Have fun with the poser!

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Eagle334th, Apr 22, 2005.

  1. desantnik

    desantnik New Member

    So the angry mob thing is off? Oh well... the boys in blue will handle it. LOL

    MEDICVET New Member

    Someone sending money over the internet to give to someone who stated what the money was needed and would be used for and then the person USING THE MONEY FOR SAID PURPOSE is NOT fraud. hate to break it to you, but it's true.

    And as for you thinking I am defrauding the govt by getting money from social security and the VA, the last time I told them about this when it was first going on, the VA laughed in my face and said I had nothing to worry about. They HAVE my military and medical records and you don't, so you don't have a clue. Haven't contacted social security about it yet, and if I do I have a feeling they will say the same thing.
  3. mia

    mia New Member

    I think you fucking idiots should be reported to the Stupid Division of the police department . Imagine sending money to people you dont even know. HAHAHAHAHA, you guys are STUPID, NANANANANA! Sorry I was coming down to your level there, woops :oops:
  4. fivepaknh

    fivepaknh New Member

    How does your fat ass quality for the PTSD therapy. How did you receive PTSD? Did you at one time get to Dunkin Donuts five minutes after they closed? I can see how that might have been traumatic for you.
  5. Eagle334th

    Eagle334th Guest

    For the last time, you stupid smelly cum dripper.. NONE OF US GAVE HER MONEY! Some of our online friends let their guard down, and did. But, THAT isn't what we are pissed about.

    It's been explained numerous times to your moronic self, and it ain't gonna happen again.

    Go play in the disposal. :roll:
  6. mia

    mia New Member

    Hokay, so your pissed. BIG DEAL. Now go away, k?

    MEDICVET New Member

    If you are not pissed that some people of their own free will gave money that went exactly where they were told it was going to go then why keep bringing it up?

    If you think that I don't deserve to have PTSD therapy call the VA hospital up in muskogee and contact janie oertle and talk to her. or call behavioral medicine on the fourth floor. you guys just won't give it up, so maybe if you hear from people who actually know more about the shit than you do it might just sink in..then again, ya'll bring moronic to a new level, so maybe not.
  8. Eagle334th

    Eagle334th Guest

    Thanks for the name..I was just going through the contact list.
  9. desantnik

    desantnik New Member

    Some people are just a little slow to pick up on things, Eagle. :roll:
  10. mia

    mia New Member

    SO, anyway Medic you still wanna be my bridesmaid?? Dresses are tangerine and black, sounds nice, eh?
  11. fivepaknh

    fivepaknh New Member

    Muskogee VA Medical Center

    1011 Honor Heights Drive
    Muskogee , OK 74401
    Phone: (918) 683-3261
    Fax: (918) 680-3648

    Ask for Janie Oertle, right? I guess even if you were legit, she wouldn't like how you brag online about fooling the government on where you've been. How about the drug use you've bragged about?
  12. mia

    mia New Member

  13. Eagle334th

    Eagle334th Guest

    Actually, Five, it's Jayne Oertle. Dumbass doesn't even know how to spell her therapist's name. :roll:

    MEDICVET New Member

    I have talked with her about some of the stuff going on online..she was very shocked when I told her I was banned from a site that included a ptsd forum. She and those at the VA are also very aware of the fact that I have agoraphobia and cannot always make it to some of the appts..and as far as things I have said online..ITS THE INTERNET STUPID! the only thing to be taken seriously is when someone pulls shit like ya'll are doing. Threats that include addresses and phone numbers and maps are some very serious fucking things.

    so I am either telling the complete truth about everything I have said or making some of it up or making all of it up..but ya'll want to pick and choose which of what I have said is the truth in your eyes, and only the stuff that puts me in the worst possible light as far as truth or lies will be accepted? it doesn't work that way, sorry.

    why don't you take all that excess energy and use it for some more constructive purpose. All this hate is going to eat ya'll up inside..on second thot, hate away..i won't be the one getting an ulcer over it.
  15. fivepaknh

    fivepaknh New Member

    Preventing fraud is constructive.

    MEDICVET New Member

    of course I am still your bridesmaid, and tangerine and black sound simply fabulous!

    Want me to hit anyone up on the net to help drefray the wedding costs and present you with a nice bundle of cash?
  17. fivepaknh

    fivepaknh New Member

    I hope that church has double doors, and for the love of God, do not have an all you can eat buffet at the reception. You don't want to see this in a feeding frenzy.

  18. mia

    mia New Member

    OOO that would be splendid!! How much do you think you could fraudulently acquire for me? I won tell if you dont, k?

    MEDICVET New Member

    Your secret is safe with me! Just get ready to be stuffed with cash during the 'money' dance, and give at least 10% to me as my cut for doing this for you!
  20. DrBungle

    DrBungle New Member

    is that what they call gang bangs in australia?

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