Good Fire Hit Him

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Fugly, Nov 30, 2004.

  1. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    Uci, over 10,000 innocent Iraqis have been killed by daisycutters since 9/11, its a fact, need a brain enema...only the strong survive, what are you a redneck??? How about this, you come to D.c.i will kick the shit out of you and then you die becasue only the strong survive. Does that sound right to you. Yea boy oh boy Saddam was really fucking our shit up over here, thank god we stopped him and got rid of all his weapons of mass destruction..shweew. EMPTY ARGUEMENT!!! Boy this country really has you brainwashed dosnt it, you dont call us bombing the shit out of innocent people in an effort to gain money/oil/soverignty not an act of terrorism?!?!? then 9/11 was just Osama having a little fun i guess. It is impossible to reason with insane people, thats why even though at least half this country and the rest of the world keep telling Bush and Co. that he is doing EVERYTHING POSSIBLe wrong they dont listen/care. And the point is there is no reason innocent people ever have to die, especially over some idiot son of an asshole's desire to prove himself to his daddy and get into heaven (tahts fucking insane)Don't assume I'm young (im sure its just wishful thinking on your part)Go back to church and molest boys or whatever it is you do.
  2. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Just for the record, I have no other interest in Nursey other than the brightness of her mind. Is she Delusional? Yes. Is she Stupid? Heck No!

    I am happily married for 30years, kids, mortgage, etc. and want nothing from any one on the 'net other than a little friendly discourse. Don't expect any drooling IM's. I still have a few boundaries left.

    Please notice I put my real picture, email address, and home area on my profile. Fugly even used my real name. Heck, I'm in the phone book. How weird can I be if I don't even try to hide who I am? (like most of you)

    Be nice UT. Don't assume that just because somebody is different than you that they are the one who is the "weirdo".

    Nursey is cool. Surely she knows that I oft jest.


    Cult leader Barry
  3. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    It sounds perfectly right to me if the reason I came to DC was to kill you first. You don't believe in the right of self defense?

    ...and that child molesting comment?

    " When the truth confronts, absurdity is soon to follow" Quote me on that. It's an original.

  4. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    There you go assuming again , did i say you liked Nursey in that way.I did not. I said she attracts the wierdos, which means they are drawn to her. Which you have been.
    So as it was you who thought i meant it in that way , maybe your groin has been stirring a little,for that thought to spring so quickly to your mind.
    And don't take offence about the weirdo bit, if you weren't weird you wouldn't have ever found Fugly.
  5. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    [/quote]And don't take offence about the weirdo bit, if you weren't weird you wouldn't have ever found Fugly.[/quote]

    Dang it UT, I hate it when you make an irrefutable point.

  6. Dr.Roboto

    Dr.Roboto New Member

  7. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Another nice piece of work that means nothing.

    Here's a question for ya -

    How do you explain that fact that 60+ bodies, matching the passenger list and flight crew roster of the flight were found in the Pentagon wreckage, positively identified, and returned to their families? Did the US government just kill them all ahead of time and hide their bodies in the building?

    That would be the hat trick of all conspiracy theories, wouldn't it?

    Any answer to the question above would be appreciated.

  8. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

  9. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Pimp Daddy is my new hero. A lone beacon of light in the darkness.

  10. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    actually nursey gave me the link

  11. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Funny. :lol:

    You and Nursey close, are ya? I am so jealous.

  12. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    Once again you dance around the real don't have a leg tp stand on.
  13. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    How rude! If you really must know, i'm Hetero-Polar to the boner... don't project your own maledictions onto me!

    Speaking of 'cults', what Barry, can you tell me about the current U.S. know, the one that got into power through unprecedented, unconventional means, namely the neocons. Who is their mentor, and what are his beliefs?
  14. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I had a really interesting thought today......

    "If I get paid for talking to mentally ill people every day, why am I wasting my time in this forum doing it for free?"

    Then a more interesting thought hit me...

    "If you took Prozac, and I smoked crack, we would probably reverse argue the opinions of the other as fact."

    Which gave birth to this revelation ....

    "This forum is part of a commercial site that makes money selling advertising. The more activity (hits) the site has, the more it can justify charging for it's services. Therefore, this forum is really not a forum at all. It is really a hit generator and email address harvester. The main participants in the forum are all staff members of and are probably even the same person. The controversies presented are contrived and manipulated to make it appear that there is really a lot of activity and interest for the site, when in reality it is just the basement project of a few underaged people who started this as a way to get access to free porn. Now they are older computer geeks and now can't get away from it because it is all they know. BUT THE GOVERNMENT FOUND OUT ABOUT IT. And now they have undercover spies implanting ideas into the minds of the (one) main participant, and he/she/it is controlling the minds of school aged children everywhere through the gamma rays that are released by every keystroke Nursey makes. It is a government conspiracy operating within a website conspiracy. OH MY GOD! How could I have been so blind!

    The above garble makes about as much sense as those of you who think this country attacked itself and is bubbling over with government cover-ups and subversive plots. It sound possible, may even have a grain of truth in it(free porn), but overall it is completely ridiculous. (or is it?)

    Your own intelligent minds have committed treason with your reason.

    Read some real facts and get both sides of everything. Here is a good place to start.

    Your statements are in the mail. No more free consultations.

  15. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    [/quote]Scmed writes -
    Once again you dance around the real don't have a leg tp stand on.[/quote]

    Just imitating what I see you do. Except I really bother to read and think about what you say before I dance.

    Your anger disrupts your ability to think outside of your own opinion. That is a poor trade, and you are depriving yourself of opportunities for intellectual growth.

    Think about this ... do you look for evidence to support the opinions you already have, or do you look for a diversity of evidence to challenge the opinions you have?

    Once new evidence is presented, and rationally challenged, verified, and quantified, are you willing to alter your own opinions?

    I assure you that I do that. I do it every day. I think very differently now than I did 10 years ago, or even 1 year ago. I have more in the data base, and I don't limit what comes in. I don't immediately dismiss information that challenges me. I don't discount the information simply because it comes from someone that I feel may be whacked. Historically, the great truths and ideas that were discovered came from people who went against the mainstream of thought and were ridiculed (if not killed) for their advanced thinking. I clearly know that the whacked may be right.

    And one last thing that I know for sure - if something someone says really pisses you off, chances are high they hit a nerve of truth. (See the above statement about history. A few still believe that the earth is flat.)

    "When the truth confronts, absurdity is sure to follow" I think I'll start a new topic based on that concept.

  16. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    I'm assuming by the way you are on here that not many of your patients get better?
  17. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Right on target, UT. It is hard to make money when they all get well. The real bucks come from stringing clients out until their insurance is drained. I do this by fostering a co-dependent relationship through weekly psychoanalysis and prescription drug addiction.

  18. Dr.Roboto

    Dr.Roboto New Member

    if you do not dismiss these ideas and thoughts, then how come you are so quick to dismiss the idea that a country would not hurt it self? it has happened be for and still happens. for example NKorea, with its stead fast idea the the world is evil limits the information to it citizens, i hear that 2/3s of the population are malnurished while a leader burns 100 dollar bills and eat to his full tossing out the rest instead of giving it to the hungry. is that not hurting their own country? and for what? to maintain a million man army?
    or soviet russia in ww2 , shootin its own soldiers that retreated.
    or roman armys killing its own soldiers to enforce obediance?
    some with enough drive and determination can become leader and run an agenda that they want, and if they want it bad enough they will do it regardless the consiqences.
    the whole point is that you have to look at bothsides. problem is that when one retains a majority control of the information its hard for one to make ones mind.
    i see no problem with questioning, its a human ability and an instinic(spelling?). im just leary about the governments claims since it wont reveal all the information need to form my own ideas on what happend. :?
  19. Dr.Roboto

    Dr.Roboto New Member

  20. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    Scmed writes -
    Once again you dance around the real don't have a leg tp stand on.[/quote]

    Just imitating what I see you do. Except I really bother to read and think about what you say before I dance.

    Your anger disrupts your ability to think outside of your own opinion. That is a poor trade, and you are depriving yourself of opportunities for intellectual growth.

    Think about this ... do you look for evidence to support the opinions you already have, or do you look for a diversity of evidence to challenge the opinions you have?

    Once new evidence is presented, and rationally challenged, verified, and quantified, are you willing to alter your own opinions?

    I assure you that I do that. I do it every day. I think very differently now than I did 10 years ago, or even 1 year ago. I have more in the data base, and I don't limit what comes in. I don't immediately dismiss information that challenges me. I don't discount the information simply because it comes from someone that I feel may be whacked. Historically, the great truths and ideas that were discovered came from people who went against the mainstream of thought and were ridiculed (if not killed) for their advanced thinking. I clearly know that the whacked may be right.

    And one last thing that I know for sure - if something someone says really pisses you off, chances are high they hit a nerve of truth. (See the above statement about history. A few still believe that the earth is flat.)

    "When the truth confronts, absurdity is sure to follow" I think I'll start a new topic based on that concept.


    And once again you dance around the issues, I know the statements I made to be true, if you don't care enough obout this planet to go and find them for yourself then that's your problem. Seems to me you might be afraid to prove them to yourself as you are WRONG. You are fustrating in your ignorance, but even on your best day you couldn't make me angry. So all in all you can call the things I right to be opinions, and I wish they were that, and that I was wrong, but they are not opinions, they are facts. Remind me again when it became cool to be an ignorant American??

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