no, you so got ownt like a leggless $2 hooker, you know, you fuck her face, then skack her until she falls over, and keep your two dollars
dude, trust me when I say this, the only thing that got OWNT by you was your dad, when your mom shit you out 9 months after the rubber broke
Wow you dug that one out of the trash shit on it and still felt the need to type it. Way to go skank.
What fucking thread were you reading. And for future reference "allot" is two words, and it is spelled "a lot" you fucking imbesile. And you might want to stop posting racist bullshit from your computer at work, seeing as how a little more than 50% of your posts are made from work. I doubt they'd appreciate it. Fucking Oak-Lawn redneck boy. Go suck on Merv's cock some more, or better yet go back and hang out with those idiots on GenMay...
This sentence alone puts you in the same writing category as a 5th grader, netlish isn't typing like you just learned the English language last week, it's using shorthand and omitting punctuation, nor is it using "your" when it should be "you're" or "youre" or for Christ’s sake even "yer". Have fun burning crosses and driving your pick-up truck in Hot Springs for the rest of YOUR life.
Clever. Or just wishful thinking? Fag. Seriously though, I'm thinking Ron Sellitto or Dick Pollard might be interested on your views of black people and other minorities, you'd be suprised to know how little these large companies put up with, especially since you are using their facalities to spread said views.
I thought he said he hated all people equally, the very same tenet of wisdom which has been enshrined here at fugly since the day it plopped twitching and drooling out of Jeff's miraculous bottom?
Yeah they really have a say on what I do from home. You go ahead and do that and I really will find you and kill you. There is no joke there. There is a fine line between fun and games on the net and crossing things. You fuck with a mans money and you will find yourself and your family dead end of story.
I can use myspace just like you my friend I already have all the info I need on you. So you think about that before you going throwing threats out there like contacting someones job. The punk thing is not that big in DC I remember I checked it out last summer when i was down there. Also finding a 30 year fuck face will not be hard in that area. Also having your pic helps. So between your Yahoo ID your MSN and using Zag too look you up and get your address I pretty much own you bitch so I would leave things on this board. Where they belong.
Dude you better hope I don't get a call from them tommorow with them laughing over your bullshit cause I will seriously come to DC I'm not bluffing you bitch.
Come on over. I'm really fucking worried, if I were you I'd save the money to keep paying for your pick-up truck while you are unemployed, it's probably where you'll be living.
Not talking about this you know what will happen you want to play real world then know what will happen.
That, once again, makes no sense. You don't have the sack to kill a fucking fly let alone a human being. And I really like the way you put money on the top of your list of things that mean the most to you. Fucking pathetic.