, and fat masses were escaping all around every strap. She also had plastic flip flops on... Its fucking December.... and her toenails were cut way short and the BLUE nail polish was chipped . Was also wearing makeup 5 shades darker then her skin color, and had that perfect mask line, had an annoying haircut as well. I was stuck behind her in line for what seemed like 25 minutes. just analyzing her grossness ...trying to find something positive about her...and could not. - even the shit in her buggy was stupid. Maybe I was just in bad mood considering the line, and my wire bra mishap . Everything was wrong about her - and it was all by choice...nothing genetic..had nothing to do with finances (she had a real Coach purse and was spending money on stupid shit) it also made me mad when after all the crap was bagged and she had paid... she then grabbed 5-6 candy bars and had those rung up... then wanted to pay with a 10 and exact change ..was digging forever looking for 43 cents. 2 dimes-4 nickels- 3 pennies ... said "I like to save my quarters" um you would have gotten 2 more quarters and saved 5 minutes - if you did not dig for change I hate it when I get stuck observing one person. sorry for the long rant about nothing interesting... I had coffee today.
Even the shit in her cart was stupid. That's funny. It reminds me of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5Z_ZducwbQ Especially around 2:00 min in. It's hilarious.
Finally someone as cynical as I! I laughed when he got to the part with him knocking the coffee out of the Starbucks peoples hands. Last week they had Christmas in the Park at Six Flags and I took my niece she had a blast but the crowds were horrendous. And it was a challenge to be polite because you fit into either one of two categories. Its all about people getting from point a to point b. And they are either meandering in a snake like zig zag line getting around people and out of their way or they are the ones making others get out of your way. So about mid ways through I get this sticky ice cream cone and as I'm walking through the crowd it dons on me. People are being cautious because they do not want to bump into me and get this sticky ice cream on them. This is great! Its was like having a passport around the park. Works for the nachos also or just a really large coke. While walking just hold it way in front so if someone tries to do the "I'm not looking at you but to the side therefore I have the right of way" routine ...well lets just say they are getting wet, or sticky, or greasy. But have it far enough out there that it gets on them not you.
I hate when someone younger than me call me dear or sweetie. I have a couple of co-workers who tried this shit on me. I let it slide at first, but my anger was quickly building up and I had to say something. They never said it again because, well they dont talk to me anymore. I've even been named Nurse Ratched...
That bothers me too, actually. I hate it when people leave their cart in the middle of the isle or stand there with their cart and look at you and continue to stare at the shelf knowing that you can't get around them. It's usually women that do that shit and my husband. I always bitch at him for both of those things. But when someone does it to him, he mouths off and/or hits their cart. It bothers me because I know the woman will end up trying to beat me up for it and I will have to kill her with a Family sized can of Bush's baked beans. "Clean up on isle 4." I also hate when kids are overly nice to the point of being sarcastic. At Home Depot a while back, these two piece of shit 20 year olds, if they were even that passed by in their obnoxious orange aprons and one of them was like, "Can we help you with anything?" and it was in this disgusting tone and then he said something else disgustingly nice and surgary and I was like, "What the fuck? Is that sarcasm?" And I was pissed for about 10 minutes over it and wanted to report him to management, but what could I say? He was being 'overly polite'?
His delivery sometimes reminds me of you. When he was talking about the shirt, he was like, "Fuck you, I bought it. I thought it was cool" The "fuck you" sounded like the way you would say it. That and you both have red pubes.
I fucking hate people that wear socks in sandals.Especially old guys with shorts to their knees and black knee socks with brown leather sandals,wearing the loudest shirt they can find at the second hand store with a camera hanging around their neck.What's the fucking point of wearing the sandals?I also hate when customers at the blackjack tables ask if they can go to the bathroom...I don't know can you..you look old enough to go on your own.I also hate people who wear sunglasses on their head at night.You're not Corey Hart take them off. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXw4qqQqTrY#
I hate sandals period. I think they are digusting. I also hate toesocks and when someone pairs the two, watch out!
Yeah, I actually was thinking along those lines when I heard him say it, too... First time I heard it, I think I actually spoke to my TV: "Fuck you! That's my line!" Up until now, I never knew you found those in the package I sent you...