Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Fernando, Jun 5, 2008.

  1. Lyseria

    Lyseria New Member

    Where the fuck is the sign up sheet, and where is the page that talks about my soul....
  2. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    heh,, all of you anal pollops come work for me, in uncle scums sweatshop.

    Glass studio work during the summer really sucks
  3. Lyseria

    Lyseria New Member

    I'm sure...just got to pick your poison though..

    Considering that I work at -Arbys-.
  4. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    yuck, even though Im a fat piece of crap, i really dislike fast food now :-/ .

    Dont sweat it, you'll find your thing one day. I have a BS in comp science, and I still do art glass
  5. Lyseria

    Lyseria New Member

    Yeah well I'm working on it, there's not much else for a graphics artist/web designer person that doesn't have a degree, though.

  6. phatboy

    phatboy New Member


    I get paid for 40, if I work 30 or work 60, so I lean towards the 30.

    If she is in Utah when she gets to NC she is going to think she is already in hell. We are supposed to be hitting 100 today as well. Sweet! Not even the middle of june yet.
  7. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    I play Guitar Hero on EXPERT!! But I don't care about Halo.

    And I was playing PONG when Lomo was racking his nuts on his playpen.

    ~Gamer Relic~
  8. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I can play Guitar Hero for about 2 minutes and GTA4 for about 10. I have no attention span for games. I can't stand the sound of rapid gunfire so I hate any type of war game.

    The first game I ever played was a generic pong. I think it was some Montgomery Wards brand system. It had a lever that you moved up and down... that was the joystick and I only remember playing that one game so I think that's all it could do.

    I played the old stuff on the Atari when I was a kid. Stampede was my favorite.

    Nintendo... I liked Paperboy, Friday the 13th, Zelda (I did play that for a long time), Castlevania, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, Mortal Kombat and I can't remember much else.

    On the Playstation, I played all of the Tomb Raiders, Parasite Eve, and Resident Evil. I played the shit out of Tekken 2. If I couldn't be Jun Kazama, I wouldn't play. I beat everyone's ass with her.

    Oh, I played CSI and Indigo Prophecy (decent game for 10 bucks) all the way through most recently and that's it.

    I am pretty much like a 5 year old when it comes to playing games. I just like to hit the buttons.
  9. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Stampede, that was fun.

    My first time was on the Oddysee (SP?) it had the paddle wheels, played pong, gorf, and some 'race' game where it was basically some blocks that went up the screen.

    the 2600 was the first one that I really liked, Raiders of the Lost ark was retarded, but somehow everyone owned it, I hate pac-man on it because of the bang bang bang as you played. River Raid was the favorite, with grand prix coming in a close second.

    We didnt have a lot of games for the 5200 Ms. Pac-Man and Pole Position, but they were fun. I had friends with Coleco's and Intellivisions, and I even had a pac-man and donkey kong mini-stand up games. (they were like 10" tall but looked like the big ones, the graphics were pretty crap, but it was fun, all LED if I remember correctly.

    My first real 'stand-up' was one I got when I was around 11. It was pretty old when I got it, had Asteroid type graphics, but was basically you riding around in a jeep shooting at tanks and once in a while a helicopter would fly in and youd have to shoot it.

    Then when the NES came out, it changed everything. Ninja Gaiden and Metroid were some of my favorites, but I still liked RC Pro Am and Ikari Warriors.......
  10. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I played Ninja Gaiden as well.

    I only played Pole Position in the arcade. I played it a lot when I worked at Chuck E Cheese. It was always my fave arcade game.
  11. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Atari 2600 "Pitfall" was the bomb. Activision made the best games.

    Pac-Man and Donkey Kong sucked ass on the 2600. The 5200 Pac-Man, Joust, et al, were good versions.

    Nintendo "Rolling Thunder" was my fave.

    Sega Genesis - Sonic series, and football (also got the CD attachment and, yes, I have Night Trap)

    I had a 3DO for a short time. Wing Commander was cool. It was like an early version of Mass Effect.
  12. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I liked the genesis shinobi and altered beast.

    Sonic was probably one of the nicest looking smoothest playing games for it by far.

    I have no idea what I did with my Genesis, my buddy got the CD attachment for his, but he only had one game, the one where you are in space or something, and there is a bunch of yapping.

    I skipped later version of nintendo, never got a SNES or anything.

    Went to the PS1 and that was it.

    Duke Nukem
    Twisted Metal
    El Diablo

    Those were some of my favorites.
  13. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Twisted Metal. I forgot about that one.
  14. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I got this in a mame emulator...

  15. Lyseria

    Lyseria New Member

    ...I actually can't get my ps1 emulator to work.

    To my dismay, I got to disk 3 on Legend of Dragoon before I reformatted....

  16. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Mine (w/CD) is set up in my kid's playroom and still works great. Meanwhile, I'm on my 4th X360. They don't make them like they used to.

    Oh, and don't think my kids are saddled with just the Sega. It's on a TV separate from the one that has their PS2 and DVD player. And they have a PC in there and a Wii in the Living Room. My 2nd PS2 and X360 are in my office near my PC.

    We game at my house.
  17. Fernando

    Fernando Member

    Then this will mean something to you

  18. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    We do to, sometimes, lately I been coaching, he be gaming.....

    Of course it is hot as fuck and the games always start at 6 or 7.
  19. Lyseria

    Lyseria New Member

    122 you know that one that Rose does that looks like the black period of death that sucks you up into that crotch-door-of-disappearing?
  20. Fernando

    Fernando Member

    I think that's demon's door, also the one where she periods on the party. I was fucking creeped out as a kid by that because at the time I had no idea what was going on.

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