Remind me to never let that fuck Mike williams touch anything with his bare hands again. *goes to garage and gets box of rubber gloves and industrial stapler* Oh yeah, will you two stop feeding Harlan all the fucking High Fiber cereal? You think its funny when he shits himself, but mom bitches about cleaning that idiot up... P.S. which one of you fucks drank all the Kool-Aid and forgot to make more *smaskes nightstick in hand*
red rocket One of these days, when I can manage to keep some fucking batteries in my Digi camera(damn kids are always stealing my fucking batteries)I'll post a pic. I know it's suicide around this place, but what the fuck why not?
With trotters? You raping your right hand whilst dreaming of Tumnus? U sick animal loving fucker! Send pics!
Kill 2 birds with one stone: me and my strongbad hoodie, If ya'll are really good I'll show ya my cock pics :twisted:
i tried to catch him but this cock got away in Key West. i dont need to claim some dirty spic's ass as my own, nor do I think i need to post yet another picture of my own ass on this forum. as long as IMC thinks I'm hot i dont need any of your opinions. and Reizvolles, if you think you are "big boned" you need a big bone to split your ass in half. if you really want to see my ass look in "old news" on the front page and search for it fuckers!
And may I say what a nice ass it is. I saw that on one of my first visits to fugly, made me keep coming back. Aww Memories, think I might go search for it so I can peek at it again.
Fuck you Rat. You claimed to be a lard ass like me. Both you bitches are skinny. I have to carry the twinkie torch all on my own. One of my tits could squash you now that I'm in the big girl sized bras. I used to be skinny. Now my body is very similar to Anna Nicole's after she lost some weight and was still saggy, pre nip and tuck. She was an 8-10 back then, like me. Now she's anorexic like the rest of ya.
oh settle down Barfy. i've gained plenty of weight since my ass was posted in here. i got me one of those reinforced boulder holders and my tits spill over the edge. its sickening really. i gained about 30 pounds since then. in your face!!