What about Your Friend Whipone?! He's a fucking ass-licking, cunt sucking, nazi loving, doody-smelling, uncompelling, ear wax-snorting, ass face. Dude, he fucking sucks. P.S> is PerckerWood my alternate identity?
You'd think the format of communication would have tipped you off. Only Harlen gets to post keyboard mashings, i.e., asljk;slakfdsaj safdjnjlas;d ashnads;lfaj alfa;lsdgj;ha
HAnk Lu caomes back, so do you... god, someone, Jiggle the handle... Hank Lu resembles William Hung with downs...
I didn't ban you zipperhead, I had to reset the whole site, but I guess there isn't enough arthmatic on the site for you to notice that... Why do i have the strongest feeling you are 16 and like COSplay alot?
My big cock is 16... and one of your goons banned me. I see your employed by Fugly again, DO they pay you in Buffet dollars or what?
I'm employed by fugly again? Are you smoking opium? You are not banned, want me to post my banned list to prove it to you? You need to get your doctor to up your meds or something
Buffet dollars not that was a good one. Yeah Dwaine preaches freedom of speech and all as long as its his.
do you havce any Idea what you are talking about? No wait, you can't even understand what you are typing. Why don't you and hank go snoodle to make each other feel better