Well, I got the MRI results myself from the hospital and read them. The contrast picked up something, but they couldn't determine if it was a tumor from the images. The overall brain appeared normal though. I got a letter from my DR office wanting me to make an appt. I haven't done it yet. Thanks for asking, rat.
bring yet another thread back from the grave. Usedta be 5'5 and weight 236. Have lost weight. Now weigh 186. Was at full weight when the pic I posted was taken. Guess I beat ya'll on the weight thing then.
Hope yer mri comes out okay. Fuck, beat cancer twice and still smoke. Was uterine cancer all the way. Now I haven't had lung cancer but do have high bp and asthma and still smoke. life is good. 8)
bettttter, thanks for asking. i got that Depo shot and so far so good. my stomach still hurts all the time though. me and Frenchie broke up almost 3 weeks ago now and it's okay. my stress level has decreased from ending all the emotional angst and manipulation he was throwing my way. busy with school. i put a catheter in an old man's penis today, and watched another girl try to get one in an old woman who was humping the air the whole time. there is a slew of new LPN students, so i am getting them to clean ass for me. looking forward to spring break coming up soon. How are yoooooou? Hows the new baby? got any super cute drool pictures to share? any super cute stories?
yup, got my history wrecked. Did chemo first time, second time, said fuck it I got one of each, a boy and a girl, just take it all out. Actually, they kinda had to. But been cancer free since then