Hurricane Rita: It's been nice knowing you guys...

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by smurfslappa, Sep 22, 2005.

  1. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Good luck, Smurf. I thought you might be jumping the gun a bit, but it looks like the shit may be about to hit the fan after all...

    "And another one cranks up behind Rita!"

    Don't believe everything your Uncle Barry tells you.
  2. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    That would be akin to squandering police time and money to curtail drug problems by going after the users instead of the dealers. This is more the type of person who needs to constantly look over their shoulder:

    Scheme to Assassinate Wayne Madsen?

    "Following months of harassment by the Bush administration, that includes getting him fired from his job at a think tank and attempting to strip him of his membership in the Washington Press Club, the Bush administration has stooped to new lows in trying to make former National Security Agency employee Wayne Madsen disappear. America has entered a dangerous new age of the Neo-Con and new Nazi movement that thrives on lies and propaganda from Fox News and right wing talk show hosts. With Pat Robinson pushing for assassination of foreign leaders are domestic internet journalists next?"
  3. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Nursey, there is ALWAYS another hurricane cranking up. It is the height of Hurricane season.

    And I am Dwaine's daddy, not his Uncle. Get it right.

  4. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    MmMMm, but this is a continental plate cracking hurricane. Our president is commanding all these "relief" operations from a "space command center" in colorado. Or maybe he's actually seeking refuge from what's to come in a military base? All these microquakes in tennessee make me a little uneasy, as do all these flurry of quakes the caribbean, it's antipode australia, california, and ontario.

    Tennessee bitches MmmM boy, looks like all those earthquakes in tennesse are recent. Could it be that, once you look into the science of what I'm talking about, I actually make some fucking sense? Yes, I do make some sense. You just actually have to use your damn brain. Those microquakes actually have some folks scared that lava is working its way to the surface in tennessee.

    So unbalanced has the earths electromagnetic field become also in the North American Region that reports have reached us showing evidence that once again the earth has emitted a massive electrical discharge, and as we can read as reported by the Orlando Sentinel News Service in their article titled "Expert: 'Huge flaming ball' might have been an asteroid" and which says, "A mysterious ball of fire that soared through the sky about sunset two nights ago most likely was a fragment of an asteroid, a NASA scientist said Wednesday."

    These guys lie all the time, Bush is literally headed for the hills, and our cities are being overburdened, our gas is depleting, our crops are soon to be rotting, and boy, you guys still don't see it coming. Fucking idiots.
  5. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    the ones in Louisiana didn't get blown away, it was the refineries that were damaged, the rigs were just fine. Besides, the market is ruled by fear and speculation. Apples shares when down $3.00 when they announced they were going to launch I tunes. The market is no way of gauging anything other than how stupid the herd is.
  6. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Way too true.

  7. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    thats weird.. i'm sure i read in the paper about a rig being ripped from it's moorings and ending up in a harbour somewhere... though i forget .. you shouldn't really believe half of what you read in the papers
  8. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    It was a drilling rig Pimp. It was floating, not anchored. Basically it was a boat, not an oil rig.

  9. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    ok thanks for the clarification....
  10. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    those rigs cost about 6 billion dollars, nothing short of an atomic bomb is gonna rip those things out.
  11. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Where did you get a crazy figure like 6 billion dollars?
    The stinking things are everywhere out in the Gulf. It looks like a city out there at night. An oil rig is just a bunch of pipes and pumps. I would think you could build one for a few million, tops.

  12. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    but barry.. surely everyone knows that a 24mm spanner costs $1000 and an office chair costs £5000 these days :roll: :roll:
  13. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    If there is a union or a politician involved....yes.

  14. smiles

    smiles New Member

    quest-que fuck? where do you get your infromation?
  15. Ferine

    Ferine New Member

    The conspirasheep have quite a large following you know. They google, they blog, they build bunkers, they're taking over the world. Careful smiles, for the suit case nuke, the manipulated hurricane, and the illuminati - may be coming to your town soon!
  16. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    I suppose anyone willing to open mindedly investigate matters for themselves rather than just dutifully accepting the spoonfed version that comes via the outlets provided by those who are being investigated - and whose integrity has been woefully compromised by countless deviations from truth over major world changing to be categorised by that natty little piece of D.I.Y. newspeak...'conspiracysheep'.
  17. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    1,361 look for the others australian earthquake atipode
    And the Australian earthquake is antipodal to the south eastern edge of our plate, underneath the Caribbean.

    Just glance around for the events that took place on and around the 23rd, when the storm started approaching land. Our plate has begun cracking, and there really isn't much time left. These are the sources I go to, because I know what I'm looking for.

    Quit being douchebags like my worries are unfounded. Give me a little credit here, I'm citing my damn sources, and very much reputable ones.
  18. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

  19. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    yeah every article posted on the internet is credible... moron
  20. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Umm, the one's that are supposed to be from our ffficial news sources and our research centers. Ass. Check them out oh my God you're so retarded. Im giving you the facts, and YOU put them together in your head with those facts. All the earthquakes, around and in our plate, and antipodal to our plate. It's cracking, dumbasses. Eat it; End of the Age coming.

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