... you seriously think that your christ, your saviour and redeemer.. your omnipotent god who is all powerful, all knowing, peaceful, just and righteous.. that he is encouraging your own blatent hatred? that he is happy with you for delighting in the pain and suffering of others? and moreover, that he has a hand in it? you really, truly believe in a higher power, a father figure, who in one fell swoop will destroy so much love and healing and goodness for the sins of a few? or do you not see that you have hatred and delight in pain and suffering? i am constantly amazed at how little credit 'christians' give to the very diety they profess to adore. how you can take his name and cast down so many, and spread so much anger and hate is unreal. and to claim yourself as a healer with these holy powers goes against the very message that he died to spread. jesus has better things to do with his time. learn from him. find the better things that you can do with your time. if you are receiving these 'visions' or whatever, and if you do believe in a loving higher power, then give that power the respect of spreading the message in a positive way. you're doing no favors for anyone by angering people into not believing and turning their head.
Imp I do not even think you actually believe what you say. It is a safe stance however if cowardly at least safe. Those people that the Muslims like to behead are Christians. There are parts of the world where Christianity is being replaced by Islam and not because people are inspired to convert. Yet we have an internet full of cowardly fools eager to jump on the anti-Christian band wagon.
oh dear friend do not let your head boil on just silly debates it is fun to express ideas no matter how weird or odd they are the deaths of 32 people and 7 heads is just part of God's plan a grim and dire reminder for the sinful world to REPENT not to blame anybody but ourselves deliver this sermon to BARRY and NURSEY http://www.abs-cbnnews.com/storypage.aspx?StoryId=74474 i have here the TOP FUGLY thing here ABS-CBN Interactive Metro (as of 2:03 PM) 16 year old is UP valedictorian Finishing with a 1.099 grade point average, 16-year old Mikaela Irene Fudolig finished BS Physics and is scheduled to receive the highest academic honors of summa cum laude at the 96th General Commencement Exercises on the afternoon of Sunday, April 22. She is the youngest student to be graduated by the University in the recent years and one of only two admitted to UPD without a high school diploma and without taking the UP College Admission Test, ANC reported. Fudolig was only 11 years old and a sophomore at the Quezon City Science High School when she was granted permission to enroll at UPD as a non-degree student, having volunteered for a prototype Early College Placement Program the UPD College of Education was spearheading. After earning remarkable grades for an academic year, the Department of Education (DepEd) endorsed her admission to UPD, which was approved by the UP Board of Regents on May 30, 2003. Seven other candidates for graduation will share the highest honors. They are: Ariel Lopéz, BA History (1.107); Deniece Yusun, BS Architecture (1.13); Hannah Hazel Morales, BS Chemistry (1.181); Lorraine Joyce Yu, BS Architecture (1.183); Ma. Lourena Mangaban, BA Philosophy (1.187); Magdalene Lim, BS Business Administration (1.187); and Ivan Chester Canoy, BS Biology (1.194). In addition to the top honors, UPD produced 133 magna cum laude graduates and 638 cum laude. The magna cum laude is conferred to a graduate with a GWA of 1.45 and the cum laude for a GWA of 1.75. Some 3000 candidates for graduation are scheduled to receive their academic degrees at the program. Traffic within the vicinity of the Academic Oval will be rerouted for the event starting at 1 p.m. on April 22.
I see I misinterpreted Improtecteds post. Looks like all sorts are trying to cash in on the incident in VA. Mostly left wingers anti-gun crowd. Fact is the whole class did not laugh and ridicule him he was not the victim of any more bullying than the next guy. As for the guys that did bully him they need to be beat down hard like everyday for a good solid week minimum. The South Korean kid is a victim of buying into the left wing socialist class warfare propaganda however.
it is http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1&click_id=3&art_id=vn20070422090528741C136277 Culture of death April 22 2007 at 09:30AM It is as if we are on autopilot. The ghastly tragedy swamps the news to the exclusion of all else. There are the heartbreaking stories of a university shattered and of the dozens of victims, their mostly young lives cut short so senselessly. We listen to the grief-stricken remarks of the US president and follow the breathless investigation of the perpetrator's background, his history of mental illness. We share the anguished second-guessing about whether his murderous rampage could have been prevented. Yet everything is playing to a script we know by heart. Virginia Tech, of course, is the worst incident of its kind in US history - and, at one level, you would gain the impression from US television that Cho Seung-Hui has literally stopped the world.
Hi Judge. I have a great idea. Lets do some acid together, and I bet we can see eye to eye. I'll drop some Lysergic acid diethylamide, and you take a few hits of Valproic acid. We should be on the same page soon after.
Oh my head hurts with this long HOMILY as if I remember our seminary days 1965-70 I should advise you to read exodus 12:23 the angel of death who killed the first born god's ways are not our ways you must be kidding where is NURSEY who will defend me here I am great [/quote]
Hey had anyone of you been consistently in the frontpages like me maybe the papers are so weird to listen to my LEGAL points: judgefloro KILLED Dirty12 --------- Hey I landed FULL FRONTPAGE here today Proud to be FRONT against the biggest dirty dozen court of appeals justice here I MADE a RECORD again offer this to my 2 friends -barry and nur ------ So your BOREDOM is now entertained by this KILL Monday, April, 23 2007 Ex-judge charges CA ‘Dirty Dozen’ http://www.manilatimes.net/national/2007/apr/23/yehey/top_stories/20070423top1.html By Jomar Canlas, Reporter A former judge has filed administrative charges against 12 justices of the Court of Appeals who are on the Ombudsman’s list of magistrates under watch for corruption. In his complaint to the Supreme Court, former Malabon Regional Trial Court Judge Florentino Floro Jr. identified only one justice and asked the Court to compel Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez to submit the rest of the names on her list. Floro named only Justice Romeo Barza, a former president of the Philippine Judges Association and senior partner of the Carpio Villaraza Cruz Angangaco law office. In his 23-page Verified Disbarment Complaint Floro charged the 12 with gross misconduct, gross ignorance of the law, manifest undue interest, issuing questionable temporary restraining orders and violations of the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards. Floro asked the Supreme Court to conduct a judicial audit on the 12 and place them under preventive suspension. He said he singled out Barza because he believes Barza is the justice Gutierrez referred to as “a former judge known for his indiscriminate and improvident issuance of TROs.” Floro also asked the Court to subpoena this Manila Times reporter to reveal the names on Ombudsman watchlist. The Times had run an article on the “Dirty Dozen” in CA based on the Ombudsman’s list. Floro said he filed the complaint in his capacity as a taxpayer. The Supreme Court had dismissed Floro after he admitted that he consulted with supposed supernatural beings like elves in deciding cases. He said he also based his complaint against Barza from a report by Mercedita G. Dadole-Ignacio, the Cebu CA division clerk of court, to CA Clerk of Court Elisa Pilar-Longalong. Barza reportedly issued five TROs from January 18 to February 26, 2007, or one TRO a week. Based on the records submitted by the 23 CA division clerks of court, Barza issued the string of TROs while assigned in the Cebu CA. Barza is now stationed in Manila. The restraining orders involve the cases of Sun Life of Canada v. National Labor Relations Commission, the Armed Forces v. Yolanda Lauron, Doloreich A. Dumaluan v. Ombudsman Gutierrez, Assumption Iloilo v. Fedy T. Bhuiyan and O.G. Holdings Corp. v. Environmental Management Bureau. The Times tried to reach Barza through his staff, Grace Salamat, but Salamat refused to provide the justice’s cell-phone number. The Ombudsman is monitoring 10 male and two female justices, all assigned in Manila. Chief Justice Reynato Puno has a similar list which includes Cebu CA magistrates. The CA has 69 justices, 51 of which are assigned in Manila. Many of them rose from the lower courts. One justice on the list is a former judge known for the “indiscriminate” and “improvident” issuances of TROs and is connected to a big law office. Another member is being watched for his “lavish” spending and rich lifestyle. One magistrate is a former RTC judge in Quezon City. The two female justices reportedly has “strong connections” in the judiciary and is linked to a big law office and a gambling lord in Central Luzon. They were also seen frequenting big casinos wearing disguises. The other justice fixes cases, with his wife acting as his agent. Another justice handles mainly labor cases. An aging justice reportedly earned a fortune from a series of cases and loves to play golf. The Supreme Court has begun to crack down on “hoodlums in robes” in the Court of Appeals. It has sacked CA Associate Justice Elvi John Asuncion for delays in resolving motions for reconsideration within the required period and the irregular issuance of TROs.
never mind your bipolar and mental aberrations dear friend I am so excited by the HEADLINE I got 70% of frontpage of the MANILA TIMES today april 23 headline my dwarves are so happy to KILL these 12 dirty justices if only I can go to usa I will CUT all the UNCUT and establish a MC DO UNCUT BURGER hey I was banned in hyper stream forum and in 4 bitter guys for berating the wicca and for considering the KOREAN killer a MARTYR oh my god it is better here I can speak like barry and nursey how is the sex life of Nursey?
I am using the above statement from the Judge as proof that this forum corrupts the souls of men. Judge was a decent and moral guy when he first arrived. Now the primal urges have been rekindled, and the wolf is on the prowl. Escape while you can Judge. It only gets worse.
Oh my dear barry, I had been in the computer for 10 hours, coz I was headlined full frontpage today so excited and I emailed more than 100 addresees why should this forum corrupt me it's just that my LINGO or filipino formulation of comment might not have been as palatable for you and I was using UNCUT since I was banned in 4 bitter guys due to my uncomproming stance on wicca and atheism so I accused them of not following science for they are aids prone due to UNCUT and i am just copying some of my statements there re burger of uncut for 20 years which they themselves coined about NURSEY what's wrong about asking sex life coz I was at that time posting replies to asylumnation thread whom do I would sex to? the members summoned my wisdom since i googled and they talked about my a-rising so sex is related to that thread common drink your anti depressants and medicines you need to take a bath and tell me more about nursey he is gone