Holy Young Man, You gay, you very gay.

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by AnalCockRaper, Nov 11, 2000.

  1. Icare

    Icare New Member

    at risk of sounding naive...IMC and his gaffa tape. Is the gaffa tape to....you know...er..cough-stop the hips cracking-cough..?
  2. canuck_sicko_freak

    canuck_sicko_freak New Member

    Point one on topic - who the fuck his this holy guy, who cares and who listens to people who venerate an image of a dead guy nailed to a cross? Point two: Little known fact - (as told to me by a hairdresser who should know) - middle aged fags have to wear tampons in their arseholes 'cause they've lost control of their anal muscles and can't keep their shit in otherwise.
  3. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by canuck_sicko_freak:

    Little known fact - (as told to me by a hairdresser who should know) - middle aged fags have to wear tampons in their arseholes 'cause they've lost control of their anal muscles and can't keep their shit in otherwise.

    is that like ... when they've been abroad and drank the germ infested skanky water, or when they've been to the curry house.....

    and what about a fart.. does it just escape with no control or does it take concentration to get it out....
  4. Anti-Thesis

    Anti-Thesis New Member

    No Comment....
  5. 1sikchick

    1sikchick New Member


    if telepathic battles were possible i'd fuck you up OK?
    your young and fragile mind could never survive the frenzied onslaught of depravity, filth and pure malevolence i could hurl your way, and if, by some small miracle, you managed to keep the core of your sanity locked away from harm, i would step up my assault, stealthily probing your unsuspecting subconscious extracting memories you hold dear, everything you cherish, that makes you unique, and corrupt it, creating an identity for you, so disparate and pathetic, that you would be consumed by so much self loathing, you would beg me for a release from your pitiful existence. I will then proceed to putrify your brain from within, liquifying all nerve tissue, until it flows from your every pore as a black effluvia. When you have passed the point of no return, but are still aware. I will return your true identity, so that as you die, you realise you have been played for a fool by the strongest mind you, or anyone else will ever encounter.

    that's outfuckingstanding!!! you should submit that to a magazine and have it published.
  6. imported_dirty_sanchez

    imported_dirty_sanchez New Member

    i love it when you talk dirty baby
  7. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    it's actually gonna be a sequence in the film i'm writing... PsychoBob and IMC know the one... don't you guys?...
    they wanna be thugs 1&2 in a torture scene... but their scene'll be in the period of the film(s) when it seems it's just gangsters 'n police battling for supremacy before it's revealed that higher powers are pulling the strings.. but when they make an entrance then we get the cool SFX with the mind-fucks and stuff.....

    so thanx but no thanx....
  8. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    but don't hold your breath too long waiting for it to get released or anything... there's fucking shit loads going on at the moment and i'm kinda juggling

    [This message has been edited by PimpDaddy (edited January 29, 2001).]
  9. imported_dirty_sanchez

    imported_dirty_sanchez New Member

    can I be belligerent 9-year-old #3?
  10. timeforyumyums

    timeforyumyums New Member

    DAMN YA'LL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I made snacks
  11. imported_dirty_sanchez

    imported_dirty_sanchez New Member

    don't you have surgery to go to? by the way? why don't you hurry up and die?
  12. Anti-Thesis

    Anti-Thesis New Member

    So I says to the guy 'the car was on the roof when I got there. And as for your gramma, she shouldn't have been lipping off in the first place...'
  13. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    OK holy young man dosent come here no more.. hence the reason why Im closing this thread.... be glad I didnt delete it
  14. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member


    bow before my thread moving prowess.....
  15. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    don't cry little topic...... i've moved you to a nice quiet forum where that nasty IMC can't hurt you any more....

    there there there...

    shhh now and get some rest....

    live on amphetamines die high leave an emaciated corpse !!!

    and wear good slippers
  16. Anti-Thesis

    Anti-Thesis New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by I Murder Children:
    OK holy young man dosent come here no more.. hence the reason why Im closing this thread.... be glad I didnt delete it<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Threads not closed...
  17. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 1sikchick:

    if telepathic battles were possible i'd fuck you up OK?
    your young and fragile mind could never survive the frenzied onslaught of depravity, filth and pure malevolence i could hurl your way, and if, by some small miracle, you managed to keep the core of your sanity locked away from harm, i would step up my assault, stealthily probing your unsuspecting subconscious extracting memories you hold dear, everything you cherish, that makes you unique, and corrupt it, creating an identity for you, so disparate and pathetic, that you would be consumed by so much self loathing, you would beg me for a release from your pitiful existence. I will then proceed to putrify your brain from within, liquifying all nerve tissue, until it flows from your every pore as a black effluvia. When you have passed the point of no return, but are still aware. I will return your true identity, so that as you die, you realise you have been played for a fool by the strongest mind you, or anyone else will ever encounter.

    that's outfuckingstanding!!! you should submit that to a magazine and have it published.


    ok i needs cash....
    what magazine'll take shit like that and publish it....
    and will it pay good??
  18. cleanergeezer

    cleanergeezer New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 1sikchick:

    if telepathic battles were possible i'd fuck you up OK?
    your young and fragile mind could never survive the frenzied onslaught of depravity, filth and pure malevolence i could hurl your way, and if, by some small miracle, you managed to keep the core of your sanity locked away from harm, i would step up my assault, stealthily probing your unsuspecting subconscious extracting memories you hold dear, everything you cherish, that makes you unique, and corrupt it, creating an identity for you, so disparate and pathetic, that you would be consumed by so much self loathing, you would beg me for a release from your pitiful existence. I will then proceed to putrify your brain from within, liquifying all nerve tissue, until it flows from your every pore as a black effluvia. When you have passed the point of no return, but are still aware. I will return your true identity, so that as you die, you realise you have been played for a fool by the strongest mind you, or anyone else will ever encounter.

    that's outfuckingstanding!!! you should submit that to a magazine and have it published.

    You sad cunt, you would be a pile of jello in min`s.
    The only thing "outfuckingstanding" is your stupidity, TWAT!
  19. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by cleanergeezer:
    You sad cunt, you would be a pile of jello in min`s.
    The only thing "outfuckingstanding" is your stupidity, TWAT!

    was that aimed at me or 1sikchik?
    'cos i wrote it....

    errr... a pile of jello in minutes??
    it is purely fictional conjecture.... a fantasy...

    i actually first wrote that in an e-mail to a girl who thought she had lost my respect after mailing me some poetry that she had done....

    she thought that by showing me what's in the dark recesses of her mind, she had scared me off, and was worried she'd lost a friend....

    i wrote that little set-piece to get it across to her that i will not judge someone harshly just because they have thoughts that some would consider extreme...
    and that i have, lurking in my head, thoughts and fantasies that can be darker and more depraved than anything i have yet seen recorded on the internet....
    i just preferred to keep them on a short leash.... and in fuglychat i created 2 contrasting personalities..... mitchyb was the avatar for my bright, breezy, forward and friendly personality....
    and mitchy© was the vessel for my darker impulses and bad moods....
    it may seem dumb.. or whatever..
    i don't care...
    but i find giving an occasional voice to your negative sides is beneficial.... people who take all the world's shit and bottle it up usually flip one day and do a columbine... ....
    but your negative emotions are, like all our individual quirks, like a pair of walking boots.... at first, before you get used to them and give them some use, they feel uncomfortable and can give blisters.... but after they have been worn for a while, the leather softens and forms around the contours of your feet and they are 'broken in'....
    well the things we find out about ourselves that we are uncomfortable with, we should just carry the negatives with an awareness of them... and after a time.. they will be broken in and you will be comfortable and hardly notice them....

    damn... another fuckin semi-novel
  20. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dirty_sanchez:
    i love it when you talk dirty baby<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    there's dirty sanchez again!!

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