That's not pure chlorine dipshit. It has to be chemically bound to other elements to make it into a solid or liquid or compressed at high pressures. Used (in the form of hypochlorous acid) to kill bacteria and other microbes from drinking water supplies and swimming pools. However, in most non-commercial swimming pools chlorine itself is not used, but rather the mixture sodium hypochlorite (household bleach), a mixture of sodium hydroxide and chlorine. Also, Calciumhypochlorite is used, as a cheaper alternative. Even small water supplies are now routinely chlorinated. (See also chlorination)
A chick with brains damn it! And only 14 what the hell do inteligence quotas leak from the brain to be deposited at the right places as they age so that by the time they are 30 or better they got the right curves but you can see through one ear to the other?
Can we get some confirmation on this Dan theory once n for all? I mean this is really cruel. If I called Dan a chick with brains....well that’s just cruel that’s all.
Hmmmm ok leme see those pics one more time. And I know you got more to so don't hold back on me damn it.
okay, not only are you a faggot, you're retarded. Get someone to push your wheelchair in front of a speeding bus.