Oh man, I got the sweetest idea at work today. I got a list of all the sexually abused chicks in my town, so I can go and rape them again. They won't report it because, come on, at that point they'll think it's their fault. AaaAAAwww yeah... :wink:
this leads me to believe one of two things. Eaither you are A: a coucilor of some type or B: a Law Enforcment agent. you as eaither is still shockingly disturbing. If you are in Law Enforcment I hope it's in your native meh-hee-coo!!!!
I doubt he is Law Enforcment he does not have that "cop act" going. If he was a cop of any kind we would have heard about it a million times by now. As cops like to brag. He probally works in records at the court house is my guess.
Nah, he's full of shit. He probably gets unemployment benefits and spends all day in his foil-lined basement masturbating over his rape fantasies and "the end is nigh" delusions.
Beeches, as I've said before I work at the department of family protective services. Not really a list of rape victims, but the sexually abused and their cases, which is just as good. It even comes in a handy-dandy Excel spreadsheet, so I can sort by age depending on what I'm in the mood for, case date if I need someone a little more recently abused, location if I'm low on gas, the possibilities are endless! And the end is nigh.
Well what's nigh? It takes a while to bring down a worldwide economic system and a climate. These guys have spent too much time making it nigh to bungle this up now. When talking apocalypse, nigh can be months, can't it? The climate collapse will take a little longer, but this depression is definitely right around the corner, as is smurfslappa for every innocent soul hurt when it goes down. This is planetary, beech, give it a little more time and I promise your already shitty life will get even shittier. It's not like the signs of the time are going away, only seems to me like more and more keep popping up.
A cooking and food board would be great I love to cook we could share recipes diets and the like. Plus with the people we have from other country's we could learn a lot by our eating habits and learn to like new things.
I'm working on something like that already but it will be much different than just a forum section. You'll see.
I don't think there are enough pop-ups and ads, I think we need more of those... And racial slurs, I think they should be banned. Dwaine keeps scaring away all the homies and jews.