Getting to know you

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by unlimited-time, Sep 27, 2003.

  1. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    being canadian is not an affliction in itself...
  2. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

  3. Pye

    Pye New Member

    1) 3 things that you like.
    cars, weed, a good fuck

    2) 3 things that you hate.
    people, people, and a horrible fuck

    3) If you could have 5 things you have always wanted what would they be?
    unlimited weed
    A color changing pipe
    one of my friends to be a lesbian
    a friend with tourets
    a pony

    4) If you could shag anyone in the world who would it be?
    ummmmm...Johnny Depp mmmm

    5) If you could marry anyone in the world who would it be?
    Some one who isn't fugly(haha bad joke)

    6) If you could do any job what would it be and why?
    a and money what could be better

    7) If you could murder someone who would it be and why?
    A religous freak...because they piss me off

    8) Most embarrassing moment.
    9th grade our insturcter for guard gave the music people the wrong music

    9) Worse thing you have ever done.
    taken advantage of a drunk guy

    10) Best thing you have ever done.
    Help out some stoned freshman get past the po-po

    [hey this looks like a ok first post eh]
  4. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    1) 3 things that you like.


    2) 3 things that you hate.

    <UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>Lack of food
    <LI>Lack of sex
    <LI>Lack of money

    3) If you could have 5 things you have always wanted what would they be?

    <UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>A huge air-conditioned warehouse full of arcade games, including a dedicated mint-condition Smash TV, a fully-stocked bar, pool table, jukebox, and air hockey machine.
    <LI>A woman that takes care of my every desire or need - including dusting of said games. Must be proficient with a soldering iron, and have a vast love and knowledge of games.
    <LI>A fleet of exotic cars (garaged, of course) with a mechanic to maintain them all.
    <LI>A wood/metal shop with all the tools and equipment I'd ever need to make just about anything.
    <LI>The obligatory endless supply of cash.

    4) If you could shag anyone in the world who would it be?

    No clue.

    5) If you could marry anyone in the world who would it be?

    [see # 3]

    6) If you could do any job what would it be and why?

    Quality control manager at the Guinness brewery. "Why" should be obvious.

    7) If you could murder someone who would it be and why?


    8) Most embarrassing moment.

    There's probably one that out-does this, but for now - Knocking a glass pitcher off my coffee table, then slipping on a copy of 'Life' magazine, and promptly impaling myself on the two biggest pieces, half an inch away from my backbone. Then, on the way to the hospital to get my insides stiched and 18 staples to seal me all up, I tell my buddy to get off at the wrong fucking exit.

    9) Worst thing you have ever done.

    Pass - however, I will provide a couple runners-up...
    <UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>Piss drunk, driving 20 miles down the wrong side of an interstate highway (in a construction zone w/barriers where the shoulders should be).
    <LI>Going to work during my first (and last) acid trip.
    <LI>Pouring the second half of a six-pack into a huge travel mug, then taking it into class with me and drinking it all during a physics test. Bear in mind the tendency to belch whilst drinking (quite aromatically, I might add), then try to imagine some of the looks I got that day...

    10) Best thing you have ever done.

    Passing that physics test. Ok, not really, but when you do so many good things in your life it's kinda hard to narrow it down to one...

    I can remember the best thing I did all week, though - Yesterday, I gave a homeless man a pipe.
  5. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by unlimited time:
    1) 3 things that you like.
    2) 3 things that you hate.
    3) If you could have 5 things you have always wanted what would they be?
    4) If you could shag anyone in the world who would it be?
    5) If you could marry anyone in the world who would it be?
    6) If you could do any job what would it be and why?
    7) If you could murder someone who would it be and why?
    8) Most embarrassing moment.
    9) Worse thing you have ever done.
    10) Best thing you have ever done.

    1)Cheap wine,Tiramisu and good sex
    2)Old people in a busy high street, spitting and men who don't know what a clitoris is.
    3)Fantastic house in the country, all my family to be in good health, to be really intelligent, to be a foot taller and to beable to drive.
    4)Ray Liotta
    5)Already got best one.
    6)Nursery nurse, love working with young kids.
    8)Passing out in a nightclub toilets and having to be carried out by the bouncers.
    9)Being a nasty bitch to my sister when we were younger for many many years.(she fuckin grrrrrreat)
    10)Walk into to a pub and meet the man i was going to marry.

    [ 10-01-2003: Message edited by: unlimited time ]
  6. SoulRioter

    SoulRioter New Member

    1.)orgasms,......uhhhh hmmmm video games, ?
    2.)gloating,testicle pain,ignorance
    3.)my own country(preferably an island),a gland in my mouth that makes pearls,my own mecha,the ability to create small black holes, and the ability to make ppl vomit with the wave of a hand.
    5.)don't wanna marry
    6.)be a dictator, so i can dictate.
    7.)George Bush, I can seriously see him causing the events leading up to WWIII.
    8.)you will never know
    9.)push my 6 year old cousin down a flight of stairs.
    10.)Preventing the spread of the BLARG virus.
  7. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Q: 3 things that you like.
    A: trespassing, nice weather, pills

    Q: 3 things that you hate.
    A: working, most people, constipation

    Q: If you could have 5 things you have always wanted what would they be?
    A: 1) Animals would rule the world.
    2) That I could be a bird.
    3) Entertainers would make shit money.
    4) There would be no cancer or AIDS.
    5) All bad people were dead.

    Q: If you could shag anyone in the world who would it be?
    A: No one that perfect exists.

    Q: If you could marry anyone in the world who would it be?
    A: I don't want to get married.

    Q: If you could do any job what would it be and why?
    A: Psycho cop. I would kill everyone bad.

    Q: If you could murder someone who would it be and why?
    I couldn't narrow it down to one. Too mnay bad people.

    Q: Most embarrassing moment.
    A: I've done a lot of dumb shit. Nothing significant sticks out.

    Q: Worse thing you have ever done.
    A: I'll never tell.

    Q: Best thing you have ever done.
    A: Couldn't say. That's a really conceited question. You shouldn't rate things like that.
  8. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    Why is it conceited to say what the best thing you have ever done is?
    It all depends on how you read the question.You obviously read it as "look at me and the wonderful thing i've done" where as when asking i meant the best thing personal to you..such as mine was meeting my husband and someone elses was diving with sharks.
    You must have done one fantastic thing in your life Pukey even if its just managing to get out of bed one morning without feeling like crap.
  9. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by unlimited time:
    Why is it conceited to say what the best thing you have ever done is?
    It all depends on how you read the question.You obviously read it as "look at me and the wonderful thing i've done" where as when asking i meant the best thing personal to you..such as mine was meeting my husband and someone elses was diving with sharks.
    You must have done one fantastic thing in your life Pukey even if its just managing to get out of bed one morning without feeling like crap.

    Oh, like THAT happens! Imagion how Pukey must feel looking into the mirror first thing in the morning! If that isn't enough to make ANYONE ill, I don't know what would!

  10. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kaptain Skitzo:

    Oh, like THAT happens! Imagion how Pukey must feel looking into the mirror first thing in the morning! If that isn't enough to make ANYONE ill, I don't know what would!


    Have you even seen her?
  11. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    Hmmmmm, maybe she's got a not so secret stalker.
  12. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by unlimited time:
    Why is it conceited to say what the best thing you have ever done is?
    It all depends on how you read the question.You obviously read it as "look at me and the wonderful thing i've done" where as when asking i meant the best thing personal to you..such as mine was meeting my husband and someone elses was diving with sharks.
    You must have done one fantastic thing in your life Pukey even if its just managing to get out of bed one morning without feeling like crap.

    Umm.. no?
  13. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kaptain Skitzo:

    Oh, like THAT happens! Imagion how Pukey must feel looking into the mirror first thing in the morning! If that isn't enough to make ANYONE ill, I don't know what would!


    Damn, take it easy on me. That hurt. *ouch*
  14. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lomo's Haus of Audio-Video Bliss:
    Have you even seen her? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Actually, no. But I've seen lots of women in the morning with no make-up...or worse...facial cream on.

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