I'm not starting about her smel again . . trying. . oh dammit . . . She smells like one too .. sorry bout that[/i]
Oh man, wow I was laughing at those so hard. Man it clever how you swapped up those mom jokes and replaced it with my wife. Man can I hire you guys as writers?
Look, just because you've been involved in a gangbang on your wife and we haven't doesn't make us a lower level than you.
Lately, its like I get the feeling you're a bit of a condesending asshole. . .its vague though. I can't recall laughing at any of your posts Grim. You find funny stuff sometimes, but you yourself aren't funny. So, I guess I agree with you.
It's hard to be funny over the net. You don't really get a feel for the persons inflection and tone, which is usually half of the joke. Imagine Mitch Hedburg typing in forums. He wouldn't be funny at all.
Its all in context. I have a cross between very dry and perverted humor. I use vague reference most people don't get unless they are "smart" Not in an insulting way. I can go very many directions. Like anyone I don't play everyone. As long as I laugh and the few I know will get it laugh I'm happy.
Gee, I never used to find you funny at all. But now you've explained to me exactly how you're funny, I've come to realise that in fact you're totally hilarious. Thanks, man.