You're all the same , u head shrinks..i knew mine had been playing with me for years just for the cash. :evil:
I think I follow your line of thinking, and I think I might agree with you, maybe. (God i can't believe I said that). The piece I don't get is this. Why do you think that our government has to reveal all the info for truth to be discovered? I think the information age of the internet has made it very difficult to cover up anything. It is true that I don't completely trust our government, but it is because it is staffed by government workers, most of whom can't find jobs doing anything else. I fear our Government's flow of info because I think it may come from INCOMPETENT, untrained, and careless workers, not because I think they are smart enough to hide something from me. I fear our country's stupidity, not it's purposeful deception. Barry
[quote="unlimited-time" You're all the same , u head shrinks..i knew mine had been playing with me for years just for the cash. :evil:[/quote] Ask to see a copy of his treatment plan for you. (He probably won't have one, although it is required by law.) If he does not have one, ask for a full refund. If he happens to have one, ask to see the session progress notes. Ask for a refund again, then picket his office with a sign that says "THE MAN HAS NO PLAN". He will eventually pay you to leave him alone. If you do this tell no one that you know me. Barry
the whole idea of my post was to point out the idea that is isnt impossible nore improbable for our government to decieve or injure its own citizens. why would they want to decieve us? i dunno, to get what they want, im sure as a shrink you learned the reasoning about lying. and how children learn at a young age the benefits of lying. people lie to get what they want. so whats to say that the controlling party would not lie to get a certian outcome? i think the government should and has to give us the information we want and need to make an educated deciesion. would you like it if say you were going to surgery and a nurse or a docter thought that the fact you were say allergic to morphine, sulfanomides, or even latex was irrelivent in a major or painful surgery? i see it as a nessisary and relevent part of decision making.
Ok, I can see and agree that a controlling party would try (at some level) to lie, cheat, deceive, etc to keep power and control. I just do not believe in these vast, massive cover up theories. The logisitcs are just impossible. Take for example the accusation that the war in Iraq was just a cover for us to steal all their oil. If we got all that crude, why have my gas prices doubled? Heck, I bet you a dollar that Mr Bush could have stated boldly that we were going into Iraq to steal their oil, and the American people would have rallied around him. Stealing their oil would have been easier to sell than the WMD angle. Can't you see the headlines "Iraq backs Osama - All their Oil will be ours in retribution - Pump prices will fall to 25 cents per gallon." My God, the American people would have backed it without asking for a shred of evidence! What do you want me to say? That America and it's Government is squeaky clean? Mercy sakes, you know that is not true. I just can't buy this deep seated, rotten to the core, conspiracy at every level, bomb our own buildings, poison our own water, kind of alarm. Bush just isn't smart enough to do half the subversive stuff attributed to him. I'm whipped. Nite Nite. Barry
Speaking of 'cults', what Barry, can you tell me about the current U.S. know, the one that got into power through unprecedented, unconventional means, namely the neocons. Who is (was) their mentor, and what are (were) his beliefs?[/quote] I'm sorry but i'm going to have to hurry you here. Here's a clue : University of Chicago.
What's the matter? Can't bring yourself to investigate such strange, new territory (i.e. opposed to the crass manufactured 'Disney-like' facsimile that is sadly the only version a large percentage of Americans know.) Perhaps it's difficult for you to research and inform yourself of anything that lies beyond the well stampeded track? It's the duty of every human to enlighten themselves to the reality of the world around and not just complacently accepting whatever those who have only their own self suiting agendas want us to know. Seeing as you're so obviously used to having everything spoonfed to you by those in authority, i suppose i'll have to do the work for you, but will leave you to ponder the facts for yourself...
Dear gullible member of the herd...does The Lancet, (a top British medical journal) qualify as evidence to you , or can your channels only be accessed when the information comes from between the comforting, hypnotically mesmerising lips of people like this: "Tonight, we sheepdogs are going to be scaremongering you sheepizens into a new pen. That's right...WOOF! It's time to get rather alarmed again, but this time, run over there!"
Other stuff i wrote a while ago for another forum. I was asked: "Surely you don't think that ordinary Americans could have stopped this war, even if we hadn't believed what we were told was its rationale? Ordinary Brits couldn't have stopped it either." It's 'ordinary' British and Americans...and Iraqis who are the ones that have to pay the ultimate price, them and all the rest of the world's surplus-to-requirement expendable non-elite. (See General Smedley Butler's 'War is a Racket') Knowledge is power, and it's down to each individual to take full responsibility for the clearness and purity of the 'droplet of water' that is their personal contribution to the 'sea of human consciousness'. To prevent clouding of our perception of reality requires keeping the balance from tipping too much one way or another, as a result of our personal attachements (i.e. fears, desires) from entering the equation/experience. It takes constant attentiveness and a path devoted to truth, and a firm self belief to stand your ground and attempt to see what's going on with your own eyes rather than keeping your head down at the level of the rest of the herd and assume the attitude of safety in numbers. And questioning everything we are being fed by the conventional mechanisms we have come to depend on is more vital now than ever, because the latest illusion carefully engineered by the master power strategists and currently bedazzling the masses has become so far removed from reality, it's more like a complete mirror opposite of the truth than a doctored copy ( which was more the case prior to situation - 911 ), and takes not just a little sifting around to see through the veils, but a complete turn around, which takes quite an unentrenched, flexible mind capable of challenging some of your most cherished, comfortable beliefs, if need be. "By nature, people tend to conformity. Our social norms (definition of reality) are defined by society through education and the mass media. We must recognize that the mass media contains the elite's political and social message, usually subtly disguised. In terms of the best interests of humanity, this message is usually destructive and subversive."
In US, 44% Say Restrict Muslims' Civil Liberties From the AP: Nearly half of all Americans believe the U.S. government should restrict the civil liberties of Muslim Americans, according to a nationwide poll. The survey conducted by Cornell University also found that Republicans and people who described themselves as highly religious were more apt to support curtailing Muslims' civil liberties than Democrats or people who are less religious. Researchers also found that respondents who paid more attention to television news were more likely to fear terrorist attacks and support limiting the rights of Muslim Americans. ...While researchers said they were not surprised by the overall level of support for curtailing civil liberties, they were startled by the correlation with religion and exposure to television news. "We need to explore why these two very important channels of discourse may nurture fear rather than understanding," Shanahan said.
Anyone notice that this thread has had almost 3000 views? Oh wait, 2799 of them were me and Nursey. Never mind. Merry last weekend shopping day before Christmas Ya'll. Barry
Well, here you are. Seeing as you have no intention of watching it, here's a brief summary of that programme. :wink:
The clip speaks for itself - what is going on in Iraq is perpetuated by the axes of evil himself George W. I can't believe how otherwise intelligent people can support this terrorist.
Did you watch them both? Barry Yes, I did watch both. All I can say is, if Americans invaded Canada over WMD (I know, I know you can't use the same lie twice in a row). But if you did because we were stockpilling iceburgs or something, we'd take up arms ourselves. Well, since most of us don't have any, we'd likely scurry around like the poor bastards on the video clips trying to meet up with the likes of guys like uncle Fred who has a few around for moose hunting. But after watching that video clip I'd make sure uncle Fred and I don't try to do this in some dumb ass field with the likes of you guys watching.
The whole point of my original post was that the video clip had been edited for the purpose of forwarding an agenda. I am not trying to say that the shooting was justified. I was just upset over the edit and commentary. Oh, and can you score some cheap Ritalin? It is pricey here. Barry
"Oh, and can you score some cheap Ritalin? It is pricey here." Sure dude, what's your address? hehehehehe