yeah you are absolutly right.... why not post some pics of yourself, and your Mullato boyfriend, so we can see what kind of hot girl a half mex/half nig can get? $20 says you dont post nothing
what theyhell is wrong with your keyboard? the uploader is open to all the members... I still think this is dangerous dan:
Dan, my main man. There is no reason to hide the real you. That's not what being a part of the Fugly community is all about. Come on out! You'll find that we here are very understanding and supportive people. Don't let this fester inside you any longer.
OH HELL NO!!!!!!!! I fuckin laughed so hard i almost pissed myself. Dan, Dan, Dan, I wouldnt brag about that pic darlin. Maybe that was just a bad picture of you. Post something new, Please. I.......Shit everytime i look at it i start laughing.
Website housing FuzzyFagBunnySlippers pics: Website housing Whipone's pics:
Dan, you're not the brightest kid now are ya? All the pics are hosted on my website: When the transexual 'quotes' one of my posts, it still uses the pictures hosted on my site. Nice try, but you look like an even huger dildo now than in that stupid fucking picture of yours. PornFuzzySlipperFucker is actually SkunkApe, along with HORUS and Rat's Tool. You Dan, might be another plop in that pile of feces. We have yet to determine. But since you both joined on the same day (11 Nov 2004) and posted within a few hours (SkunkApe has already been bustd for using a responding screenname within the same minute), I am dropping the gavel on this one. Case dismissed. You are a fucking tool SkunkApe.
Ah, I see you deleted the evidence. Nice move. Unfortunately, noone is buying it fuzzyfagslipperbunny.
First of all i am a girl and secondly I am only one name on here. And i am not anyone's tool. Not unless you Pay. LMAO Sorry to disapoint you guys but im not who you hope. I am a girl fuckin fagwads.
aaaack! you unoriginal cunt! i got me like 10 names on here. its more fun answering my own posts than reading yours.
Aww look, isn't it cute, look how hard Dan used to try and fit in! Just re reading them makes me think "this guy is obviously a highly educated doctor".