HAPPY 9/11!!

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by TheGrimJesus, Sep 11, 2007.

  1. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Yea, we tried that back in the 1860s, you see where it got us. :)

    All we wanted was a stronger state government and a weaker national government, well and cheap labor too....well at least now we got Mexicans.
  2. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    If only Bush had gone and pais Spherion, Manpower, or the Devry School of Cosmotology. To cap them oil wells.

    We would not see him as evil. I bet they do it better next time. Lessons learned you know.
  3. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Yes but allowing but hiring people from the Billy Graham School for law in high ranking postions is so ok!
  4. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    You know Albert Gore is rumered to have gone to a Motley Crue concert.

    Hillary Clinton was a Beatles fan. So you can check her off as a follower of Alister Crowley.
  5. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Here we go with the extreme right wing defence. Someone states a fact and then some ridicules off the cuff remark to distract from it so you don't have to debate it.

    I mean the school is rated below Burger U.
  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Depends on the job the total experience factor, loyalty factor, background skelleton factor.

    It certianly would not disqualify him. I'd say it would be a plus for a homeland security position something of that nature. Or an appointment to the bench.
  7. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    Happy (if possible) late Patriots' Day to you yanks.
  8. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    The big cover up

  9. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Dis if I were you I would not trust Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton they are members of the Elite.
  10. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Then why didnt they? Why didnt they come forward with these accusations years ago, when they were still doing the 'investigation'? Go to the media, they would have a freakin field day with that. I wish they would come out with the 'truths' as everyone seems to believe is out there. Is the government covering up the fact that they dropped the ball and handled the situation and information poorly? No, we all know that. I want to know to what ends the US Government went. Why? When? How? Who? I dont want copy and pasted crap from www.Ismokedcrackandpostedshitabout911.com I dont want to hear, 'a building doesnt fall that way', I want to know how it was rigged, who rigged it, and why no one seen the packings. Especially when the security advisor for Morgan Stanley Dean Witter had monthly checks and escape drills following the 93 attack. Do you not think he would have noticed the people put explosives in the 40 floors of stairwells that they used? Did you know that out of the 2700+ people that worked for Morgan Stanley he was the only one lost on 9.11? He got them all out, and went back in to help others when it fell.

    Do I think the government dropped the ball? Yea. Do I think they squandered opportunities to prevent, or at least limit 9.11? Yes. Do I think there were government officials in Afghanistan drinking tea with Osama planning the attacks? No. Do I think the government funded the attackers? No. Well they funded Osama during the russian/afghanistan war, so they probably had some left over munitions and what not.

    Motive? What's the motive? Probable cause?

    Please dont copy and paste responses. Just say 'hey this is why they did it and this is who did it'. That way a simpleton like me can understand.
  11. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    Yes. That evil American Prez drove planes into the side of buildings to be able to start shit like his warmongering daddy. A fucking psychopath was elected as the US President ... Twice! So, that's 2 psychopaths and 1 fuck knuckle in the past 3 terms.
  12. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    So I guess this time around we will elect Fred Thompson and he will put his law and order mannerisms in the white house. The last great president we had was an actor anyways.
  13. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  14. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    I can't give you answers all the time, I'd like to, but I'm not making the effort when you could be doing it.

    Just keep it in the back of your head, remember everything they are capable of, proven or otherwise and don't be a mindless zombie coward when we need you.

    Market crash has been predicted for the end of 2008 (by high ranking market traders, not me, and not some nutter blog at http://themarketisgoingtocrashandwearealldoomed.com) lets hope we can be proven wrong by you
  15. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    How many times has a market crash been predicted? Hundreds. How many times has it actually happened? Twice? I think the depression and there was once in the 80s I believe they called it black monday or something like that.

    Im not saying 'they' are not capable of doing anything. But every time I look into 'theories' there is always something regarding bush actually being an alien, a missle hit the pentagon(when eyewitness accounts say otherwise, except for the homeless man sleeping on the AC return who woke up after the explosion)

    Then the people performing the 9.11 report ran into opposition when trying to find out who screwed up. Not many people in this world are cooperative when they are being investigated about f'ing up.

    "Yea, I saw that memo, but I just trashed it because I thought it was BS like all the rest, I guess 9.11 is my fault, sorry, my bad"
  16. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    I've never heard of anything other than the one thats happened and one that is about to happen. Thats just 2. Where are you getting your information from?
  17. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Everytime you turn on the TV. Fox, CNN, The Christian Science Network.

    Every week someone is talking about the bust, how its coming. They have been doing it since the 80s. Everytime the fed changes the rate, boom, its the end, America is broke. They predicted it earlier this year because the 'housing market bubble' was going to burst. It's day in and day out.

    "oh shit, greenspan farted, that means gas prices are going up, and home values are going down start putting your money in your matresses this is the end"

    Do I think the value of a dollar is skewed? Yes. I think the dollar should be worth more than it currently is. Do I think banks are going to crash because of some big market crash? No.
  18. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    I think you'll find its about ready to go yes, thats why they are so afraid, but its still the same crash. Its not a different one each time, its just been delayed (like when they injected a load more money into the system, but that was only temporary and also a very bad idea)

    Do you have to ask loads of questions and then answer them abruptly? Yes.
  19. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    The one thing that makes the economy the most fickle is the mood of the people the "Consume confidence level"

    During the 90's it was eight years of talk up the economy. Even when we were in a recession at the end. It was talk up the economy. If someone said "Hey guys look at the numbers. The economy is slowing down big time" They were accused of trying to down talk the economy.

    Now for eight years the economy has been awesome. Real numbers prove it suck and unemployment, property ownership, all of this despite the fact that we have been through terrible financial hardships.

    When taxes and wealth re-distribution take place the economy will tank. It is imperative that before Hillary gets in the Elites must create a picture of a tanked economy already. The new mantra will be "It's not our fault we had to play the hand that was given to us by the previous administration."

    Not to mention the idea for eight years has been to whine and complain that everything is a terrible mess and someone new is needed to come in and fix things.
  20. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    So what do you think is going to happen when the economy goes? If the economy ever got too bad we would just repo mexico. Put that shit on Ebay.

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