My day job sure interferes with my fun on the computer. Canine_std, Nursry, et al - I may not agree with everything you say, or how you say it, but I do recognize that you are very bright people. As such, you can probably appreciate that the idea of "parallel truths." Parallel truth states that two theories, ideas, statements, etc can be contridictory in nature, yet both can be absolutely true. For example, I could say that the water is hot at 110 degrees, and you can argue that it is cold at the same temperature. (Especially true if I were bathing and you were cooking chickens.) Parallel truth can exist when people have different points of reference in mind, yet they think they are talking about the same thing. Such is the nature of some of the arguing I hear on this topic. I am impressed with the depth of thinking, and have a hard time saying that one is wrong, and one is right. I really believe that many of the differences in these opinions are the result of people stating true arguments with the notion that they are talking about the same thing when in fact they are arguing from different standards of reference. As a side note - please pardon my generalization of the French as "yellow bastards". I certainly know better manners. My grandfather was shot in France while liberating their damn country, and I have a little problem with their short memory. God, I'm rambling. Let me take my Ritalin, and come back in an hour. Barry
Yeah, I know it is off topic. Just in case any of you have PETA hearts, I hope this pangs you. (Be patient with me, the meds should kick in soon. ) Barry
Where is the new one where they take out 45 insurgents pouring out into the street after some pinned down marines call in for air support. I got it as an e-mail today.
Well it would appear that ucicare seems to understand and appreciate my point ( excusing his lapse in rational thinking when he resorted to the current, popular flavour of hyperbole - with a personal emotional issue ) , even if you don't. Or say you don't, anyway. (To be honest, I get the distinct feeling that you are just using this as an excuse to vent other frustrations you have towards me, but i'll continue to treat it at face value nevertheless). First of all, do you really think that both of these statements amount to the same thing, i.e. "rabid, cliched typecasting"... 1. "...and is used by anti-American (aka French Bastards)to "prove" that Americans committed major atrocities in Iraq and to justify their yellow bellowed refusal to do their part." 2. "...the sort of which comes out the mouth of every brainwashed, moronic zealot of the U.S. variety that i come across..." This is the difference. *The first* is emotionally charged rhetoric, the sort of which is promulgated by those mainstream western media outlets that appeal to the lowest common denominator in terms of intellect. ('The Sun' newspaper being a prime example of this in the U.K....though having said that, there has been over the past few years - decade a notable 'dumbing down' right across the board and now people and institutions that traditionally represent higher ideals - eg. politicians are resorting to "crude in-your-face language, with columnists in broadsheet as well as tabloid newspapers often using personal insults instead of arguments." ) *The second*, though using fairly strong wording, still falls within the boundaries of legitimate, rational debate. Therefore, i don't see how it could be categorised as 'rabid cliched typecasting' as you claim. The rabid in my statement pertains to the vulgar, nationalistic fervour that gets whipped up when emotional triggers are utilised by the media and state to align people with an ideology as opposed to dispassionate, intellectual discourse to win over people's minds. I will admit, my words might have a slightly cliched sounding ring to them now after so many reasons have been provided by the west for people to discuss and outline such widely occurring traits, but unlike the cliche of those hollow, drum-beating anti-French statements actually do carry some genuine weight. How was this following statement 'typcasting'? "...the sort of which comes out the mouth of every brainwashed, moronic zealot of the U.S. variety that i come across..." I gave an example of brainwashed, moronic, zeal of the British variety in the Sun newspaper link. I wasn't saying (typecasting) that all American's are brainwashed, moronic zealots, nor that all brainwashed, moronic zealots are American, as your selective quoting implied. I think you'll find that although anyone from any country could come to characterize those terms, how those traits are expressed depends on the exact 'flavour' of conditioning inherent in an individual's culture. A 'BMZealot' of the Iranian variety would be spouting quite different tirades from their American (or should i say 'Anglo-American' considering that, as the Sun news link demonstrates, they pretty much amount to the same) counterparts. "Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded with patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader, and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar." Anon I didn't label the 'Francophobic' statement 'bullshit' because i didn't agree with it, i labelled it bullshit because of it's intellectual redundancy...due to the credulous, knee-jerk repetition of key pro-Bush agenda rhetoric that is rampant in the hawkish climate of fear and nationalism we are witnessing spread across America in these post-911 days . I'd be interested in hearing your views on this following article, ucicare. Information Dominance: The Philosophy of Total Propaganda Control? Here is the exact page where the posts can be found. So now you can see that this is not the same as your reasons for outrightly labelling the article on 'peak oil' crisis 'crap' and would 'wipe your arse with it'...( which is just because it didn't fit your ideology! ) A blatant double standard which you will no doubt, in your best Bush-like manner, refuse to accept as a mistake!
Nursey wrote - I'd be interested in hearing your views on this following article, ucicare. Ok, I read it. I had to break out the dictionary a few times, but I think I caught the gist. Unfortunately I am at work right now and my brain is in overload. I'll give you an opinion later this evening after I get home. FYI - I am fairly new participating in forums. I work everday with mentally ill people (which means everyone in some form or other) and I had really forgotten that there was intelligent debate left in the world. Thanks for challenging my brain. I still think you are somewhat rabid, but I do find your zeal to be stimulating. I'll enjoy learning from you if you will be willig to try the same from me. Later - Barry
"I still think you are somewhat rabid, but I do find your zeal to be stimulating." Hehe "I'll enjoy learning from you if you will be willig to try the same from me." Yep, sounds good to me.
Let me help you out Dubya, condescending arrogance, spelled- A M E R I C A N S- that should clear it up. And I can't belevie anyone that lives here in America would have the ignorance to bash on the French.... why would you?? Because they knew better than to agree (look up the word intelligence and/or morals to see why they didn't) with Bush and his cronies?? Or was it because they had the "arrogance" to win this country for us 200 plus years ago?? Please clear this up for me so I can be stupid and hate the French too!!
Come Shmed don't think so hard you may burn out the few remaining brain cells you have left. What you need is to Kill Terrorists. In the spirit of Christmas I am going to provide you access to this opportunity to get your mind together and desensitize as well as sensitize yourself to the joy of killing terrorists with million dollar equipment. Well enough talk. Time to start down the road to killing terrorists rather than appeasing them like the lowly countries of Spain who allowed their election to be decided by a train bombing and the French who couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag and are forced to hire mercenaries for their supposed self defense.
Am unsure how one spells 'condescending arrogance'... help me out...[/quote] Wow, Dubya, you saw right through me. It usually requires at least one face to face before I am found out. Very impressive! Barry
see we do learn from the french. you have to remember that our native tounge "american english" or specifically "US english" is comprised of multiple languages. every country has its quirks and asswholes, and the United States has, well, quiet a few of them being led by one evanglest who thinks gay and muslims are the devil.
No, you mean the 1996 election. Where Clinton won based on his good looks and exceptional oval office behavior. I remember reading where women said they voted Clinton because he was better looking than Dole. I mean come on. Is that a good reason to vote for someone? Ah, who cares.
i was comparing the train bombing to the hijacking of the planes and the twin towers..... no? nothing?
Fo sure. No problem Barry lad :wink: Anyone else what an incisive appraisal of their persona via an online consultation?