giant clitorii?

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Bluelola, Sep 22, 2007.

  1. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    you mean, you're supposed to change them everyday?
  2. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    You mean you're supposed to wear them everyday?
  3. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    It's the context. It just seemed contrived and pretentious using it where you did. Just my opinion. But what do i know? I'm just some inarticulate redneck.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2007
  4. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    no, I'm the inarticulate redneck
  5. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    I am Spartacus!!
  6. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Quit trying to be funny ALL of the time. It's not working for you.
  7. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    I'm serious sometimes.
  8. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    And sometimes he's Yahoo Serious.....

  9. Bluelola

    Bluelola New Member

    Please be joking. It's not even a twenty-five-cent word. I hear it from 11-year-old kids. Usually because they're putting down my juvenile sense of humor.
  10. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Yeah, but you're full of shit. But please, continue trying to convince us all that i'm a backwards, inarticulate redneck and that 'sophomorically' is as common a word as 'amusing'. I'm sure everyone is buying it!
  11. Bluelola

    Bluelola New Member

    "Amusing" is less common than "the", that doesn't make it somehow hoity-toity.

    I'm not trying to convince anyone that you're a backwoods, inarticulate redneck, but you seem pretty determined to come across that way. Or perhaps just insane. I can hear the banjos playing every time you try to insist that "sophomoric" is fancy-talk.
  12. Bluelola

    Bluelola New Member

  13. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Yep, you've got me completely sussed, you silly, pretentious twit.
  14. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    I never even knew what it meant, until just then, and even then I'd only ever read it in the type of books that Stephen Hawking would write.

    But then I'm so stupid, my mother abandoned me before I was born.
  15. Bluelola

    Bluelola New Member

    Oh yeah, it's so pretentious to know any word longer than 3 syllables. Call me a silly twit if you like, but you're talking out of your ass with that pretentious crap. I like the subtle twist of irony as you combine your declarations of pretension with an asinine Britishism. Anglophila maybe?

    Did you have a bad experience with the word "sophomorically"? Perhaps you learned it later in life than is usual? Everyone's vocabulary grows at different rates; you shouldn't be so sensitive about it.
  16. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    I know i wasn't gonna post again, but omg it's like watching a car crash in slow motion.I hope you got an airbag Blue...
  17. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Is it considered pretentious to use a Britishism if one is British?

    By the way, please excuse any Southern colloquialisms I may utter as I was born and (in)bred in Alabama. I'm a redneck that way.
  18. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    You cant be a redneck. You drive a minivan and have an unusual mastery of the English language. I think you are a sleeper cell of a carpet bagger sect.......
  19. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Uh, your so kewl. Can I bum a dip?

    *whew - close one*
  20. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    She gets awfully worked up over it, doesn't she? Like someone who has been caught with their hand in the cookie jar. And all the while, confirming everything i already said - she's really not too bright at all. The whole point was not about using 'big words', it's about using them in an unconvincing effort to try and appear more clever than you are. i.e. What you see is not what you get. The packaging is deceptive. All show.
    As i already said, it wouldn't have stood out like a sore thumb had the rest of the post been of a reasonable standard of intelligence. But really, reminding someone they are thinking of your clit is not in the slightest bit clever or witty at all. Like something a 13 year old might say to wow their older sibling's friends. I mean, got me! I'm thinking about your arsehole! I'm afraid it doesn't get any more lame than that. Then, throw in one of the clever sounding words you memorised of, say, some Jewish, intellectual, feminist 'wimmin's' show, and bingo! A pretentious pile of Bull(vulva)shit is spawned.

    Why not focus on the rest of the post which seems to have got her in such a froth? The point about her pretentious use of 'sophomoric' was just an aside, afterall. Let us recap since she seems to have got a little flustered by it all:

    Bullvulva: "No, I just find it sophomorically amusing to remind you that you were thinking about my clit."

    Nursey: "So, your sense of humour is a bit feeble, really. Or should i say, 'etiolated'..."

    ('Etiolated' being used to parody i.e. outline the absurdity of using such grandiose expressions in such silly, throwaway lines such as the one about her clit.)

    Nursey: "I was just dryly pointing out that your idea of amusement was dire - coupled with a sarcy dig at your use of such showy language to make such a cloddish attempt at being clever or witty."

    And here is where she plays dumb about being caught with her pants down and her monstrous, honker of a clit bulging clumsily about:

    Bullvulva: "Still giggling over trying to figure out which word you found showy...Sophomorically" or "Amused"."

    Very convincing. Caught with pants down, as well she knows. She also knows that if she loses this argument, her whole facade as a stunning intellect will be blown (though she is attempting to shut the stable door after the horse has bolted on that front). Which is why she feels she must fight this tooth and nail, despite my having pointed out in a previous post that it is just my opinion, afterall. Judging by the amount of wrath it has invoked, my opinion is worth it's weight in gold! Well, it is the truth, i suppose.

    Nursey: "If the so called 'humour' ('you thinking about my clit') had been of a reasonable standard, i.e. witty and intelligent, you might then have managed to pull it off. Alas, it was not."

    Perhaps the logical solution to this would be to, rather than attempting to force her conflicting opinion on me (as well as everyone else who sees exactly what i'm talking about), to win my/our confidence in her authenticity by demonstrating her intelligence in some manner other than her masterful command of A decent sense of humour is a far better gauge of a person's intelligence than the spectacufabulosity of the words that come out their gob ('mouth' - British slang).

    P.S. 'Asinine'. Another favourite of those who wish to wow with their 'intelligence'. I remember when all of a sudden, all these silly pretentious cunts started using it en masse all over the net (probably all having watched the same feminist, intellectual wimmin's show). 'Asinine' this and 'asinine' that in the most unlikely places and contexts. I suppose they manage to convince all the other frauds.

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