Hollywood Sucks

Discussion in 'Movies and Television' started by Cheezedawg, May 16, 2009.

  1. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    I'm real sick of these Hollywood pricks making suck ass movies and releasing them at the end of the year to win oscars. Why do all these shit movies appear in December? So they are fresh on the mind at oscar time. Who cares that they blow donkey, right? Just make sure some powerhouse actors and a lame ass "human interest" plot are there. Let me just list the utter shit I've been forced to watch due to the lack of good movies released on DVD.

    The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
    The Wrestler

    All garbage. Thank God the summer blockbusters are already starting to come out. Otherwise I'd have nothing to watch. FUCK HOLLYWOOD!

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