the man has a wife and small kids.... if he's manging to juggle all that AND school i'd be happy to measure his outstreched penis anyday
I was just being supportively curious. Aren't you a guy Smiles? That weirds me out that you would do the penis stretch. God I am so sheltered. Barry
what? i'm just comfortable enough with my sexuality to grab hold of another mans foreskin and pull until he can give me a high C in perfect pitch..... and to think no one would be my valentine
Conversations often start out on one subject and end up on another. I'm not quite sure why we feel like we need to follow one subect when we post online though. Maybe it's because when we start a thread, we like to know that we are making people think about a subject that we started. It makes us feel important and powerful. We feel like we have the power of thought control. And, lip curled, we rip off our clothes and commence to ejaculate torrents of blood and semen. This deluge fertilizes the earth around us, and mighty oaks erupt from the soil. Barry might have some input on this.
That is the most well constructed and logically connected post I have ever seen Whip offer. All the words are even spelled correctly. I am impressed. I am suspicious of a ghost writer, however. Barry
this trun of events frightens me... Also barry, I havent been fishing in years, whats up with you takin a nigga out into the gulf? how much $$$?
I should have my boat back by May. Bring Schmed with you for entertainment, and Harlan to cut bait, and the trip is free. Barry
I was thinking of bring my dad as a "surprise" for him, but the thought of using schmed and harlan for chum sounds amusing
If you come into some money (sell your meth lab?) the best trip down here is the Intimidator on an overnight trip. Click on the Captains Log and read the trip report from 11/6-7/05. That is the last time we went with this guy. My boat is MUCH smaller, and does not have showers and galley. This boat has everything. We watched football on the Sattelite TV while we were anchored Check it here - Barry
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: A fish that size is fuckin worthless. The meat is way to old and tough to eat and I dont even want to think about the stuffing and mounting costs. Hell, what kind of hardware would you need to mount that thing to a wall anyways.
dang, I saw that pic and was thinkin of all the meat, could even make fish jerky, and now ya tell me it's worthless.. guess sometimes size matters..but not in a good way..