I hate it when people get all defensive when I was only trying to bust phatboy's chops. It's what I do....... I do hate the misuse of "he and I" versus "him and me." I'm sure it's my problem. I will deal with it. Until I must kill again.....
I'm not even going to compose a proper reply to this thread... I have more pet peeves than the Bible has chapters.
I just said "pe khan' when I said out loud, so I don't know wtf I really say. I used to like those pinwheel things when I was a kid, but I would always spit out the pecans.
Then you would just have sandies. I say it pee-can. But when you say 'butter pecan' it always sounds like buttah puh khan. Odd. It has always been tomAto not tuh-mah-to.
I hate it when people say salmon with the L ... Sal Mon or Sal Man it is sammen and I hate when people put the O in opossum "look at that Oh Possum" it is possum or am I the person that is saying them wrong. Please tell me so I can stop correcting people.
You are right. People who say it 'sal-mon' are smug. People who say o-possum are just trying to look like they know how to spell it. Whoa, look at that guy he is the 2nd coming of Einstein.....
I think when you say 'puh-khan' its the same as 'pa-khan' Then that is the way most people I know say it but I know some that say 'Pee-can' Personally I do not want to eat a pee can. No more than I get all excited about going to the 'potty' as opposed to a 'party'.
I hate when people try to pronounce mozzerella all Italian sounding. Anything people try to say with the accent like hor'dourves... they try to sound all French. It's annoying. Oh, and when people say Reese's Peces. It's Reese's Pieces. I don't know who started pronoucing Reese, Ree-cee. I also hate it when people cough and sneeze and don't cover their mouth.
Funny this topic is going - My dad fucks up many words... Ibuprofen - I BE Profin Mayonnaise - My Nays Garbage - Gaa bage - kinda like a yankee and today he was talking taking glucosamine and chondroitin for his joints - and I have corrected him for like 5 years now. but still pronounces it Glue coast tumin and Con dra len he also adds a B to gravy WTF Oh and whoever said something about tomato ... in these here parts I hear may ter or made er --- they just completely remove the first T and all the Os
I really have an addiction to that Mediterranean food called Gyros. Which have become popular here in the states and I have long know to be pronounced as Yearos. But I know it really gets on the nerves of the Egyptian guy that sells them at the mall for me to say Gyro so I therefore always ask for the Gyro plate with extra Gyro meat and fayta cheese and cucumber sauce. I figure if he does not like it he needs to check his spelling cause here in Ah-merica the letter "g" sounds like "gee" not like "Y".
What? You just had a gyros for the first time? My god....we had them for decades in chicago. That and cheezy beefs, another chicago delicacy.