Dropping out of school rules. I wanted to when I found out that I wasn't going to graduate, but I couldn't so I dicked off the rest of the year in English when I did show up; rather was forced. I had so many unexcused absences that I almost lost my driver's license. "Under West Virginia's definition, dropouts include any student who misses 10 consecutive days of school without a valid excuse like illness or economic hardship or anyone who has a total of 15 unexcused absences in a semester. Schools report the dropouts to the state licensing bureau." How shitty is that? I used to have to go the office and get a print out of my absences to keep track. My sister worked at a doctors office so I got doctors excuses sometimes. I would be out for like a week at a time. What a loser I was. This was before HIPAA and my sister would include nasty illnesses that I didn't know what they were on the excuse. I think I had impetigo a bunch of times.
if it wasnt for football i wouldnt have stayed as long as i did. when i killed my leg i really lost interest. i was doing school work so i could play football, then when the knee went i devoted more time to smoking 'doobies'.......
I dropped out and then finally went to community college got straight A's and to undergraduate to medical school. I went to all the parties and none of the school work and then all my friends parents pulled them to other schools for partying too hard and I stopped going. I probably would have done pretty well if they didn't assign homework or I made up the absentee work. Homework was pretty much all zeros. It's amazing how much a bunch of zeros will drop your GPA. I used to get paddled every day rather than stay for detention for being late to school so many times. My parents considered boarding school but it never happened. The asst. principal's secretary started making jokes about me liking the assistant principal paddling my ass. When I finally figured out I was going to need a job I figured Doctors get paid well and I like science (not high school science but real science like physics and organic chemistry). I remember a conversation with my father he said you know some people just can't do schoolwork or something like that. At the time I just didn't see a reason for doing all that busy work shit. It didn't help that I was at a magnet school that emphasized repeating the basics over and over and over. There were alot of semi-rednecks there and all the stuff was geared toward them and it just bored the hell out of me. I didn't find out I liked school until I finally got to college where it wasn't watered down bullshit.
Just finished Shrike by Joe Donnely, most good sir, most good. And reread Slaughterhouse 175(165?) for shits and giggles.
I have an English degree. It helped me with my post graduate career. "Wouldst thou likest fries with that?"
Charles Darwin: Origin of the Species. Reproduced from the actual original texts. After that, The Count of Monte Cristo. Unabridged. It sounded interesting.
I missed this post the first time around... If I weren't so partial to the annoying HTML code showing up in my sig, I'd change it to this...
Just remember: Don't knock masturbation. It's the only time you're fucking someone you really care about.