Hurricane Rita: It's been nice knowing you guys...

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by smurfslappa, Sep 22, 2005.

  1. Ferine

    Ferine New Member

    It's hardly open minded investigation when our dear friend smurfslappa is promoting his "findings" as truth and anyone who doesn't subscribe to them is ignorant or (his favorite seems to be) retarded. If he's completely convinced that armageddon is upon us, then more power to him if he wants to hunker down with his years supply of non-perishables.
    I agree, there are indeed people that are "dutifully spoonfed" by mainstream media - just as well, there are just as many people being spoonfed bullshit on the cutting edge as well. The term 'sheep' has been given to those who without question endure to what mainstream media throws at them, so it's only fair that those who choose to subscribe to every anti-establishment conspiracy they come across on the world wide web be called something just as endearing.

    I think it's a wonderul thing to investigate matters for oneself, but it's a sad fact that most people who are already convinced one way or the other, can not investigate without bias and certainly not "spread the word" without belittling those that share an opposing view. Hardly open mnded.
  2. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Well, one thing i know for certain you couldn't say about me, is that i'm 'sheeplike'. I also consider myself (in most cases) to be civil and fair when it comes to serious debate (though that gets relaxed a bit to inject humour for example). I don't expect other people to necessarily draw the same conclusions as me, but to at least acknowledge the factual portions of any subject i present. Yet, your comments were (in part) a blanket insult towards me and anybody at all with a radically different interpretation of major events to those of society's mainstream. If it was only targeted at smurfslaps approach to debate, you made it in no way clear.
    And as far as 'subscribing to every anti-establishment conspiracy', does it occur to you that if the establishment is corrupt to the very core, that whatever it controls will reflect that, and that once you have pinpointed the source of (and witnessed the full depth and severity of) that corruption, a whole new perspective on all aspects of the establishment's dealings is revealed. Just as pinpointing the source of physical disharmony in the shape of a tumour, let's say, sheds new light on a wide range of seemingly unconnected ailments ranging from nausea, fatigue, and weight gain, to loss of memory, taste or feeling. It might seem a bit simplistic to a lay person to attribute such diverse symptoms to one source, but to someone who has studied bodily processes, finding the point where all dysfunctional mechanisms converge makes connecting the dots quite easy.
  3. Ferine

    Ferine New Member

    If it seemed my statement was a blanket insult, that was not my intention at all. Smurfslappa has done nothing to equate an individualistic belief, vision, and/or view on this board, and frankly, is all over the place with conspiracy after conspiracy, making it very clear that he is indeed a sheep of the radical. It is one thing to have a different interpretation of major events, it is another to claim all[/i] others interpretations as your own and forcefeed it all as fact.
    It does occur to me, daily, that the establishment is corrupt, and your analogy is an excellent one. Unfortunately it makes it very difficult to determine fact from fiction when you have lost confidence in the ability and actions of your government, yet it doesn't make all conpiracies truth just because they are corrupt. Luckily there are non-sheeplike people out to determine for themselves what is fact, what is coverup offered to us by the corrupt, or what may just be the mad rantings of some disgruntled mental midget with too much time, a computer and some webspace. Unluckily there are just as many sheep in either direction feeding into the media frenzy or logging on and paying the mental midgets porn subscriptions - helping to spread the madness.
  4. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    I mean scince the end is here, why not sell me your car, and televisison, PC, and other stuff... with a few hundred buck you can paety like a madman
  5. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    I don't think that's what you meant. I think you meant that those aren't credible sources for the information I've given. So now you're contradicting your own dumb self to pursue some other line of thought, going from "Psha, sure, everything on the internet is real, :roll: " to "Gimme all your shit then bitch."

    I gave the proof that all corners of our plate are trembling, and even those directly across the globe from ours. The Long Period Events all along the New Madrid fault, as well as the microquakes in Tennessee just shows us where the pressure is going to pop at.

    And yeah Ferine, I believe every single conspiracy out there just because it exists, and because I'm a conspirasheep. No shit it doesn't make all conspiracies truth because our government is corrupt, being redundant as fuck doesn't make what you say truth either. Have you determined that people like yourself are the non-sheeplike people out to determine for themselves what is fact, and what is coverup offered to us by the corrupt?

    Unluckily for me, I think you do and I think people like you greatly outnumber people like me. The reason I'm all over the damn place is because there are so many damn conspiracies, but I try to document and back them up. But fuck it, Im a lazy half-Mexican and I'll do a lazy ass post like the rest of these people on here if I want. I won't document shit. But when I give you these factual damn sites, I expect you to use your brain and see that these quakes and tremors are signs of dangerous imbalances in our plate, much like the overheated housing market is a sign that our economy is out of whack, or that the Israeli/US secret war I've outlined in the Gaza pullout real damn reason is a sign that they're making their last minute grab for power.

    Yes I sure have made it clear that I'm indeed a sheep of the radical, or maybe I might actually have a damn point. You say you know the establishment is corrupt, then go vote if you think that shit still counts. It's people like you who make peaceful revolution impossible, because you believe nothing and wait for the situation to escalate until it becomes an all-or-nothing situation. Here are those times.
  6. Ferine

    Ferine New Member

    First of all, i've never made post to what I believe or don't believe, so try not to ASSume too much. Two posts are hardly redundant, now you, my dear post whore, are the epitome of redundancy. I don't think anyone questions your "factual damn sites", it's the theory that the end of the world is upon us and that the weather is being manipulated that people may have a hard time digesting. You've posted sites that confirm flurries of quakes and odd weather patterns, but the theory of weather manipulation and armageddon is not confirmed by these facts, in most cases they are not even backed up by these facts. If anything they point to just that - odd weather patterns that have been cyclical throughout history, and probably well before hurricanes and earthquakes were documented. But as I said, you want to warn the world of the eve of destruction and build your safehaven 15 feet below, more power to you, but don't expect everyone to drop at your feet and wait for instructions to defy doomsday.

    Secondly, make your point please, and if you find those "factual damn sites" which unequivocally support your theories, I promise to buy your book - or visit your pal Marks website - whichever comes first.

    Thirdly - thanks for admitting to the sheep thing.
  7. smiles

    smiles New Member

    damn smurf..... those must be important-government-research-group-scientist-smart people-with-glasses sites cuz only important-government-research-group-scientist-smart-people-with-glasses sites say things like this "Disclaimer : This page is dedicated to a scientific use only. The information below is not verified by a seismologist and may thus be wrong. The content of this page must not be disseminated to the public. A clear Real Time Seismicity page is available" or they advertise things like this "Real Time Seismicity on your mobile phone and PDA: IMODE or WAP "

    on another note that shit only goes back till 2003 what makes u think that this seismic activity isn’t unusual? If you like I can take this info to my geography prof …. Unless he’s a part of the conspiracy too... in which case i will feast on his anal secretions during the final fire
  8. smiles

    smiles New Member

    erggg ... i clearly meant "seismic activity is unusual"
  9. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    yeah, I did pull the six billion dollar figure out of my ass. They're quite expensive though, those things are rock solid.
  10. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I fish a lot around the oil rigs. They are quite amazing. The legs on most are about the diameter of an oil drum. They go down at an angle, so there is a wide base by the time they reach the bottom.

    I have seen huge supply boats literally bounce off of them in rough seas, and the rigs don't even flex. Very tough platforms.

  11. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Well Ferine, you've made it obvious once again that you fail to see the entire picture...

    Yes I sure have made it clear that I'm indeed a sheep of the radical, or maybe I might actually have a damn point.
    Thirdly - thanks for admitting to the sheep thing.

    The or was the deal breaker, sorry.

    But nevermind your borderline Brownish levels of incompetence. You still fail to see that our "odd weather patterns" are also accompanied by worldwide massive levels of "odd weather patterns." "Oh but their just odd, waaaah," you may cry, but even a few of this past summer's long, long list of weather anomalies would stand out by themselves. But all grouped together, accompanied by a disorganized jet stream and climate that has our weathermen baffled, well, that spells doom to me. If it doesn't to you, then you're an idiot.

    From droughts and floods and a massive fog/blizzard that covered the entire continent of Europe, to a massive fog that covered all of China and typhoon after typhoon, to our almost every single tropical storm that blows up into something massive, and all the other not-so-little events that no one pays attention to that happen every day around the world, but they don't care because it doesn't happen to them or they don't hear it on the news or from their friends, it's coming.

    Maybe this is cyclical, and if it is, then it's probably one of those things that comes along every once in a while and shakes the earth to its knees. If that's the case, then it's still the apocalypse as the Bible describes it cuz woah nelly, here comes the Beast government trying to save its own ass by eliminating us. I don't think it's the end of the damn world, and the battle of Har-Magedon won't take place until long after your probable death.
  12. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    do you just choose your religion based on which one has the nearest apocalypse. Be honest now Smurf, we're not here to judge.
  13. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Well, I'm more inclined to believe that every major religion has something to say. Like there's a hidden story and there's bits and pieces here and there, if only you'd look. But I think our apocalypse will loo more like a christian one. For some reason, they want everyone to be christian during the end.
  14. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    So you believe in a Rama-Krishna style apocalypse? All religions are one, and all have something to teach us about the apocalypse.
  15. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Damned if I know. I wish I had more time to read up on all these old [hilosopher Yogi guys and some of these religions.
  16. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    read the vedanta, you might find it interesting. The cycle of creation and destruction.

    MEDICVET New Member

    Barry hon, hate to tell you this, but the herd is fixin to stampede, especially once they realize that the temporary dip in gas prices is just that. They are gonna wanna know why they weren't sat down and given a stern talking to by their paternal figure..who happens to be an Uncle, ya read?

    In other words, yah, the housin bubble would be burstin a lot sooner if not for the 'canes, but no, I ain't buyin into any weather manipulation control shit, however wll MORE than believe that there will always be those out there more than willing to profit off the misery of others, and that the devastation and the current immediate need for more housing, as opposed to anything else is what is keeping the current housing market able to retain it's bull status.

    Only question, Barr, hon, is I thought you were supposed to be a 'Christian'? camel and needleye and all that, huh?

    If I ever did buy into any deliberate weather manipulation theory, (which I don't, by the way), I would not believe that Kartrina was, but would be willing to bet that Rita was, if for no other reason than as a massive test of the evacuation capabilities of a major city.

    Grade: D-

    We got NY and LA and SF..and what is the biggest city in the US after that? HOUSTON.. and Houston was a failed mass evac, but the 'cane didn't cause a lot of direct damage on it..

    now there is a paranoid's dream, and perhaps in my mos fearful nightmares I might buy into it..

    but not today, hon. I think that if there was weather control in the hands of the US, there WOULDN'T be hurricanes..but that's just me?

    am I too gullible or what?

    By the many volunteer hours have you put in, Bar, if any? You know, makin a profit on the misery of others, do you have any time for the ones who are miserable? again, just curious.

    MEDICVET New Member

    You know, nursey, you really should be more careful. You just managed to explain why we are having such difficulty in Iraq. TPTB don't want the Iraqi people peaceful, successful, and hapy..there are no wardollars to be made.

    So if I were a terrorist, I would oppose the US by helping Iraq do so well that there would not be a choice but to accept its representatives as legimate . But see then, a lot of the foreign agitators coming to Iraq and blowing it's citizens up would have to find another avocation..would be such a shame, since they are so well qualified for this one.
  19. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    What did I do to yank your chain? If you will do a little reading, you will find that I am about the only person on this board who has always been nice to you.

    What makes you think that I am profiting on the misery of others?

    Get a grip. Or bet yet, stop drinking. You sound drunk.

  20. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    As far as the "there wouldn't be hurricanes here if we had weather manipulation" Medicvet, yeah that is only you thinking that. At least it should be. There's a benefit in doing all this shit, if only you stop and wonder how they can.

    But I suppose you have to look at the situation from many angles, exploring each angle thoroughly, and then tie them all together in your head. By the time the average person only hears one part of this massive subject, they close off their mind and disregard any other part of it as bullshit or paranoia. It takes some real hard thinking and research, but somewhere in there you'll stumble upon the End of the World.

    The best explanation I got about where hurricanes come from is that warm moist air rises to meet colder air, causing clusters of thunderstorms that, "fed by the Earth's rotation" :roll: caused a self-strengthening storm cycle.... which then rode off on a unicorn!

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