Have fun when you visit the supermarket!

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Lord Toodle of Pip, May 2, 2004.

  1. Schmed

    Schmed New Member


    GAHD. You must be one of Shitzo's buddies. At least you didnt argue the point that you are a shit heap, shit heap.
  2. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    Do you often make rediculous assumptions?

    No, I just thought it was a piss-poor effort at insults.
  3. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    Your barking up the wrong tree son.
  4. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    Firstly, it's "you're" as in "you are". "Your" is possessive. Go study Elementary school again. Secondly, I am of the wrong gender to be anyone's son.
  5. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    Oh and to take the piss out of myself, I do realise it is spelled "ridiculous" and not "rediculous" :oops:
  6. Lord Toodle of Pip

    Lord Toodle of Pip New Member

    your right, i have been blessed with wealth in those departments,also i prefer to call it sharing rather than repeating as i meant i had posted the same topic on another forum,the clue to which was in my last post,but as you are unfamiliar with it there is no point rambling on further, toodle pip old has been! :wink:
  7. Dubya 2.0

    Dubya 2.0 New Member

    Prove it. Limk me to the forum.
  8. Dubya 2.0

    Dubya 2.0 New Member

    Link! fer fecks sake...
  9. Dubya 2.0

    Dubya 2.0 New Member

    My point stands so far, unless you beg to differ? However I accept we had to second guess it was another forum...

    Jesus, what a cunt.
  10. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    That's a big NEGATIVE....
    I wouldn't associate with someone like that.

    You know what, instead of that bunny-head avatar, he should be using

  11. Dubya 2.0

    Dubya 2.0 New Member

    As in 'Hitler's assumption of a 1000 year year reich proved ridiculous. However, the German nation has a 1000 years to come to terms with it's shame' sort of redeculous?

    Just asking.
  12. Dubya 2.0

    Dubya 2.0 New Member

    As in 'Hitler's assumption of a 1000 year year reich proved ridiculous. However, the German nation has a 1000 years to come to terms with it's shame' sort of rediculous?

    Just asking.
  13. Dubya 2.0

    Dubya 2.0 New Member

    Yes I am a cunt. I double posted.
  14. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    Sounds about it.

    You and your boyfriend "Schmed" anre't too bright, are you? You both keep calling me "he" when it's obvious I am not, and I have stated that before. So either you can't read, or you really are such a homo you don't know what a female is.
  15. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    no one gives a fuck about your gender you stupid cock gobbler. you sure cant take a hint so well can you?
  16. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    Oh, good. Then I can call you she from now on?

    I don't care if you think I am male or female, but it seems pretty pointless to make all these assumptions about me. I could be the President of the United States of Amercia for all you know. And you could be Elton John for all I know (although, it seems highly likely in your case, homo). Keep your opinons of me to petty, half-assed insults and stop thinking you know me as a human being. Got that? Good.

    Christ I can't type when I am stoned.
  17. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    For someone who claims to be intelligent, you sure are a fuckwit. Schmed and I are not friends in any sence of the word...had you read ANY of the forums before you posted, you'd be aware of that.
    Also....what kind of "female" could you be? You use a male icon for your avatar, only said ONCE before this thread that you were "female"...and to be honest about it, given the fact that we can't see you(unless you post a pic of yourself, and even THAT would be suspect at this point....) it isn't exactly "OBVIOUS" that you are a female. If anything, I'd bet odds that you are probably a she-male.
  18. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    Obiously you DO care if we think you are male or female...why else would you make an issue of it?
    As far as you being President.....nah....never happen, ya uppity cunt. Besides...even Dubya(not the forum resident of the same name...) sounds a little more intelligent than you.
    One more thing...stop pretending that we WANT to think we know you as a human being....we don't, and it's pathetic that you want us to.
  19. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    YOUR gender, YOURs.... not Dubyas gender not Ulfurs gender, not anyone elses gender but YOUR gender. Christ get a fucking clue.
  20. smiles

    smiles New Member

    ohhh do me next... i wanna play too :oops:

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