Dunno if it's something everyone would like, but I think it's delicious. http://www.pacificfoods.com/our-foods/creamy-soups/organic-roasted-red-pepper-and-tomato
I've actually had that also picked it up at of all placed BigLots and they do not stock things regularly. It was good great actually with a grilled cheese
Shit, for a moment there I thought this was the medical section, and this was another one of those Nauseous & BIGMAMA compare/contrast menstrual therapy sessions.
Then why on earth would you click the link? Because you are sick. I had horrible gas pain last night. I read that you could do an excerise called the 'duck walk' to get rid of it. It didn't work. I did the duck walk back and forth in my bathroom and nada. Today my legs are rubbery. And just to stay somewhat on the second subject. The pain was intense and some of it was low like period pain.